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王文杰教授,男,二级教授博导,龙江学者特聘教授、中科院人才计划入选者、教育部新世纪优秀人才、黑龙江省杰出青年基金获得者、黑龙江省头雁计划核心骨干、双一流建设学科生物学一级学科植物学方向带头人。1997年毕业于东北林业大学林学专业获得学士学位,2000年于东北林业大学植物学专业获得硕士学位并留校任教。2005年于日本北海道大学、东北林业大学获得理学(农学)博士学位。主持和完成国家自然基金7项(面上及青年6项、重点项目1项)、973专题、十三五专题等20多项。发表文章150余篇,SCI40余篇,英文专著1部,科学出版社中文专著3部,参编Ecological studies 209专著多部等,被引用2000多次。获得省部级一等奖3项、二等奖1项。美国明尼苏达大学访问学者, 主讲课程 植物生态学、植物生理生态学、森林生态学等 近年主要研究课题 1) 王文杰。森林生态与保护团队-黑龙江省头雁计划核心成员,总人数10人,总经费3000万。2019-2024. 2) 王文杰。国家自然基金重点项目. 植物组成多样性对东北森林碳汇功能影响及其形成机制(41730641). 2018.1.1-2022.12.31. 310万. 3) 王文杰。龙江学者支持计划,2018.1-2022.12(T201702), 50万经费。 4) 王文杰。十三五科技部重点研发子专题。湿地植物多样性及碳汇功能阈值研究(2016YFA0602304-2)。70万。2016.7-2021.7. 5) 王文杰。国家自然基金面上项目。基于网络街景的城市森林测量、评价及城市间分异规律研究(31670699)。62万。2017.1-2020.12。 6) 王文杰。科技部基础调查专项,黑龙江大兴安岭森林国家级保护区及毗邻区植物群落调查2014FY110600-8。35万。2014-2019. 获得奖励 1) 茄尼醇高效提取纯化生产新工艺。2006教育部提名国家科技进步奖-技术发明一等奖,排名第八。 2) 甘草多种有效成分高效提取纯化新工艺。2006教育部提名国家科技进步奖—科技进步二等奖排名第七。 3) 红豆杉中紫杉烷类活性成分高效诱导、分离纯化和多西紫杉醇半合成。2008.黑龙江省科技发明一等奖,排名第四。 4) 重度盐碱地营建杨树人工林。2012.黑龙江省技术发明三等奖,排名第二。 5) 黑龙江省典型地区森林碳汇功能组分特征及其对气候变化的响应。2013.黑龙江省自然科学奖三等,排名第一。 6) 北药黄芪生态培育与高效加工技术集成。2014. 黑龙江省科技进步三等奖,排名第五。 7) 北方城市森林生态服务功能研究。2019.吉林省自然科学奖一等奖,排名第二。 8) 兴安落叶松林碳汇与功能化学成分提升机理研究。2019.教育部高校科技奖二等奖,排名第一。 著作与教材撰写 1)王文杰, 王慧梅, 祖元刚. 2006.中国东北落叶松人工林CO2通量研究( CO2 flux of a larch plantation in Northeast China). 英文专著。北京:科学出版社。Pp257. 2)祖元刚,王文杰等。2013。重度盐碱地营建杨树人工林。科学出版社,pp160。 3)王慧梅,王文杰。2015.树皮绿色组织与叶片光合功能差异研究。科学出版社。P240. 4)王文杰,王慧梅,王琼等。2016. 松嫩平原杨树防护林与农田土壤特性差异研究。科学出版社。P240. 5)王文杰。2019.哈尔滨市城市森林特征与生态服务功能。科学出版社(中国博士后出版基金资助出版),已经校稿。


1) 城市森林生态服务功能提升技术研究与形成机制; 2) 树种组成差异对土壤碳截获质、量影响及碳及其形成机制


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1) Xu, H., Wang, W*., Wang, H., Sun, Y., Zhong, Z., Wang, S., 2019. Differences in quantity and composition of leaf particulate matter and morphological structures in three evergreen trees and their association in Harbin, China. Environmental Pollution 252, 1772-1790. 2) Agathokleous, E., A. Anav, V. Araminiene, A. De Marco, M. Domingos, M. Kitao, T. Koike, W. J. Manning, E. Paoletti, C. J. Saitanis, P. Sicard, M. Vitale, W. Wang, and E. J. Calabrese. 2019. Commentary: EPA's proposed expansion of dose-response analysis is a positive step towards improving its ecological risk assessment. Environmental Pollution 246:566-570. 3) Yang Y, Lv H, Fu Y, He X, Wang W*. 2019. Associations between Road Density, Urban Forest Landscapes, and Structural-Taxonomic Attributes in Northeastern China: Decoupling and Implications. Forests 10(1):58. 4) Wang Wenjie*,Bo Zhang, Wei Zhou, Hailiang Lv, Lu Xiao, Hongyuan Wang, Hongju Du, Xingyuan He. 2019. The effect of urbanization gradients and forest types on microclimatic regulation by trees, in association with climate, tree sizes and species compositions in Harbin city, northeastern China. Urban Ecosystem, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-019-0823-9. 5) Wang, Q., W. Wang*, X. He, W. Zhou, C. Zhai, P. Wang, Z. Tang, C. Wei, B. Zhang, and L. Xiao. 2019. Urbanization-induced glomalin changes and their associations with land-use configuration, forest characteristics, and soil properties in Changchun, Northeast China. Journal of Soils and Sediments: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-019-02266-x. 6) Lv H, Wang W*, He X, Wei C, Xiao L, Zhang B, Zhou W 2018. Association of urban forest landscape characteristics with biomass and soil carbon stocks in Harbin City, Northeastern China. PeerJ 6: e5825. IF=2.118 SCI 他引 0次 7) Wang