所属部门: 工商管理
学科领域: 管理科学与工程
2004.9 - 2007.7 北京航空航天大学金融工程专业获博士学位
1999.9-2002.7 中国海洋大学会计学专业获硕士学位
1994.9 - 1998.7 中国石油大学会计学专业获学士学位
1. 国家自然科学基金项目:“基于合作博弈的公共投资优化理论与绩效评价研究”,2011-01-01至2013-12-31,项目负责人
2. 北京市自然科学基金项目:“北京市广义公共投资多目标多约束优化配置模型与应用”,2009-12-09至2011-06-30,项目负责人
(1) Tian Lei, Huang Hai. Optimal allocation of public investment and objectives of the government. Proceedings of 2010 6th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2010, v 8, p 4118-4121, 2010. (EI检索号: 20104613375987)
(2) Tian Lei, Huang Hai. Efficiency and Equity under Public Investment Policy, 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2010. (EI检索号: 20104813438221)
(3) Huang Hai, Tian, Lei, Wu Wei, Sun Songlin, Jing Xiaojun. Node localization for distributed simulation based on logical node group in simulation grid. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 6249 LNCS, p 298-306, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on E-learning and Games, Edutainment 2010. (EI检索号: 20103813239085)
(4) Huang Hai, Tian Lei, Wu Wei, Sun Songlin, Jing Xiaojun. Genetic algorithm for scheduling of interactive tasks in simulation grid. Proceedings of 2010 WASE International Conference on Information Engineering, ICIE 2010, v 1, p 30-33, 2010. (EI检索号: 20104413342703)
(5) Tian Lei, Huang Hai. Multiple Objectives in a Public Investment Model, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer and Management, CAMAN, May 19-21, 2011.(已录用, EI源)
(6) Tian Lei, Huang Hai. Public Investment of the Governments and Macro-economic Growth, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer and Management, CAMAN, May 19-21, 2011. (已录用, EI源)
(7) Tian Lei, Huang Hai. How Public Investment Promotes Growth, Proceedings of 2011 International Workshop on Economics, IWE, May 6-8, 2011. (已录用, EI源)
(8) Tian Lei, Huang Hai. Income, Income gap, and Employment under Public Investment, Proceedings of 2011 International Workshop on Economics, IWE, May 6-8, 2011. (已录用, EI源)
(9) Huang Hai, Tian Lei. Scheduling based Resource Optimization in Networked Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on VR innovation, ISVRI, March 19–20, 2011(新加坡会议论文,已录用, EI源)
(10) Tian L, Liu LL, Han LY, Huang H. A Genetic Algorithm-Based Double-Objective Multi-constraint Optimal Cross-Region Cross-Sector Public Investment Model. International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2006), Springer LNCS vol. 4222, pp. 470-479, 2006. (SCI检索号: BFH68, EI检索号: 064410206764, ISTP检索号: BFH68)
(11) Tian L, Han LY, Huang H. Multi-objective Optimal Public Investment: An Extended Model and Genetic Algorithm-Based Case Study. To be appeared in proceedings of International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms (ICANNGA 2007), Springer LNCS vol. 4431, pp. 314-322, Warsaw, Poland, April 11-14, 2007.
(12) 田耒,韩立岩:《人均收入差距导向的投资战略》,《数量经济技术经济研究》,2007年第4期