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1980年毕业于南京大学地质系地球化学专业,1985年获南京大学矿床学博士学位并留校任教,1988~1989年在英国伦敦大学帝国理工学院进行合作研究,1992年被聘为教授,1997年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2002年入选江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家。2013年当选中国科学院院士。 主要科研项目: 主持和完成科技部973项目课题、科技部基础研究重大项目前期专项、863计划专题课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目及面上项目、国家杰出青年科学基金项目、国家创新研究群体科学基金、中国地质调查局科研工作项目、江苏省科技厅创新学者及产学研前瞻性联合研究项目等20多项国家及省部级课题和专题的研究工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体科学基金项目“表生地球化学过程与环境变迁”和中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目“中国矿物碳汇试验研究”。 主要科研成果: 用矿物学和同位素地球化学方法示踪风尘物源,揭示了亚洲风尘的潜在源区;通过对我国北方沙漠和黄土风化成壤过程中元素的活动性研究,创建指示古季风气候变化的地球化学指标,明确指出亚洲季风对大陆风化过程和全球变冷的重要影响; 从1980年代开始围绕含锡花岗岩的物源性质、演化程度、成矿能力和找矿标志开展研究,系统揭示了华南锡矿成矿地球化学过程,提出华南最重要原生锡矿三阶段成矿模式和锡石-硫化物矿床的找矿模型。 主要获奖情况: 1992年获中国地质学会全国青年科技一等奖(金锤奖),获奖项目“华南层控锡矿地质特征与形成机制”; 2001年获教育部科技进步一等奖,获奖项目“锡与稀有金属花岗岩成岩成矿作用地球化学研究”; 2008年获教育部自然科学奖一等奖,获奖项目“黄土高原风尘来源、沉积和风化过程的地球化学研究”; 2010年获国家自然科学奖二等奖,获奖项目“亚洲风尘起源、沉积与风化的地球化学研究及古气候意义”; 2012年获全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师奖,博士学位论文“东亚风尘物源地球化学示踪研究”。 专著与教材: 1.陈骏,王汝成,周建平,季峻峰.《锡的地球化学》,(26.6万字),南京大学出版社,2000年,320p 2.陈骏,王鹤年.《地球化学》,(90万字),科学出版社,2004年,418p


(1)风尘系统地球化学与全球变化 (2)地质碳汇与二氧化碳矿物封存 (3)华南钨锡金矿床地球化学


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1.Chen J, Zhou KL. Discovery of paleoplacer tin from Nantuo Formation of Middle Sinian in northern JiangxiProvince and discussion of its geological significance. KEXUE TONGBAO, 33 (14): 1192-1194 JUL 1988 2.Chen J, Halls C, Stanley CJ. Tin-bearing skarns of South China - geological setting and mineralogy. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 7 (3): 225-248 JUL 1992 3.Chen J, Halls C, Stanley CJ. Rare-earth element contents and patterns in major skarn minerals from Shizhuyuan W, Sn, Bi and Mo deposit, South-China. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 26 (3): 147-158 1992 4.Chen J, An ZS, Wang HT, Gao Y. An isotopic study of the S-1 paleosol carbonates from the central Loess Plateau of North China. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 41 (18): 1542-1545 SEP 1996 5.Chen J, Wang HT, Lu HY. Behaviors of REE and other trace elements during pedological weathering——Evidence from chemical leaching of loess and paleosol from the Luochuan section in central China. ActaGeologicaSinica, 1996, 9(3):290-302 6.Chen J, Qiu G, Lu HY, Ji JF. Variation of summer monsoon intensity on the Loess Plateau of central China during the last 130000 a - Evidence from Rb and Sr distribution. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 42 (6): 473-476 MAR 1997 7.Chen J, Qiu G, Yang JD. Sr isotopic composition of loess carbonate and identification of primary and secondary carbonates. PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE 7 (5): 590-593 OCT 1997 8.Wang H N, Chen J, Ji JF, and Qu XM. Geology and geochemistry of the Hetai shear zone type gold deposit from Guangdong province of S. China. International Geology Review, 39, 1997, 181–190 9.Chen J, Ji JF, Su YX, Lu HY l. EPR studies of Mn2+ in the Loess Plateau of central China: Implication for variation of the East Asia summer monsoon. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 43 (1): 72-75 JAN 1998 10.Chen J, Ji JF, Qiu G, Lu HY. Geochemical studies on the intensity of chemical weathering in Luochuan loess-paleosol sequence, China. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES 41 (3): 235-241 JUN 1998 11.Chen J, An ZS, Head J. Variation of Rb/Sr ratios in the loess-paleosol sequences of central China during the last 130,000 years and their implications for monsoon paleoclimatology. QUATERNARY RESEARCH 51 (3): 215-219 MAY 1999 12.Chen J, An ZS, Wang YJ, Ji JF, Chen Y, Lu HY. Distribution of Rb and Sr in the Luochuan loess-paleosal sequence of China during the last 800 ka - Implications for paleomonsoon variations. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES 42 (3): 225-232 JUN 1999 13.Ji JF, Chen J, Lu HY. Origin of illite in the loess from the Luochuan area, Loess Plateau, Central China. CLAY MINERALS 34 (4): 525-532 DEC 1999 14.Yang JD, Chen J, An ZS, Shields G, Tao XC, Zhu HB, Ji JF, Chen Y. Variations in Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios of calcites in Chinese loess: a proxy for chemical weathering associated with the East Asian summer monsoon. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 157 (1-2): 151-159 MAR 15 2000 15.Chen J, Ji JF, Chen Y, An ZS, Dearing JA, Wang YJ. Use of rubidium to date loess and paleosols of the Louchan sequence, central China. QUATERNARY RESEARCH 54 (2): 198-205 SEP 2000 16.Chen J, Wang YJ, Chen Y, Liu LW, Ji JF, Lu HY. Rb and Sr geochemical characterization of the Chinese Loess stratigraphy and its implications for palaeomonsoon climate. