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安徽淮南人,1963年12月生,博士,教授,博士生导师。研究方向为矿床学和地质流体。分别于1980、1984、1987年考入南京大学地质系攻读学士、硕士和博士学位。1990年留校工作,1995-1996英国Kingston University访问学者。现任南京大学地球科学与工程学院副院长(主管科研),内生金属成矿机制研究国家重点实验室副主任,地质流体研究所所长。主要学术兼职包括国际矿物协会矿物包裹体工作组主席,国际成矿流体包裹体委员会秘书长;中国矿物岩石地球化学学会矿物包裹体专业委员会主任、学会理事、副秘书长、矿床地球化学专业委员会委员;江苏省地质学会副理事长;中国矿业联合会矿产资源委员会副主任;中国地质学会矿床地质专业委员会副主任、区域地质与成矿专业委员会委员;国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室学术委员会委员;云南省矿产资源预测评价工程实验室技术委员会委员;同时兼任国际SCI期刊《Ore Geology Reviews》 和 《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》副主编,《Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis》编委;国内学术期刊《矿床地质》 《矿物岩石》 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 《中国科技论文:地球科学分卷》 《油气地质与采收率》 《高校地质学报》 《地球科学与环境学报》 《西北地质》 《地质学刊》 《黄金科学技术》等编委。曾获国家科技进步二等奖,国家教委科技进步二等奖,江苏省一类优秀课程、南京大学青年教师学术研究奖,南京大学优秀教学成果一等奖等。主持过包括国家自然科学基金项目、科技部科技支撑计划项目、全国危机矿山接替资源找矿项目、老矿山找矿项目、整装勘查区关键基础地质研究项目等在内的多项科研项目。已发表论文200余篇。 获奖及荣誉 国家科技进步二等奖(2017) 国家教委科技进步二等奖(1995) 江苏省一类优秀课程等(2000) 南京大学青年教师学术研究奖(1995;1997) 南京大学优秀教学成果一等奖(1995) 教学情况 《环境地质学》(本科生) 《矿相学》(本科生) 《包裹体地质学》(研究生-本科生) 科研情况 在研项目: 1)石英脉型黑钨矿床成矿流体与成矿机制的精细解剖,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2019-2023,批准号41830426,项目负责,302万元 2)华南与花岗岩有关锡矿床岩浆-热液过程与超常富集成矿机理,国家自然科学基金重大科学计划重点项目,2021-2024,批准号92062220,项目负责,301万元 3)四川会理天宝山铅锌矿成矿地质条件与成矿模式, 四川会理铅锌股份有限公司,2020-2021, 项目负责,60万元 已完成项目: 主持项目: l利用流体包裹体面重建花岗岩与金矿化的时空和成因关系,国家自然科学基金,1998-2000,批准号49702023,项目负责,11.5万元 l白云鄂博碳酸岩墙及赋矿白云岩中包裹体的对比研究,国家自然科学基金,2000-2002,批准号49973002, 项目负责,17.0万元 l人工合成三元系盐水溶液包裹体的相平衡、阳离子比值及盐度的低温原位拉曼光谱研究,国家自然科学基金,2006-2008,批准号40573023,项目负责,39.0万元 l东营凹陷牛庄、利津洼陷流体包裹体及流体演化研究,中国石油化工集团公司,2007-2008,项目负责,21.0万元 l闽浙赣相邻区铜多金属矿床成矿规律总结研究,中国地调局(危机矿山接替资源找矿项目),2008-2011,项目负责,500.0万元 l东营凹陷地层水同位素测试与应用,中国石油化工集团公司,2009-2010,项目负责,29.0万元 l油田水化学场演化及成臧意义研究,中国石油化工集团公司,2010-2011,项目负责,27.25万元 l九瑞矿集区控矿地层和岩体三维探测与找矿预测研究,科技部科技攻关项目,2011-2015,项目负责,688.0万元 l皖东北原生金刚石矿床成矿地质背景研究,安徽省国土厅,2011-2013,项目负责,48.0万元 l秦岭-大别造山带东段钼金多金属成矿规律与找矿方向研究,安徽省国土厅,2011-2013,项目负责,78.0万元 l新特提斯缝合带中的铬铁矿成矿作用研究,中科院战略先导专项,2012-2016,项目负责,100.0万元 l浙江平水铜矿接替资源勘查,中国地调局(老矿山项目),2013-2014,项目负责55.0万元 l紫金山整装勘查区找矿预测研究,中国地调局(整装勘查项目),2014-2017,项目负责,215.0万元 l德兴整装勘查区找矿预测研究,中国地调局(整装勘查项目),2014-2015,项目技术负责,149.0万元 l瓦房店整装勘查区找矿预测研究,中国地调局(整装勘查项目),2014-2015,项目技术负责,70.0万元 l福建省中东部矿集区找矿预测,中国地调局(矿集区项目),2015-2016,项目负责,159.0万元 l安徽宿州地区原生金刚石载体及成矿条件研究, 安徽省国土厅,项目负责,2015-2016,52.0万元 l含盐前陆盆地盐系地层控藏基础研究,中国石油天然气股份有限公司,2015-2016,项目负责,86.0万元 l江苏省南京市栖霞山铅锌矿床综合研究,江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局,2016-2018,项目负责,50万元 l南岭、武夷成矿带典型成矿系统的深部过程,国家重点研发计划项目课题,2016-2020,课题负责,720万元 l安徽省金寨县鲜花岭矿区金铜铅锌多金属矿床找矿预测研究,安徽地勘局,2017-2019,项目负责,88.0万元 作为骨干参加项目: l国家自然科学基金重点项目 l中国东部重要金铜矿床成矿过程的流体作用研究(1998-2000,批准号:49133130) l大陆演化过程中成矿系统的形成与保护-典型矿集区剖析(2002-2005,批准号: 40234051) l国家自然科学基金创新群体项目 l华南大陆岩石圈层圈相互作用和成岩成矿过程的地球化学(2003-2008,批准号:40221301) l国家科学技术部973项目 l大陆板块会聚边界的深部成矿作用研究(2003-2008,批准号:2003CB716507) l华夏地块中生代陆壳再造与巨量金属成矿(2012-2016,批准号: 2012CB416700) 专著/教材 l倪培、景山、魏新良、桂长杰等,2021,栖霞山铅锌矿矿床成因与成矿模式,p1-189, 科学出版社 l闵茂中、倪培、崔卫东、刘松玉、沈吉, 1994, 环境地质学, 南京大学出版社 l卢焕章、范宏瑞、倪培、欧光习、沈昆、张文淮,2004,流体包裹体,科学出版社,pp1-487 l倪培、范宏瑞,2020,第八章.流体演化与成矿,见翟明国等《大陆成矿学》,p105-132, 科学出版社


成矿流体与成矿机制: 金、铜、钨、锡、钼、铁、银、铅、锌、稀土等矿床的成矿流体PVTX性质和成矿机制精细解剖。 成矿模式、成矿背景与找矿勘查:造山型金矿,斑岩-矽卡岩型铜钼金矿,矽卡岩型铁矿、浅成热液型金铜铅锌银矿、脉状-斑岩型钨锡矿、VMS型铜矿、MVT铅锌矿、碳酸岩型稀土矿等。 沉积成藏过程流体作用:地质时期古环境恢复(石盐流体包裹体),石油天然气的源、运、储及成藏机理。


