绿色化学、新型催化剂的合成与表征。师从Brent Shanks和美国工程院院士James Dumesic教授,长期从事生物质(农业秸秆,林产废料等)催化定向转化制备生物基化学品和生物能源的研究。在纳米碳材料(介孔碳、石墨烯、碳纳米)和杂原子分子筛(Sn-beta)等催化材料合成与表征方面有深入研究,发表系列论文并授予美国专利一项(已经创办Glucan Biorewables公司进行工业化生产)。
Catalytic Dehydration of C6 Carbohydrates for the Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF) as a Versatile Platform Chemical, Green Chemistry, 2014
The use of antibody modified liposomes loaded with AMO-1 to deliver oligonucleotides to ischemic myocardium for arrhythmia therapy, Biomaterials,2014
Tamoxifen Embedded in Lipid Bilayer Improved the Oncotarget of Liposomal Daunorubicin in vivo, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2013
Tuning the Location of Niobia/Carbon Composites in a Biphasic Reaction: Dehydration of d-Glucose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, Catalysis Letters, 2013
Kinetics of monosaccharide conversion in the presence of homogeneous Bronsted acids, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013
Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Glucose Using a Combination of Lewis and Br?nsted Acid Catalysts in Water in a Biphasic Reactor with an Alkylphenol Solvent, ACS Catalysis, 2012
Water-compatible Lewis acid-catalyzed conversion of carbohydrates to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in a biphasic solvent system”, Topics in Catalysis, 2012