Full Professor for Analytical Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, was born in 1951. He received the diploma degree in chemistry from the University of Freiburg in 1976 and PhD from the University of Dortmund 1981. After becoming a lecturer in 1985, he served from 1986 to 1989 as a Professor for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Dortmund. Refusing several calls to different academic and industrial positions, he finally accepted 1989 a call for his current position in Munich.
Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry
Prof. Nießner’s (b. 1951) research field is analytical chemistry. His aim is to implement analytical verification procedures from idea to practicable prototype. His latest work revolves around developing microarray-based procedures and their highly parallel reading with autonomous platforms. He has worked on the development of highly-selective antibodies against highly toxic substances, which are in use worldwide. In the area of lasers, photoacoustic spectroscopy is increasingly being used around the world in modern waste gas monitoring.
Terpene cyclization catalysed inside a self-assembled cavity. Q. Zhang and K. Tiefenbacher. Nature Chemistry, Advanced Online Publication, 16. Februar 2015 - DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2181