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崔聪聪 法学博士 副教授 硕士研究生导师 互联网治理与法律研究中心副主任 中国网络空间安全协会法律与公共政策专业委员会秘书长 北京市互联网纠纷调解委员会调解员 广州市仲裁委员会仲裁员 出版《个人信息保护法研究》等著作五部,在《政法论坛》、《知识产权》等核心期刊上发表个人信息保护法、电子商务法领域的文章二十余篇,主持主研网络法相关课题二十余项。 CUI Congcong is an associate professor and deputy director of Institute of Internet Governance and Law in the School of Humanities at BUPT. He received his Ph.D. in Law at Chongqing University. He is currently the secretary general of Legal and Public Policy Committee of Cyber Security Association of China (CSAC). He also serves as a mediator of Beijing Internet Dispute Mediation Committee and an arbitrator of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission. He has long been engaged in network law research and has published five books including Research on Personal Information Protection Law. He has published more than 20 articles regarding personal information protection law and E-commerce law in the core journals including Intellectual Property and Tribune of Political Science and Law, and has also presided more than 20 research projects related to network law.


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