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1. 个人简介 柏栋予,男,博士研究生 2. 个人经历 2018—至今 重庆文理学院工作 2013—2018 工学博士 四川大学(硕博连读) 2009—2013 工学学士 四川大学 项目: (1)粉末冶金启迪的立构复合型聚乳酸低温烧结成型新方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017-2021,61万,第一主研。 (2)聚合物熔体高效解缠结装置研制及解缠结机理和应用的研究,国家重大科研仪器研制项目,2017-2021,696.86万,参与。 (3)超小型人造黑色素粒子与相关智能水凝胶的设计与制备,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018-2022,62万,参与。 专利: (1)白红伟,傅强,柏栋予,张琴,陈枫,王珂,邓华,具有高结晶度的立构复合型聚乳酸透明制品及其制备方法,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 2015 1 0160661.5 (2)傅强,白红伟,柏栋予,井尧,张琴,一种高性能立构复合聚乳酸静电纺丝纳米纤维膜及其制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号:201710353139.8


研究方向 生物基可生物降解高分子材料的高性能化和多功能化;高分子材料成型技术与理论研究;聚合物纳米复合与共混改性


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

论文: (1)Dongyu Bai, Xingyuan Diao, Yilong Ju, Huili Liu, Hongwei Bai*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Low-temperature sintering of stereocomplex-type polylactide nascent powder: the role of optical purity in directing the chain interdiffusion and cocrystallization across the particle interfaces. Polymer, 2018, under review. (2)Dongyu Bai, Huili Liu, Hongwei Bai*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Low-temperature sintering of stereocomplex-type polylactide nascent powder: effect of crystallinity. Macromolecules, 2017, 19, 7611-7619. (3)Dongyu Bai, Huili Liu, Hongwei Bai*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Powder metallurgy inspired low-temperature fabrication of high-performance stereocomplexed polylactide products with good optical transparency. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 20260. (4)Dongyu Bai, Ke Wang, Hongwei Bai, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Polymer processing via learning from nature and metal metallurgy. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2016, 7, 843-849. (5)柏栋予,白红伟,傅强*. 高分子材料烧结成型研究进展. 高分子通报, 2017, 10, 13-22. (6)Huili Liu, Dongyu Bai, Hongwei Bai*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Manipulating the filler network structure and properties of polylactide/carbon black nanocomposites with the aid of stereocomplex crystallites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 8, 4232-4240. (7)Huili Liu, Dongyu Bai, Hongwei Bai*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Constructing stereocomplex structures at the interface for remarkably accelerating matrix crystallization and enhancing the mechanical properties of poly(L-lactide)/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 13835-13847. (8)Hongwei Bai, Dongyu Bai, Huili Liu, Qin Zhang, Ke Wang, Hua Deng, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*, Fang-Chyou Chiu. Towards high-performance poly(L-lactide)/elastomer blends with tunable interfacial adhesionand matrix crystallization via constructingstereocomplex crystallites at the interface. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 49374-49385. (9)Hongwei Bai, Shihao Deng, Dongyu Bai, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Recent advances in processing of stereocomplex-type polylactide. Macromolecular rapid communications, 2017, 23. (10)Yao Jing, Li Zhang, Rui Huang, Dongyu Bai, Hongwei Bai*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Ultrahigh-performance electrospun polylactide membranes with excellent oil/water separation ability via interfacial stereocomplex crystallization. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 19729-19737.
