1. Dong Yang*(杨东), Xiaohong Li, Roger J. Jiao, Bill Wang, Decision support to product configuration considering component replenishment uncertainty: A stochastic programming approach,Decision Support Systems, 105(1), pp 108-118, 2018. (SCI,影响因子3.565).
2. Xiaohong Li, Dong Yang*(杨东), A scenario-based stochastic programming approach for the product configuration problem under uncertainties and carbon emission regulations,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 115, 126-146, 2018. (SCI影响因子3.289).
3. Dong Yang, Jianxin (Roger) Jiao, Yangjian Ji, Gang Du, Petri Helo, Anna Valente, Joint optimization for coordinated configuration of product families and supply chains by a leader-follower Stackelberg game, European Journal of Operational Research, 246(1), pp 263-280, 2015 (SCI).
4. Danping Wang, Gang Du, Roger J Jiao., Ray Wu, Jianping Yu, Dong Yang , A Stackelberg game theoretic model for optimizing product family architecting with supply chain consideration, International Journal of Production Economics, vol.172, pp 1-18, 2016.
5. Rui Dai, Mengqi Hu, Dong Yang, Yang Chen, A collaborative operation decision model for distributed building clusters, Energy, 84, pp 759-773, 2015(SCI).
6. Dong Yang, Ming Dong, Applying Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Solve Product Configuration Problems with Cardinality-based Configuration Rules, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 24(1), pp. 99-111, 2013. (SCI impact factor: 1.081).
7. Dong Yan, Syed Zubair Ahmad, Dong Yang, Matthew effect, ABC analysis and project management of scale-free information systems, Journal of System and Software, 86(2), pp 247-254, 2013(SCI).
8. Xiaokun Chang, Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Multi-objective real-time dispatching for integrated delivery in a Fab using GA based simulation optimization, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32(4), pp 741-751, 2013(SCI).
9. Dong Yang, Ming Dong, A Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Approach for Configuring Structural Products under Mass Customization, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.25(8), pp. 1723-1737, 2012. (SCI impact factor:1.665).
10. Dong Yang, Ming Dong, A constraint satisfaction approach to resolving product configuration conflicts, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol.26(3), pp.592‐602, 2012. (SCI impact factor:1.909).
11. Dong Yang, Ming Dong, A hybrid approach for modeling and solving product configuration problems, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 20(1), pp.28-40, 2012. (SCI impact factor: 0.553).
12. Ming Dong, Dong Yang, C-X Wang, X-F Shao, Product line selection and pricing under modular composition choices and inventory pooling strategy, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 225(4), pp. 587-598, 2011(SCI)..
13. Yifan Wu, Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Cross-docking centre operation optimization using simulation-based genetic algorithm, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 225(7), pp. 1175-1187, 2011(SCI).
14. Dong Yang, Rui Miao, Hongwei Wu, Product configuration knowledge modeling using ontology web language, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 36(3): 4399‐4411, 2009. (Times cited: 30, SCI Impact factor: 1.926).
15. Dong Yang, Hongwei Wu; Lixin Tong. UML-based approach for the development of shop floor control systems, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 47(6), 2009.(SCI Impact factor: 0.799).
16. Dong Yang, Ming Dong; Rui Miao. Development of a product configuration system with ontology-based Approach, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 40(8), pp.863-878, 2008. (Times cited: 26, SCI Impact factor: 1.677).
17. Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Ontology-based service product configuration system modeling and development, Expert systems with Applications, vol. 38(9), pp.11770-11786, 2011. (Times cited: 4, SCI Impact factor: 1.926)
18. Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Optimal decisions in product modularity design using real option approach,Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, vol.18(1), 2010. (Times cited: 2, SCI impact factor: 0.553)
19. Rui Miao, Xinyi Zhang, Dong Yang, A conjugate bayesian approach for calculating process capability indices, Expert systems with Applications, Vol.38(7), pp.8099-8104 , 2011. (SCI Impact factor: 1.926)
20. Fenglin He, Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Modeling and Analysis of Reentrant Manufacturing Systems: Micro- and Macro-perspectives, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2011, 2011.Doi:10.1155/2011. (SCI Impact factor: 0.777)
21. Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Product line selection and pricing under modular composition choices and inventory pooling strategy, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, vol. 225(4), pp. 587-598, 2011. (SCI Impact factor: 0.725).
22. Yan, Ye, Dong Yang. An ontology-based architecture for implementing semantic integration of supply chain management, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 21(1),1–18, 2008 (SCI, Times cited: 10).
23. Yan Ye, Dong Yang. Ontology-based semantic models for supply chain management,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 37(11-12): 1250-1260, 2008. ( SCI, Times cited: 8).
24. Yan Ye, Zhibin Jiang, Xiaodi Diao, Dong Yang, Gang Du, An ontology-based hierarchical semantic modeling approach to clinical pathway workflows, Computers in Biology and Medicine,2009 (39), pp. 722 - 732. (SCI, Times cited: 13).
25. Ming Dong, Dong Yang, PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Using Hidden Semi-Markov Model based Times Series Data Mining,Expert systems with Applications, vol. 36:9046-9055, 2009. (SCI, Times cited: 12).
26. Dong Yang, Lixin Tong, Yan Ye, Hongwei Wu. Applying CommonKADS and Semantic Web Technologies to Ontology-based E-government Knowledge Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4185, 2006. (SC1 收录).
27. Yan Ye, Dong Yang, Lixin Tong. A Knowledge- and Workflow-Based System for Supporting Order Fulfillment Process in the Build-to-Order Supply Chains, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4185 (SCI收录, Best Paper Awards), 2006.
28. Dong Yang, Lixin Tong, Yan Ye. Supporting Effective Operation of E-governmental Services through workflow and knowledge management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4255 , 2006.(SCI收录).
29. Dong Yang, Zhang Shen-sheng. Goal-oriented Analysis and Agent-based Design of Agile Supply Chain, Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2642, 2003. (SCI 收录).