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米铁男 法学博士 副教授 硕士研究生导师 北京邮电大学互联网治理与法律研究中心研究员 法律图书馆与法律信息研究会研究员 中国网络空间安全协会网络治理与国际合作工作委员会副秘书长 曾访学于俄罗斯联邦莫斯科国立大学和德国弗莱堡马克思普朗克国际刑法研究所。发表CSSCI等核心期刊十余篇,主持《中俄网络空间安全战略》等中央网信办课题、共青团中央课题、校级课题、法学会课题6项,参与各类横向、纵向课题10余项。 MI Tienan is an associate professor and academic adviser for the Master of Laws in the School of Humanities at BUPT. He serves as a researcher of the Internet Governance and Law Research Center at BUPT, a researcher of the Law Library and Legal Information Society of Beijing Law Society, and the vice secretary-general of the Network Governance and International Cooperation Committee of the Chinese Cybersecurity Association. He once studied as a visiting fellow at Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia and at the International Max Planck Research School for the Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany. His research interests are cyberspace law, criminal law and criminal procedure law. He has published more than ten papers in CSSCI-indexed journals. He has presided over six research projects including the “Sino-Russian Cybersecurity Strategy” project funded by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs and those funded by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, colleges and universities or law societies. He also participated in a dozen corporate-funded or government-sponsored research projects.


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