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2021 lPei Ni , Guo-Guang Wang, Wen-Sheng Li, Zhe Chi, Su-Ning Li, Yan Gao, A review of the Yanshanian ore-related felsic magmatism and tectonic settings in the Nanling W-Sn and Wuyi Au-Cu metallogenic belts, Cathaysia Block, South China.Ore Geology Reviews 133 (2021)104088. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104088 lRen-zhi Zhu, Pei Ni*, Guo-guang Wang, Jun-ying Ding, Ning Kang,Temperature and oxygen state of kimberlite magma from the North China Craton and their implication for diamond survival, Mineralium Deposita, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-021-01057-0 lXin Zhang , Pei Ni* , Guoguang Wang, Dingsheng Jiang , Renzhi Zhu, Yaohui Jiang, Fangyue Wang, Magmatic controls on the mineralization potential of a porphyry Cu system: The case of Jurassic Tongshan skarn Cu deposit in the Qin–Hang Belt, South China. Gondwana Research 101(2022),203-223 lBao Tan, Pei Ni* , Guo-Guang Wang, Bao-Zhang Dai, Hui Chen , Fei-Peng Fan , Su-Ning Li , Zhe Chi , Ren-Zhi Zhu, Ming-Sen Fan, Petrogenesis of the Late Jurassic Cu-Mo mineralization-related Xianyang granite porphyry in the Dehua district, Southeast China: Response to the subduction of paleo-Pacific slab and implication for regional exploration, LITHOS, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106254 lTan Bao, Pei Ni*, Bao-Zhang Dai, Guo-Guang Wang, Hui Chen, Su-Ning Li, Zhe Chi, Wen-Sheng Li, Jun-Ying Ding, Li-Li Chen. Pyrite Rb-Sr geochronology, LA-ICP-MS trace element and telluride mineralogy constraints on the genesis of the Shuangqishan gold deposit, Fujian, China. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104158 lZheng Liu, Pei Ni *, Yue-Qiao Zhang, Zhong-Lie Sheng, Guo-Guang Wang, Shun-Lin Zhang, Bao-Zhang Dai, Jun-Ying Ding, Jun-Yi Pan, Wen-Sheng Li , An Early Cretaceous gold metallogenesis in the Wuhe area, Eastern Anhui province: Constraints from geology, fluid inclusion, H-O isotope and geochronology on the Hekou gold deposit. Ore Geology Reviews 138 (2021) 104319. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104319 lWen-Sheng Li, Pei Ni *, Jun-Yi Pan, Ming-Sen Fan, Li-Li Chen, Di Zhang, Xian-Wei Wu, Yan Gao, Constraints on the timing and genetic link of scheelite- and wolframite-bearing quartz veins in the chuankou W ore field, South China. Ore Geology Reviews 133 (2021) 104122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104122 lWenqing Huang,Pei Ni*,Ting Shui,Junyi Pan, Mingsen Fan,Yulong Yang,Zhe Chi AND Junying Ding, Trace element geochemistry and mineral incluisions constrains on the petrogenesis of a mabble-hosted ruby deposit in Yunnan province, China. The Canadian Mineralogist. Vol. 59, pp. 1-28 (2021)DOI: 10.3749/canmin.2000054 lWenqing Huang, Pei Ni* , Jungui Zhou, Ting Shui, Junying Ding, Renzhi Zhu, Yitao Cai and Mingsen Fan. Discovery of Disulfane (H2S2) in Fluid Inclusions in Rubies from Yuanjiang, China, and Its Implications. Crystals 2021, 11, 1305. