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教育背景 2000 – 2003 中国农业大学,园艺学院 果树学 博士 1997 – 2000 山东农业大学,园艺学院 果树学 硕士 1993 – 1997 河北农业大学,园艺学院 果树学 学士 工作经历 2006.06-至今 北京林业大学,林学院森林培育学科 教授 2003.7-2006.5 中国科学院北京植物研究所 博士后 2010-2011年赴美国加州大学伯克利分校做访问学者



专利 [1] 一种提取裸子植物组织中RNA的方法 发明人:张凌云 于彦丽 李彦泽 郑成超 授权专利号: ZL 2009 1 0079897.0 [2] 一种与花粉萌发和/或花粉管生长相关的蛋白及其编码基因与应用 发明人:张凌云 于彦丽 李彦泽 郑成超 授权专利号:ZL 2009 1 0079896.6 [3] 一种向木本植物中引入荧光示踪剂的方法及其专用装置 授权专利号:ZL 2008 1 0117081.8 发明人:张凌云 聂佩显 [4] 青杄转录因子PwHAP5及其编码基因与应用 发明人:张凌云 于彦丽 李彦泽 郑成超 授权专利号:ZL 2010 1 0168584.5 研究项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31872942)NF-Y转录因子调控蓝莓果实成熟过程中花青苷积累的分子机制, 2019/01–2022/12,60万元,主持 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2016ZX08009003-002)抗逆和抗除草剂关键基因克隆及功能验证,2016.1-2018.12,124万元,任务负责人 北京市自然科学基金(6172026) 基于基因组编辑技术的蓝莓NF-Y家族转录因子抗逆功能研究,2017.1-2019.12,20万元,主持 北京林业大学青年教师科学研究中长期项目(2015ZCQ-LX-02) 生物质能源原料林高效标准化培育关键机理与技术研究,2015.10 -2020 .12,150万元,参加


