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教育背景 1984/4–1986/11, 东京大学, 机械工程, 博士 1975/4–1977/3, 东京大学, 信息工程, 硕士 1971/4–1975/3, 东京大学, 数理专业, 学士 工作经历 2016/9-至今,北京理工大学,机电学院,教授 博导 1997/4-2016/8,大阪大学,基础工学,教授 1992/4-1997/3,日本通产省,工业技术研究院,高级研究员/国立机械工程研究中心主任 1986/11-1987/10,麻省理工学院,机械工程,客座科学家 1984/4-1997/3,日本通产省,国家项目管理局,高级研究员 1977/4-1984/3,日本通产省,工业技术研究院,研究员 所获奖励 IEEE Fellow(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)电气和电子工程师协会会士 Funai Award of Mechanical Engineers, 2010 Science and Technology Minister’s Award, 1995(表彰为振兴日本科学技术做出重要贡献的科学家) Annual Best Paper Award on Advanced Robotics of the Robotics Society of Japan, 2013(每年仅评选出一篇) Academic Achievement Award of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002 Annual Best Paper Award of Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2011




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著作 Hyper Bio Assembler for 3D Cellular Systems, Springer, 2015? Mechatronics for Safety, Security, and Dependability in a New Era, Elsevier, 2007. Systems and Human Science for Safety, Security, and Dependability, Elsevier, 2005. 代表性期刊论文 X. Tang, X. Liu*, P. Li, D. Liu, M. Kojima, Q. Huang, and T. Arai, “Efficient Single Cell Mechanical Measurement by Integrating a Cell Arraying Microfluidic Device with Magnetic Tweezer” IEEE Robotics & Automation Letters, 2021, 6(2):2978-2984.(影响因子:3.7) P. Li, X. Liu*, D. Liu, X. Tang, F. Liu, M. Kojima, Q. Huang, and Tatsuo Arai, “In-situ Bonding of Multilayer Microfluidic Devices Assisted by a Fully-Automated Aligning System”, IEEE Robotics & Automation Letters, 2021, 6(2):2611-2617.(影响因子:3.7) P. Li, X. Liu*, M. Kojima, Q. Huang, and Tatsuo Arai, “Automated Cell Mechanical Characterization by On-Chip Sequential Squeezing for Cancer Cell Recognition: from Static to Dynamic”, ACS Langmuir, 2021(影响因子:3.9, 封面文章) F. Liu, X. Liu*, Q. Shi, C. Maffeo, M. Kojima, L. Dong, A. Aksimentiev, Q. Huang, T. Fukuda, and T. Arai, “A Tetrahedral DNA Nanorobot with Conformational Change in Response to Molecular Trigger”, Nanoscale, 2021. (中科院SCI分区Top,影响因子:7.8,封面文章) X. Liu*, T. Yue, M. Kojima, Q. Huang*, T. Arai, Bioassembling and Bioprinting for Engineering Microvessels from the Bottom Up, International Journal of Bioprinting, 2021, 7(3):366, doi: 10.18063/ijb.v7i3.366. (SCI,JCR分区Q1,影响因子:6.6) Y. Li, X. Liu*, Q. Huang, and T. Arai, “Controlled rotation of micro-objects using acoustically driven microbubbles”, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 118(6):063701. (中科院SCI分区Top,影响因子:3.8) X. Tang, X. Liu*, P. Li, F. Liu, M. Kojima, Q. Huang, and T. Arai, “On-Chip Cell-Cell Interaction Monitoring at Single Cell Level by Efficient Immobilization of Multiple Cells in Adjustable Quantities”, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(17):11607–11616.(中科院SCI分区Top,影响因子:7.0,封面文章) Y. Li, X. Liu*, Q. Huang, A. T. Ohta, T. Arai, “Bubbles in Microfluidics: an All-Purpose Tool for Micromanipulation”, Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21:1016-1035. (中科院SCI分区Top,影响因子:6.8,封面文章) D. Liu, X. Liu*, P. Li, X. Tang, M. Kojima, Q. Huang, and Tatsuo Arai, “All-Purpose Magnetic Micromanipulation System with Two Modes: Chopstick-Like Two-Finger Microhand and Hydrodynamic Tweezer.” IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2021.3090661. (中科院SCI分区Top,影响因子:5.3) X. Liu, Q. Shi, Y. Lin, M. Kojima, Y. Mae, T. Fukuda, Q. Huang, T. Arai "Multifunctional Noncontact Micromanipulation Using Whirling Flow Generated by Vibrating a single Piezo Actuator." Small, 2019, 15:1804421.(中科院SCI分区Top,影响因子:13.3,封面文章)


President of Council for Construction Robot Research (2012-present) Vice president of International Association of Automation and Robotics in Construction (2004-2006) (该学会创始人之一) Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (2007-2013) Deputy Editor-in-Chief of ROBOMECH Journal (2014-present) Editor of IEEE/RAS International Conference Program Board (2014-present) IEEE the Robotics Society of Japan Distinguished Lecturer (2008-2010)