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11111305 l倪培,范宏瑞,潘君屹,迟哲,崔健铭,2021, 流体包裹体研究进展与展望( 2011-2020) ,矿物岩石地球化学通报, Vol. 40 (4): 802-818 l王圆元,倪培*,潘君屹,韩亮,丁俊英, 广东河台金矿两阶段成矿事件:来自含金石英脉阴极发光和流体包裹体研究, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, Vol. 40,2021.DOI:10.19658/j.issn.1007-2802.2021.40.070 l2020 lPei Ni, Jin Zhou, Zhe Chi, Jun-Yi Pan, Su-Ning Li, Jun-Ying Ding, Liang Han. 2020. Carbonatite dyke and related REE mineralization in the Bayan Obo REE ore field, North China: Evidence from geochemistry, C-O isotopes and Rb-Sr dating. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 215 (2020) 106560. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2020.106560 lNI Pei*, LI Wensheng and PAN Junyi .2020.Ore-forming Fluid and Metallogenic Mechanism of Wolframite–Quartz Vein-type Tungsten Deposits in South China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 94(6): 1774–1796 lTan Bao, Pei Ni*, Su-Ning Li,, Hong-Liang Xiang, Guo-Guang Wang, Zhe Chi,Wen-Sheng Li, Jun-Ying Ding, Bao-Zhang Dai . 2020.Geological, fluid inclusion, and H–O–C–S–Pb isotopic constraints on the genesis of the Shuangqishan gold deposit, Fujian, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 214 (2020) 106544. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2020.106544 lMing-Sen Fan, Pei Ni*, Jun-Yi Pan, Jun-Ying Ding, Zhe Chi, Wen-Sheng Li, Ren-Zhi Zhu, Su-Ning Li, Kunda Badhe, Jian-Chao Wang. 2020.Mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and stable isotopic study of the Shangshan'gang Au deposit, southeast China: Implications for ore formation and exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 215 (2020) 106564. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2020.106564 lSu-Ning Li, Pei Ni*, Guo-Guang Wang, Tan Bao, Bao Huang, Bao-Zhang Dai.2020. The Jurassic volcanic–intrusive complex in the Dehua gold orefield, coastal region of SE China: Implications for the tectonic setting and epithermal mineralization.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 197 (2020) 104390. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104390 lZhe Chi, Pei Ni*, Jun-Yi Pan, Su-Ning Li, Guo-Guang Wang, Yu-Long Yang, Kai Xue,Jian-Feng Liao. 2020. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Cretaceous volcanic-intrusive complex in the Zijinshan ore district, Southeast China: Implications for different stages of mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 192 (2020) 104265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104265 lWen-Sheng Li, Pei Ni*, Guo-Guang Wang, Yu-Long Yang, Jun-Yi Pan, Xiao-Lei Wang, Li-Li Chen, Ming-Sen Fan. 2020.A possible linkage between highly fractionated granitoids and associated W mineralization in the Mesozoic Yaogangxian granitic intrusion, Nanling region, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 193 (2020) 104314.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104314 lXin Zhang, Pei Ni*, Guo-Guang Wang, Yao-Hui Jiang, Ding-Sheng Jiang, Su-Ning Li, Ming-Sen Fan.2020. Petrogenesis and oxidation state of granodiorite porphyry in the Jurassic Chuankeng skarn Cu deposit, South China: Implications for the Cu fertility and mineralization potential. