Libes JM, Seeley EH, Li M, Axt JR, Pierce J, Correa H, Newton M, Hansen E, Judd A, McDonald H, Caprioli RM, Naranjo A, Huff V, O'Neill JA Jr, Lovvorn HN, Kenyan Wilms Tumor Consortium. Race disparities in Peptide profiles of north american and kenyan wilms tumor specimens. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2014, 218 (4): 707-20.
Caprioli RM. Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Molecular Microscopy for Enabling a New Age of Discovery. Proteomics. 2014, 0 (0): [Epub ahead of print].
Seeley EH, Wilson KJ, Yankeelov TE, Johnson RW, Gore JC, Caprioli RM, Matrisian LM, Sterling JA. Co-registration of multi-modality imaging allows for comprehensive analysis of tumor-induced bone disease. Bone. 2014, 61 (0): 208-16.
Kriegsmann M, Seeley EH, Schwarting A, Kriegsmann J, Otto M, Thabe H, Dierkes B, Biehl C, Sack U, Wellmann A, Kahaly GJ, Schwamborn K, Caprioli RM. MALDI MS imaging as a powerful tool for investigating synovial tissue. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 2012, 41 (4): 305-309.
Oswald-Richter KA, Beachboard DC, Seeley EH, Abraham S, Shepherd BE, Jenkins CA, Culver DA, Caprioli RM. Dual Analysis for Mycobacteria and Propionibacteria in Sarcoidosis BAL. Journal of Clinical Immunology. 2012, 32 (5): 1129-1140.
Attia AS, Schroeder KA, Seeley EH, Wilson KJ, Hammer ND, Colvin DC, Manier ML, Nicklay JJ, Rose KL, Gore JC, Caprioli RM, Skaar EP. Monitoring the Inflammatory Response to Infection through the Integration of MALDI IMS and MRI. Cell Host & Microbe. 2012, 11 (6): 664-673.
Thiery G, Mernaugh RL, Yan HP, Spraggins JM, Yang JH, Parl FF, Caprioli RM. Targeted Multiplex Imaging Mass Spectrometry with Single Chain Fragment Variable (scfv) Recombinant Antibodies. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 2012, 23 (10): 1689-1696.
Seeley EH, Caprioli RM. 3D Imaging by Mass Spectrometry: A New Frontier. Analytical Chemistry. 2012, 84 (5): 2105-2110.
Yang JH, Chaurand P, Norris JL, Porter NA, Caprioli RM. Activity-Based Probes Linked with Laser-Cleavable Mass Tags for Signal Amplification in Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Analysis of Serine Hydrolase Enzymes in Mammalian Tissue. Analytical Chemistry. 2012, 84 (8): 3689-3695.
Lazova R, Seeley EH, Keenan M, Gueorguieva R, Caprioli RM. Imaging Mass Spectrometry-A New and Promising Method to Differentiate Spitz Nevi From Spitzoid Malignant Melanomas. American Journal of Dermatopathology. 2012, 34 (1): 82-90.
Yang JH, Caprioli RM. Matrix Sublimation/Recrystallization for Imaging Proteins by Mass Spectrometry at High Spatial Resolution. Analytical Chemistry. 2011, 83 (14): 5728-5734.
Seeley EH, Schwamborn K, Caprioli RM. Imaging of Intact Tissue Sections: Moving beyond the Microscope. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011, 286 (29): 25459-25466.
Chacon A, Zagol-Ikapitte I, Amarnath V, Reyzer ML, Oates JA, Caprioli RM, Boutaud O.On-tissue chemical derivatization of 3-methoxysalicylamine for MALDI-imaging mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2011, 46 (8): 840-846.
Manna JD, Reyzer ML, Latham JC, Weaver CD, Marnett LJ, Caprioli RM. Ma ZQ, Chambers MC, Ham AJL, Cheek KL, Whitwell CW, Aerni HR, Schilling B, Miller AW, Caprioli RM, Tabb DL. High-Throughput Quantification of Bioactive Lipids by MALDI Mass Spectrometry: Application to Prostaglandins. Analytical Chemistry. 2011, 83 (17): 6683-6688.
Ma ZQ, Chambers MC, Ham AJL, Cheek KL, Whitwell CW, Aerni HR, Schilling B, Miller AW, Caprioli RM, Tabb DL. ScanRanker: Quality Assessment of Tandem Mass Spectra via Sequence Tagging. Journal of Proteome Research. 2011, 10 (7): 2896-2904.
Hardesty WM, Kelley MC, Mi DM, Low RL, Caprioli RM. Protein signatures for survival and recurrence in metastatic melanoma. Journal of Proteomics. 2011, 74 (7): 1002-1014.
Manier ML, Reyzer ML, Goh A, Dartois V, Via LE, Barry CE, Caprioli RM. Reagent Precoated Targets for Rapid In-Tissue Derivatization of the Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Isoniazid Followed by MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry. Journal of The American Society for Mass Soectrometry. 2011, 22 (8): 1409-1419.
Mainini V, Kliman M, Angel PM, Magni F, Caprioli RM. Detergent enhancement of on-tissue protein analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2011, 25 (1): 199-204.
Seeley EH, Caprioli RM. MALDI imaging mass spectrometry of human tissue: method challenges and clinical perspectives. Trends Biotechnol. 2011, 29 (3): 136-43.
Ridenour WB, Kliman M, McLean JA, Caprioli RM. Structural Characterization of Phospholipids and Peptides Directly from Tissue Sections by MALDI Traveling-Wave Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 2010, 82 (5): 1881-1889.
Pozzi A, Popescu V, Yang SL, Mei SJ, Shi MJ, Puolitaival SM, Caprioli RM, Capdevila JH. The Anti-tumorigenic Properties of Peroxisomal Proliferator-activated Receptor alpha Are Arachidonic Acid Epoxygenase-mediated. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2010, 285 (17): 12840-12850.
Oppenheimer SR, Mi DM, Sanders ME, Caprioli RM. Molecular Analysis of Tumor Margins by MALDI Mass Spectrometry in Renal Carcinoma. Journal of Proteome Research. 2010, 9 (5): 2182-2190.
Chung CH, Seeley EH, Roder H, Grigorieva J, Tsypin M, Roder J, Burtness BA, Argiris A, Forastiere AA, Gilbert J, Murphy B, Caprioli RM, Carbone DP, Cohen EEW. Detection of Tumor Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Pathway Dependence by Serum Mass Spectrometry in Cancer Patients. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 2010, 19 (2): 358-365.
Bauer JA, Chakravarthy AB, Rosenbluth JM, Mi DM, Seeley EH, Granja-Ingram ND, Olivares MG, Kelley MC, Mayer IA, Meszoely IM, Means-Powell JA, Johnson KN, Tsai CJ, Ayers GD, Sanders ME, Schneider RJ, Formenti SC, Caprioli RM, Pietenpol JA. Identification of Markers of Taxane Sensitivity Using Proteomic and Genomic Analyses of Breast Tumors from Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Paclitaxel and Radiation. Clinical Cancer Research. 2010, 16 (2): 681-690.
Nordquist KA, Dimitrova YN, Brzovic PS, Ridenour WB, Munro KA, Soss SE, Caprioli RM, Klevit RE, Chazin WJ. Structural and Functional Characterization of the Monomeric U-Box Domain from E4B. Biochemistry. 2010, 49 (2): 347-355.