W, Xiao L, Zhang J, Yang Y, Tian P, Wang H, He X 2018. Potential of Internet street-view images for measuring tree sizes in roadside forests Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 35:211-220. IF=2.782 SCI 他引 0次 8) Wang, W., Wang, Q., Zhou, W., Xiao, L., Wang, H., He, X., 2018a Glomalin changes in urban-rural gradients and their possible associations with forest characteristics and soil properties in Harbin City, Northeastern China, Journal of Environmental Management 224:225-234. IF=4.005 SCI 他引 0次 9) Wang, W., Zhang, B., Xiao, L., Zhou, W., Wang, H., He, X., 2018b Decoupling forest characteristics and background conditions to explain urban-rural variations of multiple microclimate regulation from urban trees, PeerJ 6:e5450. IF=2.118 SCI他引 0次 10) Wang Wenjie, Wang H., Xiao L., He X., Zhou W., Wang Q., Wei C. 2018. Microclimate regulating functions of urban forests in Changchun City (north-east China) and their associations with different factors. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 11, 140. IF=1.6 SCI 他引 2次 11) Wu Y., Wang Wenjie*, Wang Q, Zhong Z, Pei Z., Wang H, Yao Y. 2018. Impact of poplar shelterbelt plantations on surface soil properties in northeastern China Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48:559-567. IF=1.8 SCI 他引 0次 12) Wang, Q., W. Wang*, X. He, Q. Zheng, H. Wang, Y. Wu, and Z. Zhong. 2017. Changes in soil properties, X-ray-mineral diffractions and infrared-functional groups in bulk soil and fractions following afforestation of farmland, Northeast China. Scientific reports 7:12829. SCI。IF=4.3 SCI 他引 1次 13) Wang, W. *, J. Lu, H. Du, C. Wei, H. Wang, Y. Fu, and X. He. 2017. Ranking thirteen tree species based on their impact on soil physiochemical properties, soil fertility, and carbon sequestration in Northeastern China. Forest Ecology and Management 404:214-229. SCI. IF=3.1 SCI 他引 6次 14) Wang, W. *, Z. Zhong, Q. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Fu, and X. He. 2017. Glomalin contributed more to carbon, nutrients in deeper soils, and differently associated with climates and soil properties in vertical profiles. Scientific reports 7:13003. SCI. IF=4.3 他引 3次 15) Zhong, Z., W. Wang *, Q. Wang, Y. Wu, H. Wang, and Z. Pei. 2017. Glomalin amount and compositional variation, and their associations with soil properties in farmland, northeastern China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 180:563-575. SCI IF=2.1 他引 3次 16) Wang, H.; Wang, W*.; Chang, S.X. Sampling Method and Tree-Age Affect Soil Organic C and N Contents in Larch Plantations. Forests 2017, 8, 28. SCI IF=1.9 他引 3次 17) Zhai, C., Wang, W.*, He, X., Zhou, W., Xiao, L., Zhang, B., 2017. Urbanization Drives SOC Accumulation, Its Temperature Stability and Turnover in Forests, Northeastern China. Forests 8, 130. SCI IF=1.9 他引 7次 18) Zhang Dan, Wang Wenjie*, Zheng Haifeng, Ren Zhibin, Zhai Chang, Tang Ze, Shen Guoqiang, He Xingyuan. 2017. Effects of urbanization intensity on forest structural-taxonomic attributes, landscape patterns and their associations in Changchun, Northeast China: Implications for urban green infrastructure planning. Ecological Indicators,80:286–296. SCI IF=3.9 他引 5次 19) Wenjie Wang, Wei Zhou, Huimei Wang, Changping, Ji, Shijie Han. 2017. Organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in different soil fractions between broad-leaved Korean pine forests and aspen–birch forests in northeastern China. Journal of Soil and Sediments 17 (9): 2257-2273 DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1438-x.SCI IF=2.5 他引 3次 20) Xiao Lu, Wang W*, He Xingyuan, Lv Hailiang, Wei Chenghui, Zhou Wei, Zhang Bo. 2016.Urban-rural and temporal differences of woody plants and birdspecies in Harbin city, northeastern China. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 20:20–31. SCI. IF=2.1 他引 10次 21) Lv Hailiang,Wang Wenjie, He Xingyuan, Xiao Lu, Zhou Wei, Zhang Bo.2016. Quantifying tree and soil carbon stocks in a temperate urban forest in northeast China. Forests. 7, 200; doi:10.3390/f7090200. SCI. IF=1.9 他引 11次 22) Zhiguo Liu, Fengjie Xu, Yuangang Zu,Ronghua Meng, Wenjie Wang.2016. Study on Water-Dispersible Colloids in Saline–Alkali Soils by Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectrometric Methods. Microscopy Research and Technique. 79(6): 525–531. SCI,IF=1.2他引3次 23) Qiong Wang,Wenjie Wang*, Xingyuan He, Wentian Zhang, Kaishan Song, Shijie Han. 2015. Role and variation of the amount and composition of glomalin in soil properties in farmland and adjacent plantations with reference to a primary forest in north-eastern China. Plos One, 10(10):e0139623. SCI,IF=2.8 他引12次 24) Wenjie Wang, Yanhong Li, Huimei Wang*,Yuangang Zu.2014.Differences in the activities of eight enzymes from ten soil fungi and their possible influences on the surface structure, functional groups, and element composition of soil colloids. PLOS ONE,9(11): e111740. SCI,IF=2.8 他引5次 25) Wang Huimei, Wang Wenjie*, Chen Huafeng, Zhang Zhonghua, Mao Zijun, Zu Yuangang. 2014. Temporal changes of soil physic‐chemical properties at different soil depths during larch afforestation by multivariate analysis of covariance. Ecology and Evolution, 4(7), 1039-1048. SCI,IF=2.4 他引16次 26) Wenjie Wang*, Huimei Wang, Yuangang Zu. 2014. Temporal changes in SOM, N, P, K, and their stoichiometric ratios during reforestation in China: Importance of deep-layer soil and management implications. Forest Ecology and management. 325:8–17. SCI,IF=3.1 他引22次 27) Wang Qiong, Wu Yan, Wang Wenjie*, Zhong Zhaoliang, Pei Zhongxue, Ren Jie, Zu Yuangang. 2014. Spatial Variations in Concentration, Compositions of Glomalin Related Soil Protein in Poplar Plantations in Northeastern China, and Possible Relations with Soil Physicochemical Properties. The Scientific World Journal, 2014. Article ID 160403, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/160403. SCI, IF=1.7 他引5次 28) Xiaowei Sun, Zhimin Jin, Lei Yang, Jingwei Hao, Yuangang Zu, Wenjie Wang, and Wenbin Liu.2013. Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Procyanidins Using Ionic Liquid Solution from Larix gmelinii Bark. Journal of Chemistry, 2013: ID 541037, 9 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/541037. SCI, IF=1.3 JCR Q3 他引7次 29) Guan-Zheng Qu, Tangchun Zheng, Guifeng Liu, Wenjie Wang, Lina Zang, Huanzhen Liu,Chuanping Yang. 2013. Overexpression of a MADS-Box Gene from Birch (Betula platyphylla) Promotes Flowering and Enhances Chloroplast Development in Transgenic Tobacco. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63398. