参与教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“我国中学生英语写作中思辨能力表现研究” (14YJA740004)
Zou, M., Li, X. H., & Lee, I. (In press). Blending learning to argue and arguing to learn in EFL writing instruction: A classroom inquiry. In A. Hirvela & D. Belcher (Eds.), Argumentative writing in a second language: Perspectives on teaching, assessment, and research. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.
Zou, M., & Kong, D. (2019). Navigating co-supervision. In M. Dollinger & Mahat Marian (Eds.), Getting the most out of your doctorate: The importance of supervision, networking and becoming a global academic(pp.47-62). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Zou, M., & Yuan, R. (2018). Book review on Portfolio assessment for the teaching and learning of writing . Journal of Second Language Writing, 42, 70-72.
Zou, M., & Kong, D. (2017). Classroom writing assessment and feedback in L2 school contexts. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 35(4), 385-387.
陈则航,邹敏. (2020). 中学英语教材阅读中的思辨能力培养:基于中德两套教材的对比. 《外语教育研究前沿》.
陈则航, 邹敏, 陈思雨, 李晓芳. (2018). 英语写作中的思辨能力表现研究. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
孔德麟, 邹敏. (2017). 香港:实施“T-卓越@hk”计划,培育卓越教学专业团队. 全球教师教育发展通讯, (2), 6-10.
陈则航, 邹敏. (2016). 中学英语教师对批判性思维的理解与教学实施. 中小学外语教学(中学篇), (7), 12-17.
陈则航, 邹敏, 李晓芳, 陈思雨. (2016). 构建英语写作中思辨能力表征框架. 中国外语教育, 9(3), 11-19.
邹敏, 陈则航. (2015). 从中、英作文分析高中学生批判性思维特点[J]. 教育与教学研究, 29(7), 92-97.
陈则航, 邹敏. (2015). 英语专业. 王文斌, 徐浩编著, 2014中国外语教育年度报告(pp. 31-50). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.