1986年7月~1990年7月 南京航空航天大学自动控制系, 学士学位
1995年7月~1997年3月 南京航空航天大学测试工程系, 提前攻博
1997年3月~2000年5月 南京航空航天大学自动控制系, 博士学位
1990年7月~1995年7月 航空航天部第603研究所工作
2000年5月~2002年7月 清华大学电机系博士后流动站工作
2003年6月~至今 北京理工大学自动化学院,从事教学与科研工作
Furong Xiao, Lei Dong, Xiaozhong Liao. A fast reactive current detection method for single-phase grid-connected inverters [J]. IET Power Electronics, 2016, 9(3): 401-407.(SCI)
Dong Lei; Wang Lijie; Khahro Shahnawaz Farhan; Shuang Gao; Xiaozhong Liao. Wind power day-ahead prediction with cluster analysis of NWP [J]. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 60: 1206-1212.(SCI)
Furong Xiao, Lei Dong, Li Li, Xiaozhong Liao. A Frequency-Fixed SOGI Based PLL for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Converters [J]. IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 2017, 32(3): 1713-1719.(SCI)
Wang, YN ; Dong, L; Liao, XZ; Ju, XL; Xiao, FR;Design of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Inductive Power Transfer Systems, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2018, 18(5): 1434-1447.(SCI)
Wang, Yanan; Dong, Lei; Liao, Xiaozhong; Ju, XL; Su, SW; Ma, HW, A Pulse Energy Injection Inverter for the Switch-Mode Inductive Power Transfer System, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS, 2018, 65(7), 2330-2340. (SCI)
Furong Xiao,Lei Dong,Shahnawaz Farhan Khahro,Xiaozhong Liao,A Smooth LVRT Control Strategy for Single- Phase Two -Stage Grid-Connected PV Inverters, Journal of Power Electronics, 2015.2 (SCI)
Ju, X., Dong, L., Huang, X., Liao, X. Switching Technique for Inductive Power Transfer at High- Q Regimes[J] Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 62 , Issue: 4 DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2014.2361806, 2015: 2164 – 2173.(SCI)
Lei Dong, Shuang Gao, Xiaozhong Liao, Yang Gao, Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting with Combined Prediction Based on Chaotic Analysis, PRZEGL?D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), 2012, pp. 35-39;(SCI)
Kun Xie,Lei Dong, Xiaozhong Liao, Zhigang Gao, Yang Gao,Game-based Decentralized Charging Control for Large Populations of Electric Vehicles,Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review),2012.7:252-256;(SCI)
Hao Y , Dong L , Liao X , et al. A novel clustering algorithm based on mathematical morphology for wind power generation prediction[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 136:572-585.(SCI)
Shengyang Liu, Lei Dong, et al. Photovoltaic Array Fault Diagnosis Based on Gaussian Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2019.8(SCI)
Shengyang Liu, Lei Dong, et al.Application of the Variational Mode Decomposition-Based Time and Time–Frequency Domain Analysis on Series DC Arc Fault Detection of Photovoltaic Arrays[J].IEEE ACCESS,2019,7:126177-126190.(SCI)
Hao Ying, Dong Lei﹡, et al. Power Forecasting-based Coordination Dispatch of PV Power Generation and Electric Vehicles Charging in Microgrid,Renewable Energy, 2020, 155: 1191-1210, (SCI)
Liao, Xiaozhong; Lin, Da; Dong, Lei; Ran, Manjie; Yu, Donghui, Analog Implementation of Fractional-order Electric Elements using Caputo-Fabrizio and Atangana-Baleanu Definitions, Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society, 2021(29)7:2150235, (SCI )
Enyu Cai, Lei Dong, and Xiaozhong Liao, A reduced-order model for representing the reactive power response of a doubly fed wind turbine during ZVRT, Journal Of Renewable And Sustainable Energy, 2021, 13(5): 056302, (SCI)
Committee Member of the Education Committee of IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (TEC)
IEEE PES 储能技术委员会(中国)储能系统与装备 技术分委会委员