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魏一鸣,廖华等. 中国能源报告2010: 能源效率研究.北京: 科学出版社, 2010.(负责第9章的研究和执笔)
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Liu, L.C., Liang, Q.M.*, Wang, Q., 2015. Accounting for China's regional carbon emissions in 2002 and 2007: production-based versus consumption-based principles. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103: 384-392.
Liang, Q.M., Yao, Y.F., Zhao, L.T., Wang, C., Yang, R.G., Wei, Y.M., 2014. Platform for China Energy & Environmental Policy Analysis: A general design and its application. Environmental Modelling & Software, 51: 195-206.
Liang, Q.M., Liu, M., Liu, L.C., 2014. The Dynamic Features of Final Demand Carbon Footprint in China from 1997–2010—An Input–output Analysis. Energy Procedia, 61: 1075-1079.
Wang, Q., Liang, Q.M.*, 2014. Will a carbon tax hinder China's efforts to improve its primary income distribution status? Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. In Press.
Liu, W.X., Wang, Q., Liang, Q.M.*, Wei, Y.M., 2014. China’s Regional Carbon Emission Intensity Decomposition System. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 37(5/6): 319-337.
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Fan, J.L., Liang, Q.M., Wang, Q., Zhang, X., Wei, Y.M., 2014. Will export rebate policy be effective for CO2 emissions reduction in China? A CEEPA-based analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. In Press.
Fan, J.L., Liang, Q.M., Liang, X.J., Tatano, H., Kajitani, Y., Wei, Y.M., 2014. National vulnerability to extreme climatic events: the cases of electricity disruption in China and Japan. Natural Hazards, 71(3): 1937-1956.
Yao, Y.F., Liang Q.M., Yang, D.W., Liao, H., Wei, Y.M., 2014. How China’s current energy pricing mechanisms will impact its marginal abatement costs? Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, In Press.
Yao, Y.F., Wei, Y.M., Liang, Q.M., Zhai, S.X. Sharing mitigation burden among sectors in China: Results from CEEPA.已被Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy接收.
Johansson, D.J.A., Lucas, P.L., Weitzel, M., Ahlgren, E.O., Bazaz, A.B., Chen, W.Y., den Elzen, M.G. J., Ghosh, J., Grahn, M., Liang, Q.M., Peterson, S., Pradhan, B.K., van Ruijven, B.J., Shukla, P. R., van Vuuren, D.P., Wei, Y.M., 2014. Multi-model comparison of the economic and energy implications for China and India in an international climate regime. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. In Press.
Liang, Q.M.*, Wang, Q., Wei, Y.M., 2013. Assessing the distributional impacts of carbon tax among households across different income groups: The case of China. Energy & Environment, 24 (7&8):1323-1346.
杨帆,梁巧梅*,2013. 中国国际贸易中的碳足迹核算. 管理学报, 10(2): 288-292, 312.
Fan, J.L., Liao, H., Liang, Q.M., Tatano, H., Liu, C.F., Wei, Y.M., 2013. Residential carbon emission evolutions in urban–rural divided China: An end-use and behavior analysis. Applied Energy, 101: 323-332.
樊静丽,张贤,梁巧梅*,2013. 基于CGE 模型的出口退税政策调整的减排效应研究. 中国人口·资源与环境, 23(4):55-61.
Jiao, J.L., Qi, Y.Y., Cao, Q., Liu, L.C., Liang, Q.M., 2013. China's targets for reducing the intensity of CO2 emissions by 2020. Energy Strategy Reviews, 2 (2): 176-181.
何森雨,杨瑞广,梁晓捷,赵鲁涛,梁巧梅,2013. 国际石油价格长期趋势预测系统的研制与应用. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 15(3): 13-20.
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姚云飞, 梁巧梅,魏一鸣, 2012. 国际能源价格波动对中国边际减排成本的影响:基于CEEPA模型的分析. 中国软科学, (2):156-165.
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Liang, Q.M., Fan, Y., Wei, Y.M., 2009. The effect of energy end-use efficiency improvement on China’s energy use and CO2 emissions: A CGE model-based analysis. Energy Efficiency, 2(3): 243-262.
Wei, Y.M., Liang, Q.M., 2009. A new approach to energy modelling: the SE3T system and its multi-objective integrated methodology. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 31(1): 88-109.
Liang, Q.M., Tsuchiya, S., Tatano, H., Okada, N., Wei, Y.M., 2008. An Application of SCGE Model to Assess the Labor and Capital Related Economic Loss in Nankai Earthquake. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 8: 412-423.
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Liang, Q.M., Fan, Y., Wei, Y.M.,2007. Multi-regional input–output model for regional energy requirements and CO2 emissions in China. Energy Policy,35(3):1685-1700.
Fan, Y., Liang, Q.M., Wei, Y.M., Okada, N., 2007. A model for China's energy requirements and CO2 emissions analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(3): 378-393.
Fan, Y., Jiao, J.L., Liang, Q.M., Han, Z.Y., Wei, Y.M., 2007. The impact of rising international crude oil price on China’s economy: an empirical analysis with CGE model. International Journal of Global Energy Issues,27(4):404-424.
Wei, Y.M., Liang, Q.M., Fan, Y., Okada, N., Tsai, H.T., 2006. A scenario analysis of energy requirements and energy intensity for China's rapidly developing society in the year 2020. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 73(4): 405-421.
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