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 191 (2020) 104184 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.104184 lGuo-Guang Wang*, Pei Ni*,, Li Li, Xiao-Lei Wang, An-Dong Zhu, Ying-Hong Zhang, Xin Zhang, Zheng Liu, Bing Li. 2020. Petrogenesis of the Middle Jurassic andesitic dikes in the giant Dexing porphyry copper ore field, South China: Implications for mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 196 (2020) 104375 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104375 lSu-Ning Li, Pei Ni*, Tan Bao, Guo-Guang Wang, Zhe Chi, Wen-Sheng Li, Ren-Zhi Zhu,Bao-Zhang Dai, Hong-Liang Xiang.2020. Geological, fluid inclusion, and H–O–S–Pb isotopic studies of the Xiaban epithermal gold deposit, Fujian Province, southeast China: Implications for ore genesis and mineral exploration. Ore Geology Reviews 117 (2020) 103280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103280 lYu-Long Yang, Pei Ni*, Jun-Yi Pan, Zhe-Chi, Jun-Ying Ding, Qiang Wang.2020. Episodic fluid evolution in the formation of the large scale Luoyang Fe deposit, Fujian, eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews 120 (2020) 103412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103412 lZi-Hao Zhao, Pei Ni*, Zhong-Lie Sheng, Bao-Zhang Dai, Guo-Guang Wang, Jun-Ying Ding,Bo-Hua Wang, Huai-Dong Zhang, Jun-Yi Pan, Su-Ning Li, 2020,Thermal regime reconstruction and fluid inclusion LA–ICP–MS analysis on intermediate-sulfidation epithermal Pb–Zn veins: Implications for porphyry Cu deposits exploration in the Xianhualing District, Anhui, ChinaOre Geology Reviews 124 (2020) 103658, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.oregeorev.2020.103658 lXuejuan Sun , Pei Ni * , Yulong Yang , Zhe Chi , Shan Jing, 2020, Constraints on the Genesis of the Qixiashan Pb-Zn deposit, Nanjing: Evidence from Sulfide Trace Element Geochemistry, Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 31, No. 2, p. 287–297 lHui-Xiang Yuan , Pei Ni *, Hui Chen *, Zhi-Cheng Lv, Xiao-Fei Yu , Tan Bao , Guo-Guang Wang, Rong-Hua Hu , Jian-Wen Du ,2020, Geology, fluid inclusion and H-O-S-Pb isotope constraint on the genesis of the Changxing gold deposit, Fujian, South China. Ore Geology Reviews 129 (2021) 103887, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103887 lFan-wei Meng , Anatoliy R. Galamay , Pei Ni*, Naveed Ahsan , Saif Ur Rehman,2020, Composition of middle-late Eocene salt lakes in the Jintan Basin of eastern China: Evidence of marine transgressions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 122 (2020) 104644 , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104644 l倪培,迟哲,潘君屹,2020,斑岩型和浅成低温热液型矿床成矿流体与找矿预测研究:以华南若干典型矿床为例,地学前缘,第27卷,第2期,60-78 l倪培,潘君屹,迟哲, 2020,华南燕山期大规模铜成矿作用的成矿模式及找矿方向, 矿床地质. 2020年05期,第754-784页 l倪培,朱仁智,,2020,华北克拉通金伯利岩型金刚石矿床含矿性判别,地质学报,2020年09期,第2557-2573页 l赵丹蕾,倪培*,赵子豪,,王国光,丁俊英,王波华,方明,郝越进,2020, 北淮阳成矿带东段东溪低硫型浅成热液金矿床:来自蚀变矿物、流体包裹体和氢氧同位素的证据, 南京大学学报(自然科学). 2020年05期第666-680页 l王璐璐,倪培*,戴宝章,李文生,潘君屹,崔健铭,高严。2020, 湖南柿竹园钨锡钼铋多金属矿床含矿云英岩脉的流体包裹体研究, 南京大学学报(自然科学). 2020年05期第653-665页 l姜辛,倪培*,丁俊英,陈焕元,范明森,李文生,贾飞,2020,浙北大银山金矿石英闪长岩体的年代学、地球化学特征及其地质意义,Vol. 26,No.2, pp. 147-160 l2019 lPei Ni*, Su-Ning Li*, Tan Bao1, Wen-Yan Zheng, Guo-Guang Wang,Hong-Liang Xiang, ZheChi, Jun-Yi Pan,Bao Huang, Jun-Ying Ding &Bao-Zhang Dai. 2019. Mapping of fluid, alteration and soil geochemical anomaly as a guide to regional mineral exploration for the Dehua gold orefield of Fujian Province, SE China. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. Vol. 19, pp. 74–90 lPEI NI*, TIAN-GANG WANG, GUO-GUANG WANG*,WEN-SHENG LI & JUN-YI PAN, 2019. Metamorphic fluid superimposition of the Changba–Lijiagou Pb–Zn deposit, West Qinling Orogen, central China From: FERRERO, S., LANARI, P., GONCALVES, P. & GROSCH, E. G. (eds) 2019. Metamorphic Geology: Microscale to Mountain Belts. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 478, 265–285. lJun-Yi Pan, Pei Ni* and Ru-Cheng Wang , 2019. Comparison of fluid processes in coexisting wolframite and quartz from a giant vein-type tungsten deposit, South China: Insights from detailed petrography and LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions. American Mineralogist, Volume 104, pages 1092–1116 lJun-Yi Pan, Pei Ni*, Zhe Chi, Wen-Bin Wang,Wen-Can Zeng, Kai Xue3. 2019.Alunite 40Ar/39Ar and Zircon U-Pb Constraints on the Magmatic-Hydrothermal History of the Zijinshan High-Sulfidation Epithermal Cu-Au Deposit and the Adjacent Luoboling Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, South China: Implications for Their Genetic Association. Economic Geology, 114(4):667-695 lRen-Zhi Zhu, Pei Ni* ,, Guo-Guang Wang, Jun-Ying Ding, Ming-Sen Fan, Yu-Guang Ma ,2019. Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Laozhaishan dolerite sills in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton and their geological implication. Gondwana Research, 67 : 131–146 lRZ. Zhu, Pei Ni*, JY Ding, GG. Wang, MS. Fan and SN Li. 2019. Metasomatic Processes in the Lithospheric MantleBeneath No.30 Kimberlite (Wafangdian Region, north China craton). 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HYDROGEN-RICH GREEN DIAMOND COLOR­TREATED BY MULTI-STEP PROCESSING, GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol.55, No.3, pp. 398–405, l孙学娟,倪培*迟哲 杨玉龙 景山 王国光,2019, 南京栖霞山铅锌矿成矿流体特征及演化: 来自流体包裹体及氢氧同位素约束,岩石学报,35 ( 12) : 3749 - 3762 l2018 lNi P, Pan J Y, Huang B, Wang G G, Xiang H X, Yang Y L, Li S N, Bao T. 2018. Geology, ore-forming fluid and genesis of the Qiucun gold deposit: Implication for mineral exploration at Dehua prospecting region, SE China. 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Genesis of the Late Jurassic Shizitou Mo deposit, South China: Evidences from fluid inclusion, H-O isotope and Re-Os geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews 81, 871–883 lPei Ni , Jun-Yi Pan , Guo-GuangWang , Zhe Chi , Huan Qin, Jun-Ying Ding, Hui Chen.2017. A CO2-rich porphyry ore-forming fluid system constrained from a combined cathodoluminescence imaging and fluid inclusion studies of quartz veins from the Tongcun Mo deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews 81, 856–870 lHui Chen, Pei Ni*, Guo-Guang Wang, Ren-Yi Chen, Zhi-Cheng LV, Zhen-Shan Pang, Lin Geng, Bai-Sheng Zhang and Hui-Xiang Yuan. 2017. Petrogenesis of Ore-Related Granodiorite Porphyry in the Jiande Copper Deposit, SE China: Implications for the Tectonic Setting and Mineralization. Resource Geology Vol. 67, No. 2: 117–138 lH Chen, P Ni*, RY Chen, ZC Lü, TZ Ye, GG Wang3, JY Pan, ZS Pang, JL Xue, HX Yuan.2017. Constraints on the Genesis of the Jiande Polymetallic Copper Deposit in South China using Fluid Inclusion and O-H-Pb Isotopes JOURNAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA.Vol.90, pp.546-557 lRZ Zhu, P Ni*, JYi Ding, DZ Wang, Y Ju, N Kang, GG Wang. 