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

发表文章 发表论文70余篇,其中发表SCI论文近30篇,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文17篇。发表中文核心刊物论文40余篇。 [1] Zhang HH, Cui XY, Guo YX, Luo CB, Zhang LY*. 2018. Picea wilsonii transcription factor NAC2 enhanced plant tolerance to abiotic stress and participated in RFCP1-regulated flowering time. Plant Molecular Biology, online. [2] Zhou YN, Cui XY, Hu AN, Miao YH, Zhang LY*. 2018. The characterization and functional analysis of pollen-specific PwSWEET1 in Picea wilsonni. Journal of Forestry Research, online. [3] Wang XY, You HL, Zhang LY*. 2018. The cellular pathway and enzymatic activity for phloem unloading transition in developing Camellia oleifera Abel. Fruit. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40:23. [4] Li LL, Zhang HH, Liu Z, Cui XY, Tong Zhang, Yanfang Li, Zhang LY*.2016. Comparative transcriptome sequencing and de novo analysis of Vaccinium corymbosum during fruit and color development. BMC Plant Biology, 16: 223 [5] Zhang T, Li YF, Zhou YN, Zhang LY*. Cloning and expression analysis of a homologous expansin gene EXP2 in Picea wilsoni. Journal of Forestry Research, 2016, 27(2): 247-255 [6] Zhang T,Liu Y, Zhang D, Luo CB, Zhou YN, Zhang LY*. Overexpression of a NF-YB3 transcription factor from Picea wilsonii confers tolerance to salinity and drought stress in transformed Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2015, 94:153-164 [7] Li LL, Yu YL, Wei J, Huang GX, Zhang D, Liu Y, Zhang LY*. Homologous HAP5 subunit from Picea wilsonii improved tolerance to salt and decreased Sensitivity to ABA in transformed Arabidopsis. . Planta, 2013, 238(2): 345-356. [8] Li Y, Li LL, Fan RC, Peng CC, Sun HL, Zhu SY, Wang XF, Zhang LY* and Zhang DP. Arabidopsis sucrose transporter SUT4 interacts with cytochrome b5-2 to regulate seed germination in response to sucrose and Glucose. Molecular Plant, 2012, 5(5):1029-1041 [9] Yu YL, Li LL, Huang GX, .Meng Z. Zhang D, Wei J, Yan K, Zheng CC, Zhang LY*. The PwHAP5, a CCAAT-binding transcription factor, interacts with PwFKBP12 and plays a role in pollen tube growth orientation in Picea wilsonii.. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 14: 4805–17 [10] Nie PX, Wang XY, Hu LP, Zhang HY, Zhang JX,Zhang ZX, Zhang LY *. The predominance of apoplasmic phloem unloading pathway is interrupted by a symplasmic pathway during Chinese jujube fruit development. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2010, 51(6): 1007–1018 [11] Yu YL, Li YZ, Li LL,Lin JX,Zheng CC,Zhang LY*. Overexpression of PwTUA1, a pollen-specific tubulin gene, increases pollen tube elongation by altering the distribution of α-tubulin and promoting vesicles transport. Journal of Experimental Botany,2009, 60(9):2737–2749 IF:5.3 [12] Zhang LY, Hao HQ, Lin JX. The localization of Rac GTPase in Picea willsonii pollen tubes implies roles in tube growth and the movement of the tube nucleus and sperm cells. Plant Science, 2007, 172: 1210-1217 [13] Zhang LY, Peng YB, Pelleschi ST, Fan Y, Lu YF, Lu YM, Gao XP, Shen YY, Delrot S, Zhang DP. Evidence for apoplasmic phloem unloading in developing apple fruit. Plant Physiology, 2004, 135: 574-586 [14] Zhang LY, Fang KF, Lin JX. Heterotrimeric G-protein α-subunit is localized in the plasma membrane of Pinus bungeana pollen tubes. Plant Science 2005,169: 1066–1073. [15] Zhang LY, Hao HQ, Lin JX. The localization of Rac GTPase in Picea willsonii pollen tubes implies roles in tube growth and the movement of the tube nucleus and perm cells. Plant Science, 2007, 172:1210-1217 [16] Wu GL#, Zhang XY#, Zhang LY#, Pan QH, Shen YY, Zhang DP. Phloem unloading in developing walnut fruit is symplasmic in the seed pericarp and apoplasmic in the fleshy pericarp. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2004, 45 ((10): 1461-1470 [17] Zhang LY,Peng CC, Zou KQ, et al. A monosaccharide transporter is localized to sieve plate and plasmodesmal channel in developing apple fruit. Chinese Science Bulletin 2005, 50(4): 344-347 [18] Fang KF, Zhang LY,Lin JX. A rapid,efficient method for the mass production of pollen protoplasts from Pinus bungeana and Picea wilsonii Mast. Flora, 2005, 201:74-85 [19] 聂佩显,关秋竹,张振贤, 张继祥,张凌云*.2009.冬枣果实韧皮部及其周围薄壁细胞的超微结构观察和功能分析。电子显微学报, 28(4):389-395 [20] 李玲俐,张凌云*. 2010. 青杄花粉管生长过程中囊泡运输与 Ca2+ 分布的细胞学研究。电子显微学报, 29(2):163-166 [21] 张凌云,王小艺,曹一博.2013.油茶果实糖含量及代谢相关酶活性与油脂积累关系分析。北京林业大学学报, 35(4):55-60 [22] 李长江,孙帆,张通,张凌云*. 2013. 青杄PwPSAF的克隆与组织表达分析。林业科学, 49(10):40-47. [23] 曹一博,孙帆,刘亚静,张凌云*.2013.枣果实组织结构及果皮中矿质元素含量对裂果影响。果树学报30(4): 621~626 [24] 曹一博,李艳芳,张凌云*.2013.抗裂性不同的枣果实发育过程中Ca2+分布动态变化。电子显微学报, 32(1): 66-72. [25] 曹一博,李长江,孙帆,张凌云*.2014.抗裂与易裂枣品种内源激素和细胞壁代谢相关酶活性比较。园艺学报, 41(1):139–148 [26] 李长江,崔晓燕,孙 帆,张凌云*.2014.青杄干旱诱导基因PwWDS1的cDNA分离与表达分析.林业科学, 50(4):129-136. [27] 张通,李巧玲,张凌云*.2014.青杄PwEXP1的克隆与表达特征分析。林业科学, 12: 56-62.. [28] 游韩莉,袁义杭,李长江,张凌云*. 2017.青杄MYB转录因子基因PwMYB20的克隆及表达分析. 林业科学, 53(05):23-32. [29] 张鹤华,李艳芳,聂佩显,张凌云*. 2017.蓝莓果实同化物韧皮部卸载路径与糖代谢酶活性.林业科学. 53(3):40-47. [30] 李艳芳,聂佩显,张鹤华,张凌云*.2017.蓝莓果实花青苷积累与内源激素含量动态变化.北京林业大学学报. 39(2): 64-71. [31] 刘中帅, 袁义杭, 张通, 张凌云*.2017.蓝莓转录因子VcMYB21在果实着色及幼苗UV处理中的响应。植物生理学报53 (1): 115–125 [32] 游韩莉,袁义杭,李长江,张凌云*.2017.青杄MYB转录因子基因PwMYB20的克隆及表达分析.林业科学, 53(05):23-32 [33] 张鹤华,刘嘉欣,罗朝兵,张凌云*.2018.青杄转录因子PwERF8及其启动子序列的克隆与分析.林业科学, 54(03):48-60. 专著 [1] 吴国良主编 张凌云参编 2008,中国扁桃研究及高效栽培利用新技术,中国农业出版社. [2] 沈国舫主编,2018,中国主要树种造林技术(第二版),中国林业出版社. 张凌云参与编写青杄、白杄树种.


《北京林业大学学报》编委,中国植物学会植物结构与生殖生物学会委员 ,《生命世界》杂志编委,中国林学会经济林分会理事