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063398. SCI 收录.IF=2.8,JCR Q1他引12次 30) Yanhong Li, Huimei Wang,Wenjie Wang*, Lei Yang, and Yuangang Zu. 2013. Ectomycorrhizal Influence on Particle Size, Surface Structure, Mineral Crystallinity, Functional Groups, and Elemental Composition of Soil Colloids from Different Soil Origins. TSWJ-Soil section, Volume 2013: Article ID 698752, 13 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/698752. SCI 收录.IF=1.7 JCR Q2 他引8次 31) H.M. WANG, W.J.WANG*, H.Z. WANG, Y. WANG, H.N. XU, and Y.G. ZU. 2013. Effect of inland salt-alkaline stress on C4 enzymes, pigments, antioxidant enzymes, and photosynthesis in leaf, bark, and branch chlorenchyma of poplars. Photosynthetica, 51:115-126.SCI 收录.IF=1.6 JCR Q2 他引9次 32) Huimei Wang, Wei Liu, Wenjie Wang*,Yuangang Zu.2013. Influence of Long-Term Thinning on the Biomass Carbon and Soil Respiration in a Larch (Larix gmelinii) Forest in Northeastern China. TSWJ-Soil section, Volume 2013: Article ID 865645, 9 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/865645. SCI 收录. IF=1.7 JCR Q2 他引54次 33) Wenjie Wang, Dongxue Su, Ling Qiu, Hongyan Wang, Jing An, Guangyu Zheng, Yuangang Zu. 2013. Concurrent changes in soil inorganic and organic carbon during the development of larch, Larix gmelinii, plantations and their effects on soil physicochemical properties. Environ Earth Sci, 69:1559-1570. SCI,IF=1.6 JCR Q3 他引13次 34) Yoichi Kanazawa, Hiroaki T. Ishii, Shoko Homma,Yasuo Kita, Mayuko Jomura,Wang Wenjie, Zu Yuangang.2012.Comparison of branch growth estimates in Larix gmelinii by several methods. J For Res, DOI 10.1007/s10310-012-0347-0. 35) Liu T, Ma C, Yang L, Wang W, Sui X, Zhao C, and Zu Y. 2013. Optimization of shikonin homogenate extraction from Arnebia euchroma using response surface methodology. Molecules 18:466-481. IF=2.9 JCR Q2 他引14次 36) Ye Liu, Lei Yang, Yuangang Zu, Chunjian Zhao, Lin Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang, Wenjie Wang. 2012. Development of an ionic liquid-based microwave-assisted method for simultaneous extraction and distillation for determination of proanthocyanidins and essential oil in Cortex cinnamomi. Food Chemistry 135,2514–2521. SCI IF=4.5 37) Ge Zu, Rongrui Zhang, Lei Yang, Chunhui Ma, Yuangang Zu, Wenjie Wang and Chunjian Zhao.2012.Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Carnosic Acid and Rosmarinic Acid Using Ionic Liquid Solution from Rosmarinus officinalis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13, 11027-11043. SCI IF IF=3.22 38) Fengjian Yang, Lei Yang *, Wenjie Wang, Yang Liu, Chunjian Zhao and Yuangang Zu *.2012.Enrichment and Purification of Syringin, Eleutheroside E and Isofraxidin from Acanthopanax senticosus by Macroporous Resin. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13, 8970-8986. SCI IF=3.22 39) Huanhuan Yao, Xinxuan Du, Lei Yang , Wenjie Wang, Fengjian Yang, Chunjian Zhao, Xiangdong Meng, Lin Zhang and Yuangang Zu.2012. Microwave-Assisted Method for Simultaneous Extraction and Hydrolysis for Determination of Flavonol Glycosides in Ginkgo Foliage Using Brönsted Acidic Ionic-Liquid [HO3S(CH2)4mim]HSO4 Aqueous Solutions. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 13, 8775-8788. SCI IF=3.22 40) Shuchong Zu, Lei Yang *, Jinming Huang, Chunhui Ma, Wenjie Wang, Chunjian Zhao and Yuangang Zu*.2012. Micronization of Taxifolin by Supercritical Antisolvent Process and Evaluation of Radical 6Scavenging Activity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13, 8869-8881. SCI IF=3.22 41) Chunhui Ma, Lei Yang, Wenjie Wang*, Fengjian Yang, Chunjian Zhao, Yuangang Zu. Extraction of dihydroquercetin from Larix gmelinii with ultrasound-assisted and microwave-assisted alternant digestion. INT J MOL Science 2012, 13, 8789–8804. SCI IF=3.22 42) Wen-Jie Wang, Hai-Sheng He, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu Guan, Zhi-Guo Liu, Zhong-Hua Zhang, Hui-Nan Xu, Xing-Yang Yu.2011.Addition of HPMA affects seed germination, plant growth and properties of heavy saline-alkali soil in northeastern China: comparison with other agents and determination of the mechanism. Plant and soil, 339:177-191 IF=3.1. SCI 43) Wang Wenjie,Qiu Ling, Zu Yuangang, Su Dongxue, An Jing, Wang Hongyan, Zheng Guanyu, Sun Wei, Chen Xiquan. 