2017. Petrography, chemical composition, and Raman spectra of chrome spinel: Constraints on the diamond potential of the No. 30 pipe kimberlite in Wafangdian, North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews 91: 896–905. lGuo-Guang Wang , Pei Ni* , Chao Zhao, Hui Chen, Hui-Xiang Yuan, Yi-Tao Cai , Li Li , An-Dong Zhu. 2017. A combined fluid inclusion and isotopic geochemistry study of the Zhilingtou Mo deposit, South China: Implications for ore genesis and metallogenic setting. Ore Geology Reviews 81 , 884–897 lLi Li, PeiNi* , Guo-GuangWang , An-Dong Zhu, Jun-Yi Pan, Hui Chen, Bao Huang, Hui-Xiang Yuan ,Zeng-KeWang , Ming-Hui Fang. 2017.Multi-stage fluid boiling and formation of the giant Fujiawu porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in South China. 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Constraints on the mineralization processes of the Makeng iron deposit, eastern China: Fluid inclusion, H–O isotope and magnetite trace element analysis Ore Geology Reviews 88 , 791–808 l倪培、王国光,2017,大陆再造与钦杭带北东段多期铜金成矿作用,岩石学报, 33( 11) : 3373 - 3394 l陈辉、倪培*、陈仁义、叶天竺、吕志成、庞振山、耿林、贾儒雅,2017,浙江建德铜矿成矿流体、成矿物质来源与矿床成因探讨,岩石学报,,33 ( 2) : 354- 366 l黄宝、倪培*、项洪亮、王国光、杨玉龙、潘君屹、李肃宁、鲍谈,2017,福建邱村金矿地质特征及矿床成因,矿物岩石地球化学通报,36(4):650-659 l蔡逸涛、倪培*、王国光、陈辉、张洁,2017,赣东北东乡铜矿侵入岩与成矿年龄的确定及意义,地球科学,42(9):1495-1507 l朱安冬、倪培*、王国光、杨玉龙、朱仁智、范明森、胡金山、罗平、林文海,2017,江南造山带东段中元古代晚期A型花岗岩的发现及其构造意义,矿物岩石地球化学通报,36(6):938-947 l王波华、李利、倪培*、王国光、陈辉、江来利、张怀东, 2017,安徽北淮阳地区金矿化相关火山岩的形成年代和源区特征:锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素的制约,矿产勘查,8(3):348-357 l2016 lPei Ni, Rosario Esposito, Andy H. Rankin-,2016, Special issue of “fluid and melt inclusions” Journal of Geochemical Exploration 171: 1–3 lYing-Feng Xu, Pei Ni*, Guo-GuangWang , Jun-Yi Pan, Shen-Jin Guan, Hui Chen,Jun-Ying Ding, Lin Li. 2016. Geology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of the Huangshan orogenic gold deposit: Implications for future exploration along the Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault zone, South China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 171, 37–54 lYi-Tao Cai , Pei Ni*, Guo-GuangWang , Jun-Yi Pan, Xiao-Ting Zhu, Hui Chen, Jun-Ying Ding.2016. Fluid inclusion and H–O–S–Pb isotopic evidence for the Dongxiang Manto-type copper deposit, South China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 171, 71–82 lXiao-Ting Zhu, Pei Ni* , Guo-GuangWang, Yi-Tao Cai, Hui Chen, Jun-Yi Pan. 2016.Fluid inclusion, H–O isotope and Pb–Pb age constraints on the genesis of the Yongping copper deposit, South China. 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An infrared microthermometric study of fluid inclusions in coexisting quartz and wolframite from Late Mesozoic tungsten deposits in the Gannan metallogenic belt, South China.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 65P4:1062-1077 lNi, P; Wang, GG ; Yu, W ; Chen, H; Jiang, LL; Wang, BH; Zhang, HD; Xu, YF .2015. Evidence of fluid inclusions for two stages of fluid boiling in the formation of the giant Shapinggou porphyry Mo deposit, Dabie Orogen, Central China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 65P4: 1078-1094 lWang, GG; Ni, P *; Yao, J ; Wang, XL; Zhao, KD ; Zhu, RZ; Xu, YF; Pan, JY; Li, L ; Zhang, YH. 2015. The link between subduction-modified lithosphere and the giant Dexing porphyry copper deposit, South China: Constraints from high-Mg adakitic rocks, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS.67: 109-126 lMeng, FW ; Wang, XQ ; Ni, P *; Kletetschka, G; Yang, CH ; Li, YP ; Yang, YH .2015. 