北京理工大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师。研究方向为分布参数系统控制理论应用及系统可靠性。目前担任中国兵工学会应用数学专业委员会委员,全国工业统计学教学研究会理事。先后主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金;作为主要成员先后参与完成了“航天预先研究基金项目”以及“总装备部重点基金项目”等国防项目多项。主持的微积分MOOC被教育部认定为“国家精品在线开放课程”。获“第二届北京市高等学校青年教学名师奖”; 作为带头人获北京高校优秀本科育人团队;获“国家国防科技工业局科技进步二等奖”。
Zheng, Huiling; Xu, Houbao; Reliability analysis for degradation and shock process based on truncated normal distribution, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 51(8): 4241-4256, 2022.
Huo, Huixia; Xu, Houbao; Chen, Zhuoqian; Modelling and dynamic behaviour analysis of the software rejuvenation system with periodic impulse. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems. 27(1): 522-542, 2021.
Li, Mei; Xu, Houbao; Reliability analysis for gap null gate on model comparison criterion[J]. Journal of Applied Statistics. 47(8): 1493-1509, 2020.
李梅; 徐厚宝; 基于Logistic模型的间隙零门可靠性窗口分析.系统工程理论与实践, 39(2): 531-538, 2019.
Zheng, Huiling; Xu, Houbao; Reliability analysis for MOSFET based on Wiener process. Proceedings of the IEEM 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, December 16-19, 2018.
王亭; 徐厚宝; 李泠泽; 陈贺; 性能退化数据下的VDMOS可靠性分析. 数学的实践与认识. 47(7): 161-167, 2017.
徐厚宝; 武赞; 陈思百; 微积分MOOC数据的统计分析研究. 数学的实践与认识. 46(21): 285-291, 2016.
Xu, Houbao; Availability analysis for software system with intrusion tolerance, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 252: 64-76, 2015.
Xu, Houbao; Hu, Weiwei ; Analysis and approximation of a reliable model, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 37(1): 3777-3788, 2013.
Xu, Houbao; Hu, Weiwei ; Modelling and analysis of repairable systems with preventive maintenance, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 224: 46-53, 2013.
Guo, Lina; Xu, Houbao; Gao, Chao; Zhu, Guangtian; Further research of a new kond of series repairable system. Journal of System Science Complex. 25: 744-758, 2012.
Xu, Houbao; Modelling and well-posed analysis for software system with rejuvenation. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems. 17(6): 583–600, 2011.
Guo, Lina; Xu, Houbao; Gao, Chao; Zhu, Guangtian; Stability analysis of a new kind n-unit series repairable system. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 35: 202?217, 2011.
Guo, Lina; Xu, Houbao; Gao, Chao; Zhu, Guangtian; Stability analysis of a new kind series system. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. 75: 439?460, 2010.
Xu, Houbao; Hu, Weiei; Availability optimisation of repairable system with preventive maintenance policy, International Journal of Systems Science. 39(6): 655–664, 2008.
Xu, Houbao; Hu, Weiei; Yu, Jingyuan; Zhu Guangtian; Exponential stability of a reparable multi-state device. Journal of System Science and Complexity. 20(3): 437-443, 2007.
Xu, Houbao; Stability analysis of a k-out-of-N:G reparable system. ANZIAM Journal. 48: 271-284, 2006.
Xu, Houbao; Yu, Jingyuan; Zhu, Guangtian. Asymptotic property of a reparable multi-state device. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. 63(4): 779-789, 2005.