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夏继宏,男,汉族。2010.01年在中科院合肥物质科学研究院获得理学博士学位。现为重庆文理学院“电子科学与技术”学科带头人,重庆市物理学会会员。2010.05年至今在电子信息与电气工程学院任教。主要讲授《大学物理》、《热学》、《量子力学》、《普通物理实验》和《C语言程序设计》等课程,指导物理和电子的学生毕业论文等。 在《Physics B》、《Chin. Phys. B》、《Int. J. Mod. Phys B》、《Physical Review E》、《Mod. Phys Lett.B》等学术期刊上发表论文20多篇;主持省部级课题3项;主研国家自然科学基金项目3项以及多个省部级项目。




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主要科研成果如下: 1、J. H. Xia, Xue-mei Gao,Study on the structural transition of CoNi Nano-clusters using molecular dynamics simulations International Journal of Modern Physics B Vol. 32, No. 0 (2018) 1850133 2、J. H. Xia, Xue-mei Gao, Zhengfu Cheng, Xuyang Xiao,Structural properties of CoAl metallic glasses investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Modern Physics Letters B Vol. 29 (2015.01) 1450267 3、J. H. Xia, Zhengfu Cheng, Dongping Shi, Xuyang Xiao, A molecular dynamics study of structural transition of Ti during the rapid quenching process, Physics B 407:2112 (2012). 4、J. H. Xia, et al, Maturing process of solitary wave train in a step-down chain, Chin. Phys. B 21, 024501 (2012). 5、J. H. Xia, et al, Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Local Structure and Diffusion in Liquid TixAl1-x Alloys, Physics B 406:3938 (2011). 6、J. H. Xia, et al, Granular species segregation in tilted compartmentalized container, Int. J. Mod. Phys B 25 3805–3814 (2011). 7、J. H. Xia, et al, A molecular simulation of segregation behaviors of horizontally vibrated binary granular mixtures in the container with sawtooth base, Chin. Phys. B 19(5):056404(2010). 8、Fu ZJ,Jia, LJXia, JH Ruan,Tang, KFirst Principles Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of Pentagonal and Hexagonal Noble Metal Nanowires NANO 116:1650069DOI:JUN 2016 9、PJ Wang,JH Xia,YD Li,CS Liu, Crossover in the power-law behavior of confined energy in a composite granular chain physical Review E 2007,76:041305 10、PJ Wang,YD Li,JH Xia,CS Liu,Characterization of reflection intermittency in a composite granular chain,Physical Review E ,2008,77(1):060301 11、XS Kong,YW You,JH Xia,CS Liu,QF Fang,First principles study of intrinsic defects in hexagonal tungsten carbide,Journal of Nuclear Materials,2010,406(3):323-329 12、ZJ Fu,LJ Jia,JH Xia,HB Ruan,K TangFirst Principles Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of Pentagonal and Hexagonal Noble Metal Nanowires,Nano,2016,11(06) 13、Y Li,J H Xia,G WangH Yuan,H Chen,High-performance giant-magnetoresistance junction with B2-disordered Heusler alloy based Co2MnAl/Ag/Co2MnAl trilayer,Journal of Applied Physics,2015,65(5):2024
