Y. Zhan, L. Li, K. Gu, H. Wu, and M. Yu,An all-fiber multi-parameter sensor for composite structures based on a chirped fibre Bragg grating, Opto−Electron. Rev., 21(3), 283-287, 2013(SCI)
Yage Zhan, Kan Gu, Hua Wu, Muhuo, Yu, An combined long period fiber grating multi-parameter sensor, Sensor Review, 33(3), p.134-140, 2013(SCI)
Yage Zhan Kan Gua, Fu Yanga, Hua Wua, Muhuo Yu, A bubble detection technique based on light intensity and Mie scattering theoryfor spinning solution, Optik, 124, 4236– 4239, 2013 (SCI)
Yage Zhan, Kan Gu, Hua Wu, Muhuo Yu,A polarization maintaining optical fiber Bragg grating multi-parameter sensor, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 14(1), p8-12, 2012 (SCI)
Yage Zhan, Kan Gua, Fu Yang, Hua Wu, Muhuo Yu, A bubble detection technique based on light intensity and Mie scattering theory for spinning solution, Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,124, p 4236-4239,2013 (SCI)
Fu Yang, Jing Zhang, YageZhan, Femtosecond laser range finders based on traditional cross correlation method and frequency resolved dispersion compensation method, Optics Communications, 316,179–189, 2014, (SCI)
Yage Zhan, Jun Luo, Hua Wu, Muhuo Yu, An all-fiber high resolution fiber grating concentration sensor,Optik,123(7), 637–640, 2012(SCI)
Yage Zhan, Jun Luo, Kan Gu, A composite structure multi-parameter sensor based on an embedded fiber grating, Advanced Materials Research, 418-420, 159-164, 2012
Yage Zhan, Muhuo Yu, Jincheng Pei, Xichun Yang, Shiqing Xiang, A Linearity Interrogation Technique with Enlarged DynamicRange for Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing,Optics Communications,283, 3428–3433, (2010) (SCI)
Yage Zhan, Hua Wu, Qinyu Yang, Jincheng Pei, Xichun Yang, “A multi-parameter opticalfiber sensor with interrogation and discrimination capabilities ”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 47(11), 1317-1321, 2009(SCI)
Yage Zhan, Qinyu Yang, Hua Wu, Jianqiu Lei, Peihui Liang, Degradation of beam quality and depolarization of the laser beam in a step-index multimode optical fiber”,Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 120,585-590,(2009) (SCI)
Yage Zhan, Hua Wu, Qinyu Yang, Shiqing Xiang, Hong He, Fiber grating sensors for high-temperature measurement, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 46(4), 349-354 (2008) (SCI)
Yage Zhan, Shaolin Xue, Qinyu Yang, Shiqing Xiang, Hong He, Rude Zhu, A novel fiber Bragg grating high-temperature sensor, Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 119( 11), 535-539(2008) (SCI)
Wu Hua, Yage Zhan, Quantum effect on SrTiO3/BaTiO3/SrTiO3 ferroelectric ultrathin film capacitor, Ferroelectrics, 401(1), 246-248 (2010) (SCI)
Wu Hua, Yage Zhan, Dielectric properties in strained SrTiO3 thin film, Physics Letters A,374 (47) (2010) (SCI )
Hua Wu, Yage Zhan, Huaizhong Xing, Size effect on SrRuO3/BaTiO3/SrRuO3 ferroelectric ultrathin film capacitor, Solid State Communications, 149 (19), 802-805 (2009) (SCI)
Fenghong Yage Junjie Jiyuan Using Au/SiO2 core-shell structure to enhance the fluorescence of MEH-PPV in the detection of nitrated aromatic explosives, Optik, v 124, n 12, p 1338-1341, June 2013
Wu Hua, Zhan Yage, and Zhang Rong “Soft mode behavior in strained SrTiO3 thin film”, IEEEXplore, Issue date 24-27 July 2011, DOI: 10.1109/ISAF.2011.6014148 (IEEE会议论文,EI收录)
Xichun Yang, Jincheng Pei, Yage Zhan, Hong He, Some engineering issues of an FBG sensor with the dual gratings parallel matched interrogation method,Optik, v 120, n 1, p 20-23, January 2009
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Zou Ru-jia, Zhan Ya-ge, Liu Yang, Xue Shao-lin, Enhanced field emission from printed carbon Nanotubes by hard hairbrush, Journal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.), 25(6),612-615,2008
Yage Zhan, Shaolin Xue, Qinyu Yang, “Multiplexed reflective-matched optical fiber grating interrogation technique”, Chinese Optics Letters, 5(3), 135-137 (2007) (SCI&EI)
Yage Zhan, Haiwen Cai, Ronghui Qu, Shiqing Xiang, Zujie Fang, Xiangzhao Wang, “Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor for multiplexed measurement with high resolution”, Optical Engineering, 43(10), 2358-2361 (2004) (SCI&EI)
Jincheng Pei, Xichun Yang, Yage Zhan, Rude Zhu, Shiqing Xiang, “On a fiber grating sensor system with the capacity of cross-sensitivity discrimination”, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 119(12), 565-570 (2008) (SCI&EI)
Yage Zhan, Hua Wu, Ke Ding, “A novel multi-functional fiber grating sensor with self demodulation and discrimination capabilities ”, Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific International Conference on Application of Lasers and Optics, 963-968 (2008) (ISTP&EI)
Yage Zhan, Shiqing Xiang, Hong He, Rude Zhu, Xiangzhao Wang, “Fiber Bragg grating sensor for measurement of elevated temperature”, The proceedings of the third Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications conference and exhibition, SPIE, 5634, 62-67 (2004) (ISTP&EI)
Yage Zhan, Haiwen Cai, Kan Gao, Ronghui Qu, Shiqing Xiang, Zujie Fang, “Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor with enhanced sensitivity”, The proceedings of the third Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications conference and exhibition, SPIE, 5279, 662-667 (ISTP&EI)
Yage Zhan, Haiwen Cai, Shiqing Xiang, Xiangzhao Wang, “High sensitivity fiber Bragg grating sensor for structure health monitoring”, The proceedings of 3rd China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Control, (CJUSHMC’2004)
Yage Zhan, Qing Lu, Shingqing Xiang, Huizhong Feng, Xiangzhao Wang, “On Two Parallel Matched Gratings Demodulation Method of Fiber Grating Strain Sensor”, The 8th Opto Electronics and Communications Conference(OECC’2003, Shanghai), Acta Optica Sinica, 23(10), 793-794 (2003) (ISTP&EI)
Yage Zhan, Haiwen Cai, Shiqing Xaing, Xiangzhao Wang, “Study on metal laminate embedded fiber Bragg grating sensor” The Third International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, ISIST2004 (ISIST2004, Xian, China), 2, 0952-0955 (2004) (ISTP&EI)