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教育经历 1995.09 - 1998.06:于南开大学新能源材料化学研究所攻读博士学位。 1992.09 - 1995.06:在南开大学化学系取得硕士学位。 1988.09 - 1992.06:在曲阜师范大学化学系获得学士学位。 工作经历 1998.07 - 2002.12:任中国海洋大学化学化工学院讲师。 2000.07 - 2001.07:于韩国首尔国立大学工程学院从事博士后研究。 2003.01 - 2012.12:担任中国海洋大学化学化工学院副教授。 2013.01 - 至今:任中国海洋大学化学化工学院教授。 2016.08 - 2017.08:以访问学者身份前往美国特拉华大学。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Xiao-Yan Cao, Yuan-Zhe Ni, Jing Li, Ling Li, Yi-Lin Zhao, Gui-Peng Yang. Sorption and distribution performance of organophosphorus compound (Adenosine 5′-monophosphate) on marine sediments. Environmental Pollution. 2022. 2.Hong-Hai Zhang, Xiao-Yan Cao*, He Wang, Zhun Ma, Jing Li, Li-Min Zhou, Gui-Peng Yang.Effect of black carbon on sorption and desorption of phosphorus onto sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019. 3.Xiaoyan Cao, Jiamei Zhu, Min Lu, Chengfeng Ge, Limin Zhou, Guipeng Yang. Phosphorus sorption behavior on sediments in Sanggou Bay related with their compositions by sequential fractionation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019. 4.Xiaoyan Cao⁎, Xiaoyue Liu, Jiamei Zhu, Lisha Wang, Sumei Liu, Guipeng Yang. Characterization of phosphorus sorption on the sediments of Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent areas. Marine Pollution Bulletin.2017. 5.Han, Xiaoqi, Pengxian Han, Jianhua Yao, Shu Zhang, Xiaoyan Cao*, Junwei Xiong, Junnan Zhang, Guanglei Cui*. Nitrogen-doped carbonized polyimide microsphere as a novel anode material for high performance lithium ion capacitors. Electrochimica Acta.2016. 6.Xiaoyan Cao, Guipeng Yang, Shuwei Wei, Hui Han. Sorption of heavy oil onto Jiaozhou Bay sediment. Marine Pollution Bulletin.2011. 7.Xiaoyan Cao, Huayu Han, Guipeng Yang, Xiaofei Gong, Jianning Jing. The sorption behavior of DDT onto sediment in the presence of surfactant cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2011. 8.Xiaoyan Cao, Guipeng Yang, Shuwei Wei, Chunling Li. The electrochemical behavior of expanded graphite electrode in simulated sea water containing oil. J. Applied Electrochim. 2008. 9.Xiaoyan Cao, Ji Hyun Kim, Seung Mo Oh. The effects of oxidation on the surface properties of MCMB-6-28. Electrochimica Acta. 2002. 10.Cao Xiaoyan, Kim Jihyun, Oh Seungmo. The effect of mild oxidation on the electrochemical behaviour of graphitized MCMB. Carbon. 2002.
