2009.7至今:北京林业大学 副教授
2007.7-2009.7:清华大学 博士后/助理研究员
1. 新型抗植物真菌病害活性物质的筛选及性能研究
2. 高效、环保生物农药多杀菌素和Bt蛋白的应用基础研究
3. 固氮微生物资源的开发及固氮调控机制的研究
4. 微生物法生产丙烯酰胺
1. 国家林业公益性行业科研专项:抗树木枝干溃疡病活性物质的筛选与性能分析,负责人,2013.01-2015.12
2. 北京市科技新星项目:木本药用植物源新型、高效抗真菌病害活性物质的筛选与性能分析,负责人,2011.12-2014.12
3. 教育部中央高效基础研究项目:基于σ70全局转录调控策略强化丙烯酰胺生产菌株的底物/产物耐受性,负责人,2011-20122. 横向课题:生物法生产化学品:丙烯酰胺和3-羟基丙酸,负责人,2011-2013
4. 横向课题:两种广谱生物农药的制备技术,负责人,2011-2013
5. 教育部博士点新教师基金项目:负责人,2010-2012
6. 教育部中央高校基础研究项目: 红色红球菌胆固醇氧化酶的催化机制解析及应用研究初探,负责人,2009.10—2010.10
7. 中国博士后基金面上项目(一等):红色红球菌代谢调控机制的研究。2007.7-2009.7 (023206060), 负责人
8. 中国博士后基金的特别资助:基于绿色荧光蛋白为报告基因研究红球菌启动子特征 (023206060), 负责人
1. Jian Zhang, Ziting Wang, Huimin Yu and Yuchao Ma*. Paenibacillus catalpa sp. nov. isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Catalpa speciosa. Int J Syst Evol Microbio. 2012. Doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.040659-0. IF="2.268"
2. Yuanyuan Hong, Yuchao Ma, Lixian Wu et al. Characterization and analysis of nifH genes from Paenibacillus sabinae T27. Microbiol Res. 2012, 167(10):596-601. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2012.05.003. IF="2.308"
3. Yuchao Ma* and Huimin Yu. Engineering of Rhodococcus cell catalysts for tolerance improvement by sigma factor mutation and active plasmid partition. J Ind Mcriobiol Biotechnol. 2012, 39(10):1421-30. IF="2.735"
4. Jian Zhang, Yuchao Ma* and Huimin Yu. Arthrobacter cupressi sp. nov., an actinomycete isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Cupressus sempervirens. 2012, 62(Pt 11):2731-6. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.036889-0. IF="2.268"
5. Jian Zhang, Yuchao Ma* and Huimin Yu. Nocardioides lianchengensis sp. nov., an actinomycete isolated from soil. 2012, 62(Pt 11):2698-702. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.036723-0. IF="2.268"
6. Yuchao Ma*, Huimin Yu, Wenyu Pan et al. Identification of nitrile hydratase-producing Rhodococcus ruber TH and characterization of an amiE-negative mutant. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101, 285-291. IF="4.98"
7. Yuchao Ma and Sanfeng Chen. Paenibacillus forsythia sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing species, isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Forsythia mira. Int J Syst Evol Microbio. 2008, 58, 319-323. IF="2.66"
8. Yuchao Ma, Jian Zhang and Sanfeng Chen. Paenibacillus zanthoxyli sp. nov., a novel nitrogen-fixing species isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Zanthoxylum simulans. Int J Syst Evol Microbio. 2007, 57, 873-877. IF="2.66"
9. Yuchao Ma, Zhiqiang Xia, Xuming Liu and Sanfeng Chen. Paenibacillus sabinae sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing species isolated from the rhizosphere soils of shrubs. . Int J Syst Evol Microbio. 2007, 57, 6-11. IF="2.66"
10. Yuanyuan Hong,Yuchao Ma and Sanfeng Chen.Paenibacillus Sonchus sp.nov., a novel nitrogen-fixing species isolated from the rhizosphere of Sonchus oleraceus. . Int J Syst Evol Microbio. 2009, 59, 2656-2661. IF="2.66"