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王丽丽,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,化学专业负责人,无机教研室主任。2011年获东北林业大学生物材料工程专业博士学位;2012年进入哈尔滨工程大学材料化学博士后流动站;2014-2015年在加拿大Ryerson(瑞尔森)大学环境与分析化学实验室做访问学者工作一年;主讲《无机化学1》、《中级无机化学》、《化学专业导论》、《无机功能材料》《无机化学实验》、《无机及分析化学实验》等本科和研究生课程,主持《无机化学》精品课程和思政课程建设项目。获东北林业大学教学成果奖、教学质量优秀奖等奖励。 科研方向: 科研成果:科研成果包括获黑龙江省科学技术奖1等奖1项,主持国家自然基金项目1项,中国博士后特别资助项目1项,科学前沿与交叉学科创新基金2项,博士后科研启动基金1项,青年教师自主创新基金1项。出版专著1部,副主编教材2部,授权发明专利3项,授权实用新型专利2项,发表教育教学论文和SCI收录科研论文多篇。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Yali Ji, Huimin Zhang, Canfu Zhang, Zhiyi Quan, Min Huang and Lili Wang *, Fluorescent and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Quantum Dots Modified Sodium Alginate- Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Nanocomposite Bio-Polymer Films,Polymers, 11, 1476, 2019. (SCI) [2] Jia Xu, Bin Li1, Tiqi Zhao, Tianyi Li, Lili Wang*, Thermal and hydrophobic properties of glycerol stearate-modified Pinus radiata wood, J. For. Res. 30(4):1521-1525,2019. (SCI) [3] LiLi Wang *, Na Li, Tiqi Zhao, Bin Li and Yali Ji, Magnetic Properties of FeNi3 Nanoparticle Modified Pinus radiata Wood Nanocomposites,Polymers,11,421,2019. (SCI) [4] Tianyi Li, Bin Li, Yali Ji and Lili Wang *,Luminescent and UV-Shielding ZnO Quantum Dots/Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Nanocomposite Polymer Films,Polymers, 10, 1112,2018. (SCI) [5] Lili Wang, Miaojun Xu, Baoli Shi and Bin Li*, Flame Retardance and Smoke Suppression of CFA/APP/LDHs/EVA Composite, Appl. Sci. 6(9), 255, 2016. (SCI) [6] Lili Wang, Milin Zhang and Bin Li*, Thermal Analysis and Flame-Retarded Mechanism of Composites Composed of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate and Layered Double Hydroxides Containing Transition Metals (Mn, Co, Cu, Zn), Appl. Sci. 6(5), 131, 2016. (SCI) [7] Lili Wang, Bin Li*, Zhongqin Hu, Jingjing Cao, Effect of nickel on the properties of composites composed of layered double hydroxides and ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, Applied Clay Science,72, 138-146 , 2013. (SCI) [8] Lili Wang, Bin Li*, Xiaohong Zhao, Chunxia Chen, Jingjing Cao, Effect of rare earth ions on the properties of composites composed of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer and layered double hydroxides, PLoS ONE, 7(6)e37781, 1–8, 2012. (SCI) [9] Lili Wang, Bin Li*, Xiucheng Zhang, Chunxia Chen, Feng Zhang, Effect of intercalated anions on the performance of Ni–Al LDH nanofiller of ethylene vinyl acetate composites, Applied Clay Science, 56, 110–119, 2012. (SCI) [10]Lili Wang, Bin Li*, Mingfei Yang, Chunxia Chen, Yongsheng Liu, Effect of Ni cations and microwave hydrothermal treatment on the related properties of layered double hydroxide–ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer composites, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 356, 519–525, 2011. (SCI) [11]Lili Wang, Bin Li*, Chunxia Chen, Lina Jia, Structural characterization and related properties of the stearate anions intercalated Ni–Al hydrotalcite-like compound prepared by the microwave crystallization, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 508, 426–432, 2010. (SCI) [12]Lili Wang*, Baibin Zhou, Baoli Shi, Jingjing Cao, Synthesis and electrical properties of K0.37WO3 tungsten bronze with gas permeation of Na2K4[Zr(OH2)CuW11O39]·16H2O by Gd, Science of Advanced Materials, 2, 522–527, 2010. (SCI) [13]Lili Wang*, Baibin Zhou, Jingjing Cao, Yunpeng Wang, Synthesis, characteristics and electrical properties of heteropoly compound Na2K3CuV(OH2)W11O39·16H2O permeated by Gd, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 432 (2007) 55–60. (SCI) [14]LiLi Wang*, Bin Li, Zhong Qin Hu, Xiao Biao Shan, Improved flame retardancy and mechanical properties of composite material S-NiMgAl-Y/EVA, Advanced Materials Research, 566, 435–438, 2012. (EI)
