2012-2013年 任阿姆斯特丹大学暑期学校助教
2015-2016年 阿姆斯特丹大学社会与行为科学学院访问学习一年
2016年 意大利国家研究委员会人口与社会政策研究中心访问学习半年
汤爽爽, 周婧*, 邓颖慧, 许琪琪. 江苏省流动人口城—镇—乡分布的时空分异与影响因素[J]. 地理学报, 2022, 77(12): 3055-3071. (CSSCI, 地理科学排名第一)
S Tang, J Zhou*, O Druta, X Li (2022) Settlement in Nanjing among Chinese rural migrant families: The role of changing and persistent family norms, Urban Studies. (SSCI, IF:4.4, JCR Q1)
Tang, S., Lee, H. F., Huang, X., & Zhou, J*. (2022). Poverty Stories of rural households in China: The case of North Jiangsu. Journal of Rural Studies, 91, 1-9. (SSCI, IF:5.2, JCR Q1)
Zhou, J. and Tang, S., 2022. Attitudes towards rural migrants and their influence on return migration in China. Population, Space and Place, 28(3), p.e2509. (SSCI, IF:2.6, JCR Q2)
Tang, S., Zhou, J*., Lin, S. and Li, X., 2022. Where is my home? Sense of home among rural migrant women in contemporary China. Geoforum, 129, pp.131-140. (SSCI, IF:3.9, JCR Q1)
Zhou, J., Lin, L., Tang, S. and Zhang, S., 2021. To settle but not convert hukou among rural migrants in urban China: How does family-level eligibility for citizenship benefits matter?. Habitat International, 120, p.102511. Habitat International. (SSCI, IF:5.2, JCR Q1)
Zhou, Jing, Rowan Arundel, Shuhai Zhang*, Qiong He, and Yilin Yang, 2021. "Intra-national citizenship and dual-hukou strategies among migrant families in China." Habitat International 108 (2021): 102-311. (SSCI, IF:5.2, JCR Q1)
《返岗复工遇梗阻?农民工有这些心头盼》第一作者 人民日报政文 2020年4月1日
《让农民工返岗顺利干活安心》专家受访 人民日报 第七版 2020年4月13日
周婧, 刘文玲, 2020. 复工潮下,对弱势流动人口的管控应有温度, 探索与争鸣公众号. (转载:《文化纵横》和腾讯网, 收录于“中国智库网”(DRC国务院发展研究中心主办))
Zhou, J.*. (2018) The New Urbanisation Plan and Permanent Urban Settlement of Migrants in Chongqing, China, Population Space and Place, 24(6):1-13. (SSCI, IF:2.6, JCR Q2)
Zhou, J. *, & Musterd, S. (2018). Housing preferences and access to public rental housing among migrants in Chongqing, China. Habitat International, 79: 42-50. (SSCI, IF:5.2, JCR Q1)
Zhou, J. *, & Ronald, R. (2017). The resurgence of public housing provision in China: the Chongqing programme. Housing Studies, 32(4):428-448. (SSCI, IF:2.7, JCR Q3)
Zhou, J. *, & Ronald, R. (2017). Housing and Welfare Regimes: Examining the Changing Role of Public Housing in China. Housing, Theory and Society, 34(3), 253-276. (SSCI, IF:2.7, JCR Q3)
周婧, 杨庆媛*.农户层面农村宅基地流转研究进展与述评 地理科学进展 2012, Vol. 31(2): 139-148.
周婧, 杨庆媛*, 信桂新等.贫困山区农户兼业行为及其居民点用地形态——基于重庆市云阳县568户农户调查 地理研究. 2010, 29 (10): 1767-1779. (CSSCI,截止2022被引136次)
周婧, 杨庆媛*, 张蔚 等. 贫困山区不同类型农户对宅基地流转的认知与响应: 基于重庆市云阳县568 户农户调查. 中国土地科学, 2010(9): 11-17. (CSSCI, 截止2022被引143次)
任Urban Studies, Habitat International; Housing Studies; Housing, Theory and Society; Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, International Journal of Social Welfare, 等SSCI期刊审稿人