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一、基本情况 刘辉,(1989.03- ),男,汉族,中共党员,重庆云阳人,工学博士。 二、学习工作经历 2017.07-至今 重庆文理学院 智能制造工程学院 讲师/副教授(2018.12) 重庆文理学院 群集智能与复杂机电系统研究所 负责人 重庆文理学院 机械工程重点学科建设办公室 主任(2018.03) 2013.02-2017.06 重庆大学 控制理论与控制工程专业 研究生/博士 2012.09-2013.02 重庆大学 控制科学与工程专业 研究生/硕士 2008.09-2012.06 江苏科技大学 电气工程及其自动化专业 本科/学士 三、教学科研方向 主讲课程:电工电子技术基础,信号分析与处理,单片机原理及应用,单片机系统设计实训。 研究工作 1、科研项目 [1]重庆文理学院引进人才项目“面向信息物理融合的复杂机电系统研究”,项目批准号:2017RJD13。(主持) [2]国家自然科学基金面上项目“V2X环境下近信号控制区车辆行驶的信息物理融合机制研究”,项目批准号:61573075。(主研) [3]教育部博士点基金项目“T-CPS下基于宏观交通流理论的路段交通拥堵控制研究”,项目批准号:20120191110047。(主研) [4]重庆市自然科学基金重点项目“交通信息物理系统的理论体系与关键基础研究”,项目批准号:cstc2012jjB40002。(主研) [5]中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项重大项目“T-CPS协同驾驶的机制与评估研究”,项目批准号:106112014CDJZR178801。(主研) [6]重庆市研究生科研创新项目“CPS环境下信息不确定性对交通流稳定性影响研究”,项目批准号:CYB15050。(主研) [7]美国福特汽车公司大学研究计划(URP)项目“A study of evaluation methods of green-driving based on OpenXC”。(主研) [8]重庆市科委工程中心研究计划项目“重庆市交通物联网工程技术研究中心”,项目批准号:CSTC2011pt-gc30005。(主研)




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

科研论文 [1]Liu H, Sun D, Zhao M. Analysis of traffic flow based on car-following theory: a cyber-physical perspective[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 84(2): 881-893.(IF: 3.464; JCR: Q1) [2]Sun D, Liu H, Zhang G. A new lattice hydrodynamic model with the consideration of flux change rate effect[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92(2): 351-358.(IF: 3.464; JCR: Q1) [3]Liu H, Sun D, Liu W. Lattice hydrodynamic model based traffic control: A transportation cyber physical system approach[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016, 461(1): 795-801.(IF: 2.243; JCR: Q2) [4]Sun D, Liu H, Zhang G, et al. The new car following model considering vehicle dynamics influence and numerical simulation[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2015, 26(07): 1550081.(IF: 1.171; JCR: Q3) [5]Liu H, Sun D, Zhao M. A model prediction control based framework for optimization of signaled intersection: A cyber-physical perspective[J]. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(20): 10068-10075.(IF: 0.835; JCR: Q4) [6]Zhang G, Liu H. Effect of current vehicle’s interruption on traffic stability in cooperative car-following theory[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(34): 1750317.(IF: 0.617; JCR: Q4) [7]Yang L Y, Sun D H, Zhao M, Cheng S L, Zhang G, & Liu H. The influence of continuous historical velocity difference information on micro-cooperative driving stability[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 494(2018): 294–301.(IF: 2.243; JCR: Q2) [8]Zhang G, Sun D H, Liu H, et al. Analysis of drivers' characteristics in car-following theory[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2014, 28(24): 1450191.(IF: 0.617; JCR: Q4) [9]Zhang G, Sun D H, Liu W N, & Liu, H. Traffic stability of a car-following model considering driver’s desired velocity[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2015, 29(19): 1550097.(IF: 0.617; JCR: Q4) [10]Sun D, Zhou T, Zhao M, Liu W, Yang Z, Zhang G, & Liu H. A traffic congestion control method in the cyber physical systems[C]//17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). IEEE, 2014: 3156-3160.(EI) [11]Zhang G, Sun D H, Zhao M, Liu H, Chen D & Li Y. Stability Analysis of Car-Following Model with Uncertainty in Perceiving Velocity[M]//Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems. Springer, Cham, 2017: 409-415. [12]Chen D, Sun D, Zhao M, He Y, & Liu H. Weakly nonlinear analysis for car-following model with consideration of cooperation and time delays[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32(21): 1850241.(IF: 0.617; JCR: Q4) [13]Yang L Y, Zhao M, Sun D H, & Liu H. Variable speed limit control scheme for vehicle in the vicinity of signalized intersection[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32(19): 1850218.(IF: 0.617; JCR: Q4) [14]Zhang G, Sun D H, Liu H, et al. Stability analysis of a new lattice hydrodynamic model by considering lattice’s self-anticipative density effect[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 486: 806-813.(IF: 2.243; JCR: Q2)


学术兼职 中国人工智能学会 会员 担任Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation、Nonlinear Dynamics、IET Intelligent Transport Systems、Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications、International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems等SCI期刊及自动化学报(英文版)、International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems等期刊和会议的审稿人。
