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刘琳琪 文学博士 副教授 硕士研究生导师 美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校访问学者 中国逻辑学会语用学专业委员会会员 中国认知诗学与认知文学研究会会员 近五年,发表CSSCI刊源文章7篇,国际期刊和核心期刊3篇,多篇国际会议论文,并多次主持国际会议分会及论文宣读等。作为项目负责人,主持教育部项目1项,主持校级社科项目、教改项目及横向项目8项。出版学术独著1部,译著1部,教材3本。 LIU Linqi is an associate professor and academic adviser for MA program in the School of Humanities at BUPT. She was the visiting scholar at University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. She received her Ph.D. in Linguistics. She is also a member of China Pragmatics Association and Chinese Association of Cognitive Poetics and Cognitive Literary Studies. Her research interests focus on linguistics and applied linguistics, linguistic theories and practices, pragmatics, and language teaching. In the recent five years, she has published seven (CSSCI) articles, three (international journal and core journals) articles and several articles in conference proceedings. In the meanwhile, she was also invited as session chairs and paper presenters several times in international conferences. As the principal investigator, she is currently leading the following research projects, such as, one project funded by Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of Chinese Ministry of Education, eight projects funded by Social Sciences Projects of BUPT, Teaching Reform Projects of BUPT and Commercial Research Funds. She has authored one academic monograph independently, co-authored one translated book and three textbooks.


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