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The major composition of a middle-late Eocene salt lake in the Yunying depression of Jianghan Basin of Middle China based on analyses of fluid inclusions in halite , Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,85: 97-105 lZhuo, Qin-Gong; Meng, Fan-Wei; Song, Yan; Yang, Hai-Jun Li, Yong Ni, Pei * .2014. Hydrocarbon migration through salt: evidence from Kelasu tectonic zone of Kuqa foreland basin in China, CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES , 29 (3): 291-297 l倪培,范宏瑞,丁俊英. 2014. 流体包裹体研究进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, Vol.33,No.1, 1-5页 l赵 超,倪培*,王国光,陈 辉,蔡逸涛. 2014. 浙西南治岭头斑岩钼矿体流体包裹体研究. 高校地质学报, 第 20 卷,第 1 期,38-49页 l2013 lZhao C, Ni P *, Wang GG, Ding JY, Chen H, Zhao KD ; Cai YT, Xu YF. 2013. Geology, fluid inclusion, and isotope constraints on ore genesis of the Neoproterozoic Jinshan orogenic gold deposit, South China ,GEOFLUIDS, 13( 4): 506-527 lWang Guo-Guang, Ni Pei *, Wang Ru-Cheng, Zhao Kui-Dong, Chen Hui, Ding Jun-Ying, Zhao Chao, Cai Yi-Tao. 2013. Geological, fluid inclusion and isotopic studies of the Yinshan Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, South China: Implications for ore genesis and exploration , Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 74( SI): 343-360 lMeng Fan-Wei, Ni Pei *, Yuan Xun-Lai, Zhou Chuan-Ming, Yang Chun-He, Li Yin-Ping. 2013. Choosing the best ancient analogue for projected future temperatures: A case using data from fluid inclusions of middle-late Eocene halites, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,67-68: 46-50 l2012 lWang Guo-Guang, Ni Pei *, Zhao Kui-Dong, Wang Xiao-Lei, Liu Ji-Qiang, Jiang Shao-Yong, Chen Hui. 2012. Petrogenesis of the Middle Jurassic Yinshan volcanic-intrusive complex, SE China: Implications for tectonic evolution and Cu-Au mineralization , LITHOS ,150(SI):135-154 l倪培, 2012. 前言:流体包裹体研究进展, 南京大学学报(自然科学),第48卷,第3期,237-239 l姚静,倪培*,赵葵东,王洪涛. 2012. 德兴铜厂斑岩铜矿成矿流体演化特征, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, Vol.31, No.2, 97-104 l于文, 倪培*, 王国光, 商力, 江来利, 王波华, 张怀东,2012,安徽金寨县沙坪沟斑岩钼矿床成矿流体演化特征, 南京大学学报(自然科学), 第48卷 第3期,240-255 l潘君屹,丁俊英*,倪培*, 2012.Na2CO3-H2O体系人工流体包裹体中CO2-3离子的显微拉曼光谱研究, 南京大学学报(自然科学), 第48卷 第3期, 328-335 l2011 lMeng, FW; Ni, P*; Schiffbauer, JD; Yuan, XL; Zhou, CM; Wang, YG . 2011. Ediacaran seawater temperature: Evidence from inclusions of Sinian halite. Precambrian Research. Vol 184.No.1-4: 63-69 . lWang, TG; Ni, P*; Sun, WD; Zhao, KD ; Wang, XD. 2011. Zircon U-Pb ages of granites at Changba and Huangzhuguan in western Qinling and implications for source nature. Chinese Science Bulletin. Vol: 56, No7: 659-669 . l倪培; 丁俊英; I-Ming Chou; Jean Dubessy, 2011, 一种新型人工“流体包裹体”:融合二氧化硅毛细管技术,地学前缘 , 18(5):132-139 l陈辉;倪培*; 刘家润; 闫金宝; 余锡明; 祝关水. 2011. 浙江省绍兴市平水铜矿流体包裹体研究, 岩石学报 , 27(5): 1352-1360 l蔡逸涛; 倪培*; 沈昆; 朱筱婷; 黄苏锦; 张秀昌; 徐积辉, 2011, 江西东乡铜矿流体包裹体研究,岩石学报 , 27(5):1375-1386 l孟凡巍; 倪培*; 葛晨东; 王天刚; 王国光; 刘吉强; 赵超, 2011, 实验室合成石盐包裹体的均一温度以及古气候意义, 岩石学报 , 27(5): 1543-1547 l王国光;倪培*; 赵葵东; 刘家润; 解国爱; 徐积辉; 张志辉 2011, 江西银山铅锌矿床闪锌矿与石英流体包裹体对比研究, 岩石学报 , ,27(5): 1387-1396 l王天刚,倪培*,沈 昆,王国光,赵 超,丁俊英.2011. 