沈智扬,男,汉族,1986年7月生,安徽安庆人。获得法国国家科学研究中心、里尔第一大学经济学博士学位,法国国家科学研究中心、科学经济与管理学院(CNRS-LEM/IESEG UMR 9221)经济学博士后。
2020年加入北京理工大学管理与经济学院开始教学科研工作,围绕效率与生产率估计、数字经济、银行与金融等领域,在国际高水平期刊发表论文60余篇,其中30余篇发表于AJG/ABS 3星/ 4星期刊,包括《European Journal of Operational Research》《Decision Sciences》《OMEGA》《International Journal of Production Economics》《Ecological Economics》《Energy Economics》《Annals of Operations Research》《Journal of Business Research》《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》等。
Song, M., Zhou, W., Upadhyay, A., and Shen, Z.* (2023). Evaluating hospital performance with plant capacity utilization and machine learning, Journal of Business Research, 159, 113687.
Bale?entis, T., Kerstens, K., and Shen, Z.* (2022). Economic and Environmental Decomposition of Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Total Factor Productivity Indicator: Empirical Analysis of Chinese Textile Firms with a Focus on Reporting Infeasibilities and Questioning Convexity, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming.
Shen, Z., Bale?entis, T.*, and Streimikis, J. (2022). Capacity Utilization and Energy-related GHG Emission in the European Agriculture: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach, Journal of Environmental Management, 318, 115517.
Wang, Z., Song, Y., and Shen, Z.* (2022). Global sustainability of carbon shadow pricing: the distance between observed and optimal abatement costs, Energy Economics, 110, 106038.
Shen, Z., Vardanyan, M., Bale?entis, T., Wang, J.* (2021). Analyzing the Tradeoff between the Economic and Environmental Performance: the Case of Chinese Manufacturing Sector, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming.
Kerstens, K., Shen, Z.* (2021). Using COVID-19 Mortality to Select Among Hospital Plant Capacity Models: An Exploratory Empirical Application to Hubei Province, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 166, 120535.
Bale?entis, T., Blancard S., Shen, Z.*, ?treimikien?, D. (2021). Analysis of environmental total factor productivity evolution in European agricultural sector, Decision Sciences, 52(2), 483–511.
Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H., Ferrier, G., and Shen, Z.* (2020). An Expanded Decomposition of the Luenberger Productivity Indicator with an Application to the Chinese Healthcare Sector, OMEGA, 91, 102010.
Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H., Shen, Z.*, Vardanyan, M., Zhu, N. (2019). Decomposing banking performance into economic and credit risk efficiencies, European Journal of Operational Research, 277, 719–726.
Shen Z.*, Boussemart J.-P., Leleu H. (2017). Aggregate green productivity growth in OECD's countries, International Journal of Production Economics, 189, 30–39.