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教育背景 2009/04–2012/03,九州大学(日本),综合理工学府,量子专攻,化学工程,工学博士 2004/09–2007/07,中国矿业大学(北京),化学与环境工程学院,化工系,化学工艺,硕士 2000/09–2004/07,中国矿业大学(北京),化学与环境工程学院,化工系,应用化学,学士 研究工作经历 2012/06–至今,中国矿业大学(北京),化学与环境工程学院,化工系,讲师 2011/08–2011/10,中科院过程工程研究所,多相复杂系统国家重点实验室,访问研究员 2009/01–2009/03,九州大学(日本),先导物质化学研究所,访问研究员 2007/07–2008/12,中国化工集团,中化化工科学技术研究总院,工程师 。


以揭示煤炭转化的基本规律,实现煤炭的清洁高效利用为目的,深入解析煤炭转化过程中涉及的基本化学反应、传递、分离、及物性演变等,以此为基础开发煤基衍生物的深度加工利用技术。 1、煤衍生重质有机质的高效转化深加工 2、超临界流体技术在煤转化和产品分离中的应用 3、煤中活性矿物质在煤炭转化过程中的演化行为


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xiongchao Lin*, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Yusuke Nishiyama*, Yonggang Wang, Seongho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Direct Detection of Al–O–Al Structure in Aluminosilicate Specimens: A Use of Homo-nuclear DQMAS, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 45(2), pp:111-123, 2014. (SCI/EI) 2. Xiongchao Lin*, Caihong Wang, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Yusuke Nishiyama, Yonggang Wang, Seongho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Insights into the Functional Group Transformation of a Chinese Brown Coal during Slow Pyrolysis by Combining Various Experiments, Fuel, 118(2), pp:257-264, 2014. (SCI/EI) 3. Xiongchao Lin*, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Yonggang Wang, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, MAS, STMAS and DQMAS NMR Studies of the Thermal Transformation of Kaolinite, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 44(9), pp:1081-1094, 2013. (SCI/EI) 4. Xiongchao Lin*, Analyses of Aluminum Structures in a Chinese Coal Ash and Its Slag by STMAS NMR, Energy Sources, 35(19), pp:1807-1812, 2013. (SCI/EI) 5. Xiongchao Lin, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Hiromichi Takebe, Seong-Ho Yoon*, Isao Mochida, Correlation between Fluidity Properties and Local Structures of Three Typical Asian Coal Ashes, Energy & Fuels, 26(4), pp:2136-2144, 2012. (SCI/EI) 6. Xiongchao Lin, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Yusuke Nishiyama*, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon*, High Magnetic Field Solid-state NMR Analyses by Combining MAS, MQ-MAS, Homo-nuclear and Hetero-nuclear Correlation Experiments, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 50(4), pp:289-294, 2012. (SCI) 7. Xiongchao Lin, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Hiromichi Takebe, Yonggang Wang, Seong-Ho Yoon*, Isao Mochida, Study on Structural and Compositional Transitions of A High Rank Coal ash by Using NMR, Journal of Coal Science and Engineering, 18(1), pp:1-5, 2012. 8. Yong Jiang, Xiongchao Lin, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon*, Isao Mochida, Micro-structural Transformations of Two Representative Slags at High Temperatures and Effects on the Viscosity, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(4), pp:1338-1345, 2014. (SCI/EI) 9. 林雄超*, 王彩红, 田斌, 张书, 周剑林, 王永刚, 脱灰对两种烟煤半焦碳结构及CO2气化反应性的影响, 中国矿业大学学报, 42(6), pp:1040-1046, 2013. (EI) 10. Xiongchao Lin*, Caihong Wang, Jin Miyawaki, Yonggang Wang, Seongho Yoon and Isao Mochida, Analysis of the transformation behaviors of a Chinese coal ash using in-/ex-situ XRD and SEM-EXD, Asia-pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, in press. (SCI/EI) 11. 姜广策,林雄超*, 王中奇, 王永刚*,陈强,朱豫飞, 基于 Hansen溶度参数的煤直接液化残渣超临界萃取研究,高等学校化学学报,刊印中(SCI)