西秦岭厂坝-李家沟铅锌矿床流体包裹体特征及成因意义. 南京大学学报(自然科学),47(6): 731-743 l2010 lWang Xudong, Ni Pei *, Jiang Shaoyong, Zhao Kuidong, Wang Tiangang. 2010. Origin of ore-forming fluid in the Piaotang tungsten deposit in Jiangxi Province: Evidence from helium and argon isotopes .CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 55( 7): 628-634 lLiu Jiqiang; Chen Lihui*; Ni Pei *.2010. Fluid/melt inclusions in Cenozoic mantle xenoliths from Linqu, Shandong Province, eastern China: Implications for asthenosphere-lithosphere interactions,CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN. ,55( 11): 1067-1076 l刘吉强, 陈立辉*, 倪培*,2010, 山东临朐新生代地幔捕虏体中的流体/熔体包裹体:软流圈-岩石圈相互作用的信息,科学通报, 第55 卷 第7期:579-588 l王天刚, 倪培*, 孙卫东, 赵葵东, 王旭东.2010.西秦岭勉略带北部黄渚关和厂坝花岗岩锆石U-Pb 年龄及源区性质,科学通报,2010 年 第55 卷 第36 期:3493 - 3505 l王旭东, 倪培*, 张伯声, 王天刚.2010.江西盘古山石英脉型钨矿床流体包裹体研究. 岩石矿物学杂志.第29 卷 第5 期, 页539 ~ 550 l2009 l倪培,Jean Dubessy,丁俊英 ,王天刚 ,张婷.2009.低温原位拉曼光谱技术在流体包裹体研究中的应用.地学前缘(中国地质大学(北京);北京大学).第16 卷第1 期,页173-180 l王旭东, 倪培*, 蒋少涌, 赵葵东, 王天刚. 2009. 江西漂塘钨矿成矿流体来源的He 和Ar 同位素证据.科学通报, 第54 卷 第21 期: 3338- 3344 l2008 lPei Ni, Xia Zhu, Rucheng Wang, Kun Shen, Zeming Zhang, Jiansheng Qiu, Jianping Huang. 2008. Constraining ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism and titanium ore formation from an infrared microthermometric study of fluid inclusions in rutile from Donghai UHP eclogites, eastern China,Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 120, no. 9/10, p. 1296-1304 l倪培,丁俊英,Jean Dubessy,张婷,2008.原位低温拉曼光谱技术在人工合成CaCl2-H2O和MgCl2-H2O体系流体包裹体分析中的应用II:低温下流体包裹体相变行为的研究, 岩石学报,24(9):1968-1974 l倪培,孟凡巍,2008. 碳酸盐岩中烃类包裹体的人工合成实验研究,岩石学报, 24 (1): 161-165 l孟凡巍,倪培*,丁俊英,刘吉强, 2008.人工合成烃类流体包裹体测温数据对石油地质的指示, 岩石学报,24(9):1975-1980 l丁俊英,倪培*,Jean Dubessy,张婷, 2008. 原位低温拉曼光谱技术在人工合成CaCl2-H2O和MgCl2-H2O体系流体包裹体分析中的应用I:低温拉曼光谱研究, 岩石学报,24(9):1961-1967 l王天刚,倪培*,王国光,张婷,2008. 甘肃厂坝铅锌矿富甲烷流体包裹体的发现及其意义, 岩石学报,24(9):2105-2112 l王旭东,倪培*,蒋少涌,黄建宝,孙立强, 2008. 赣南漂塘钨矿流体包裹体研究, 岩石学报,24(9):2136--2170 l2007 lPei Ni and Zhaolin Li, 2007, Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusion:An Intruduction, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(1):1-2 lLiu JQ, Ni P*, Shen K and Ding JY, 2007, Liquid immiscibility recorded in melt inclusions within corundum from alkaline basalt, Changle area, Shandong province, Eastern China. 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In situ cryogenic Raman spectroscopic studieson the synthetic fluid inclusions in the systems H2O and NaCl-H2O, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.51, No.1, 108-114 l倪培, 丁俊英, 饶冰. 人工合成H2O及NaCl-H2O体系流体包裹体低温原位拉曼光谱研究. 科学通报 , 2006, 51(09): 1073-1078 l潘立银,倪培*,欧光习,丁俊英, 2006, 油气包裹体在油气地质研究中的应用—概念、分类、形成机制及研究意义, 矿物岩石地球化学通报,25(1):19-28 l2005 l倪培、田京辉、朱筱婷、凌洪飞、蒋少涌,顾连兴, 2005,江西永平铜矿下盘网脉状矿化的流体包裹体研究,岩石学报,21(5):1339-1346. l丁俊英 倪培*饶冰, 2005,CaCl2-H2O体系人工合成流体包裹体研究,岩石学报,21(5):1425-1428. l2004 l丁俊英,倪培*,饶冰,周进,朱筱婷.2004. 利用人工合成流体包裹体探讨单个包裹体盐度的显微激光拉曼光谱测定,地质论评,50(2):203~209 l2003 lNi, P., Gu, l.X., Ling, H. F.,Zaw, K., 2003 Fluid inclusion study on stringer system, Yongping Massive sulfide copper deposit, Jiangxi province, China. 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