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教师简介 冯云婷,女,汉族,1990年9月生。 教育背景 2015.9 – 2019.12 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,管理学博士,工商管理 2017.8 – 2018.7 香港理工大学物流及航运学系,联合培养博士,运营管理 2012.9 – 2015.6 大连理工大学管理与经济学部,管理学硕士,技术经济及管理 2008.9 – 2012.6 兰州大学管理学院,管理学学士,会计学 工作经历 2019.12 – 至今 东华大学旭日工商管理学院,讲师 研究经历 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目,“可持续供应链协同管理与创新“(71632007),2017年1月-2021年12月 INTRODUCTION Yunting Feng is a lecturer at Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University. EDUCATION 2015.9 – 2019.12, Ph.D, Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2017.9 – 2018.6, Joint Ph.D, Department of Logistics & Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2012.9 – 2015.6, M.A., Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology 2008.9 – 2012.6, B.A., School of Management, Lanzhou University Working Experience 2019.12 – present, Lecturer, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Participate in National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program), “Sustainable supply chain coordinated management and innovation” (71632007), 2017.1 - 2021.12




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论文著作 SCI/SSCI检索文章(*通讯作者) Yunting Feng,Kee-Hung Lai, Qinghua Zhu* (2020). “Legitimacy in operations: how sustainability certification announcements by Chinese listed enterprises influence their market value?”International Journal of Production Economics, 224:1-12. Yunting Feng, Xun Tong, Qinghua Zhu* (2020). “The market value of sustainable practices in the luxury industry: An identity mismatch and institutional theoretical perspective” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 137:1-16. Yunting Feng, Qinghua Zhu*, Kee-Hung Lai (2017). Corporate social responsibility for supply chain management: A literature review and bibliometric analysis. Journal of cleaner production, 158: 296-307. Yunting Feng, Yihui Tian, Qinghua Zhu*(2016). “A combined input-output/decision making trial and evaluation laboratory method for evaluating effect of the remanufacturing sector development.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 114: 103-113. Seok-Beom Choi, Yunting Feng*, Junjun Liu, Qinghua Zhu* (2019). “Motivating corporate social responsibility practices under customer pressure among small and medium-sized suppliers in China: the role of dynamic capabilities.” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26: 213–226. Matthias Damert, Yunting Feng*, Qinghua Zhu, Rupert J Baumgartner (2018). “Motivating low-carbon initiatives among suppliers: the role of risk and opportunity perception.” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 136: 276-286. Junjun Liu, Yunting Feng, Qinghua Zhu*, Joseph Sarkis (2018). “Green supply chain management and the circular economy: Reviewing theory for advancement of both fields.” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 48(8): 794-817. Qinghua Zhu*, Yunting Feng, Seok-Beom Choi (2017). “The role of customer relational governance in environmental and economic performance improvement through green supply chain management.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 155: 46-53. 中文文章 朱庆华, 冯云婷, 田一辉 (2014). “基于投入/产出法的中国再制造产业经济影响分析.” 中国软科学, 5:34-43.
