2022.07-至今 北京理工大学宇航学院研究员
2004.03-2022.07 北京理工大学宇航学院副教授
2005.02-2005.07 欧盟“玛丽.居里”计划高级访问学者
2001.10-2004.03 北京理工大学,兵器科学与技术博士后流动站博士后
Hou XY,HU J,YU Y. Numerical study on ring slot parachute finite mass inflation process and wake recontact phenomenon. Aerospace Science and Technology 128:107763(13pp),2022
Wang, SJ , Hu, J, Huang, C, Yu, Y,Graphics processing unit-accelerated smoothed particle hydrodynamics—Finite difference method and the application for the flow around a cylinder with forced motions. Physics of Fluids 33, 127122 (2021)
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HU J, XUAN H B, YU Y, ZHANG J L. Effects of continuously increasing pitching and plunging amplitudes on the aerodynamic forces of flapping airfoils [J]. AIP Advances, 2019, 9(8): 085008.
Jun Hu, Haibin Xuan, Kwok K. C. S. Yong Yu. Study of wind flow over a 6?m cube using improved delayed detached Eddy simulation [J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018, 179 463-74.
Tan Ren, Jun Hu, Tao Xiong, Jingmei Qiu. Runge-Kutta Central Discontinuous Galerkin BGK Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations[J]. Journal of Computational Physics. 2014, 274:592–610. [3] Tan Ren, Jun Hu(导师), Tao Xiong, Jingmei Qiu. Runge-Kutta Central Discontinuous Galerkin BGK Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations[J]. Journal of Computational Physics. 2014, 274:592–610.
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胡俊,任坦,王双峰,肖原. 不同高度通道内热薄燃料火焰传播特性的研究[J]. 宇航学报,2012,33(7): 876-883.
肖原,胡俊,王双峰,赵建福. 微重力下热薄材料燃烧特性的窄通道实验研究[J]. 宇航学报,2010,31(7):1877-1882.