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卢志鸿 三级教授 硕士研究生导师 外国语言文学”学科负责人(2010~) 校学术委员会委员(2005~) 人文学院学术委员会主任(2008~) 教育部大学外语教学指导委员会委员(2013~) 中国英语教学研究会计算机辅助外语教学专业委员会常务理事(2012~) 曾获北京市级教学名师(2009)、师德先进个人(2006)、部级优秀青年骨干教师(1993)及首届北邮“北京移动奖教金”(2014)等荣誉。 作为第一完成人曾获北京市教学成果奖(2005、2009、2013、2018)、精品教材奖(2006)及“第七届全国多媒体教育软件大奖赛”二等奖(2003);是国家级精品课程负责人(2007)、北京市优秀教学团队带头人(2008);始于2000年的远程英语COD教学是我国最早的网络英语授课课程;主持完成了校级以上课题20多项,其中市部级7项;出版了英语教材及教辅书20部,国内外学术会议发言60多次,发表中英文论文40多篇。 LU Zhihong is the leading professor of “Foreign Language and Culture” in the School of Humanities at BUPT and a member of the National Foreign Languages Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education in China (since 2013). She has authored over 40 research publications and published 20 nationwide English text books.


EFL teaching, CALL, and sociolinguistics


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Cultural Learning: the Smart Way to Study English (2003 through 2005) and Learning English Through Culture: Viewing, Listening, Speaking (2006) are two series course books across China and have received great success. She has led several research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Beijing Municipal Government. She has been involved in online teaching since 2000 and has delivered over 60 conference speeches. She has received many teaching and research awards both at the university and provincial level, including the award for “Beijing Model Teacher” (2006), “Top-quality Textbooks” (2006), “Excellent Teaching Achievements” (2005, 2009, 2013, 2018), and “Beijing Outstanding Teacher” (2009).