2011. Changes in soil organic carbon, nitrogen, pH and bulk density with the development of larch plantations in China. Global Change Biology 17:2657–2676。 IF=8.5. SCI 44) Zu Yuan-Gang,Wang Wenjie*, Cui Song, Liu Wei, Koike Takayoshi. 2009. Soil CO2 efflux, carbon dynamics, and change in thermal conditions from contrasting clear-cut sites during natural restoration and uncut larch forests in northeastern China. Climate changes, DOI 10.1007/s10584-009-9601-7. SCI IF=3.5,通讯作者。 45) Wen-Jie Wang, Hui-Mei Wang, Yuan-Gang Zu.2009. Plant biodiversity in a larch plantation in northeast China from the viewpoint of photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency. Landscape Ecol Eng. DOI 10.1007/s11355-009-0066-7. SCI IF=0.7 46) Kayama M., Kitaoka S., Wang Wenjie, CHoi D. and Koike T. 2007. Needle longevity, photosynthetic rate and nitrogen concentration of eight spruce taxa planted in northern Japan. Tree Physiology, 27:1585-1593. IF=3.7. SCI 47) Zu Yuangang, Gao Chongyang, Wang Wenjie, Yang Fengjian, Liu Ying, Wang Min & Zhao Yangguo.2007.Characteristics of microbial community in rhizosphere of Camptotheca Acuminata mix-cultured with exotic invasive plant Eupatorium adenophorum. Science in China Series C-Life Sciences.50(1):1-10. IF=2.8. SCI 48) WANG Wenjie, ZuY.G, Wang H.M.,Li X., Hirano T., Koike.T. 2006. Newly-formed photosynthates and the respiration rate of girdled stems of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.). Photosynthetica, 45(1):147-150. IF=1.6. SCI 49) WANG Wenjie, Zu Y.G., Cui S., Hirano T., Watanabe Y., Koike T.2006.Carbon dioxide exchange of larch (Larix gmelinii) cones during development. Tree Physiology, 26:1363-1368. IF=3.7. SCI 50) WANG Wen-Jie, Watanabe Youko, et al. 2006. Seasonal changes in the photosynthetic capacity of cones on a larch (Larix kaempferi) canopy. Photosynthetica, 45:345-348。IF=1.6. SCI 51) Wang Huimei, Zu Yuangang, WANG Wenjie, Wu Shuanxiu, Dong Fengli. 2006. Establishment of in vitro regeneration of leaf explants from Camptotheca acuminata. Biologia Plantarum, 50(4):725-728. IF=1.582 (SCI 期刊) 52) Wang Huimin, Saigusa N., Zu Yuangang, Yamamoto S., Kondo H., Yang F., Wang Wenjie, Hirano T., Fujinumu Y. 2005. Response of CO2 flux to environmental variables in two larch forest ecosystems in East Asia. Phyton(horn, Austria) 45(4):339-346. IF=0.462(SCI期刊) 53) Wang Wenjie, Zu Yuangang, Wang Huimei, Hirano Takashi, Sasa Kaichiro and Koike Takayoshi. 2005. Effect of collar insertion on soil respiration in a larch forest measured with a LI-6400 soil CO2 flux system. Journal of Forest Research, 10:57-60. IF=0.874. SCI 54) Wang Wenjie, Yang Fengjian, Zu Yuangang, Wang Huimei, K. Takagi, K. Sasa and T. Koike. 2003. Stem respiration of a larch (Larix gmelinii) plantation in Northeast China. Journal of integrative plant biology (Acta Botanica Sinica) 45 (12): 1387-1397. IF=4.0. SCI


兼任日本北海道大学北方生物圈野外科学研究中心特任助教授,中国自然资源学会森林资源专委会副主任委员、中国生态学会理事,黑龙江省生态学副理事长兼秘书长。Eurasian J Forest Research、Journal of Forestry Research、Frontiers Sustainable Cities-urban greening、植物研究编委。