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION 74 (2): 279-288 Sp. Iss. SI 2000 17.Ji JF, Chen J. An EPR study on the chemical form of Mn2+ in the Chinese loess samples. SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS 33 (2): 201-209 2000 18.Yu Z, Chen J, Ji JF. Fe-57-Mossbauer studies on Loess-palaeosol samples from the Luochuan section, Loess Plateau of Central China. SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS 33 (6): 833-846 2000 19.Chen J, An ZS, Liu LW, Ji JF, Yang JD, Chen Y. Variations in chemical compositions of the eolian dust in Chinese Loess Plateau over the past 2.5 Ma and chemical weathering in the Asian inland. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences 44 (5): 403-413 MAY 2001 20.Liu LW, Chen J, Wang HT, Chen Y. A chemical index of weathering without effect of wind sorting: Fe/Mg ratios in the acid-insoluble phases of loess deposits. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 46 (16): 1384-1387 AUG 2001 21.Yang JD, Chen J, Tao XC, Li CL, Ji JF, Chen Y. Sr isotope ratios of acid-leached loess residues from Luochuan, China: A tracer of continental weathering intensity over the past 2.5 Ma. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 35 (6): 403-412 2001 22.Chen J, Ji JF, Balsam W, Chen Y, Liu LW, An ZS. Characterization of the Chinese loess-paleosol stratigraphy by whiteness measurement. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology 183 (3-4): 287-297 JUL 20 2002 23.Liu LW, Chen J, Chen Y, Ji JF, Lu H. Variation of Zr/Rb ratios on the Loess Plateau of Central China during the last 130000 years and its implications for winter monsoon. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 47 (15): 1298-1302 AUG 2002 24.Chen Y, Chen J, Liu LW, Ji JF, Zhang JX. Spatial and temporal changes of summer monsoon on the Loess Plateau of Central China during the last 130 ka inferred from Rb/Sr ratios. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES 46 (10): 1022-1030 OCT 2003 25.Ji JF, Chen J, Balsam W, Lu HY, Sun YB, Xu HF. High resolution hematite/goethite records from Chinese loess sequences for the last glacial-interglacial cycle: Rapid climatic response of the East Asian Monsoon to the tropical Pacific. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 31 (3): Art. No. L03207 FEB 13 2004 26.Ji JF, Chen J, Jin L, Zhang WC, Balsam W, Lu HY. Relating magnetic susceptibility (MS) to the simulated thematic mapper (TM) bands of the Chinese loess: Application of TM image for soil MS mapping on Loess Plateau. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 109 (B5): Art. No. B05102 MAY 27 2004 27.Liu LW, Chen J, Ji JF, Chen Y. Comparison of paleoclimatic change from Zr/Rb ratios in Chinese loess with marine isotope records over the 2.6-1.2 Ma BP interval. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 31 (15): Art. No. L15204 AUG 10 2004 28.Sheng XF, Chen J, Cai YF, Chen Y, and JiJunfeng Aragonite-calcite transformation in fossil snail shells of loess sequences in Loess Plateau, Central China. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 50 (9): 891-895 MAY 2005 29.Sheng XF, Chen J, Junfeng JF, and Su YX. An EPR study on mollusk shells from loess-paleosol sequences in the Loess Plateau, central China. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 39 (1): 61-67 2005 30.Wu YZ, Chen J, Ji JF, Tian QQ, and Wu XM. Feasibility of reflectance spectroscopy for the assessment of soil mercury contamination. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 39 (3): 873–878 FEB 2005 31.Wu YZ, Chen J, Wu XM, Tian QJ, Ji JF, and Qin ZH. Possibilities of reflectance spectroscopy for the assessment of contaminant elements in suburban soils. APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY 20 (6): 1051-1059 JUN 2005 32.Yang JD, Chen J, and Zhang JX. Variations in Sr-87/Sr-86 of the Huanxian profile, Loess Plateau of China from 40 ka B.P to 10 ka B.P and Heinrich events. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 39 (2): 165-171 2005 33.Chen J, Chen Y, Liu LW, Ji JF, Balsam W, Sun YB, Lu HY. Zr/Rb ratio in the Chinese loess sequences and its implication for changes in the East Asian winter monsoon strength. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 70 (6): 1471-1482 MAR 15 2006 34.Liu LW, Chen J, Ji JF, Chen Y, Balsam W. Variation of Zr/Rb ratios in the Chinese loess deposits during the past 1.8 Myr and its implication for the change of East Asian monsoon intensity. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS 7: Art. No. Q10006 OCT 10 2006 35.Rao WB, Chen J, Luo TY, Liu LW. Phosphorus geochemistry in the Luochuan loess section, North China and its paleoclimatic implications. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 144: 72-83 FEB 2006 36.Sun YB, Chen J, Clemens SC, Liu QC, Ji JF, Tada R. East Asian monsoon variability over the last seven glacial cycles recorded by a loess sequence from the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS 7: Art. No. Q12Q02 DEC 29 2006 37.Chen J, Li GJ, Yang JD, Rao WB, Lu HY, Balsam W, Sun YB, Ji JF. Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of Chinese deserts: Implications for the provenances of Asian dust. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 71 (15): 3904-3914 AUG 1 2007 38.Li G, Chen J, Chen Y, Yang J, Ji J, Liu L. Dolomite as a tracer for the source regions of Asian dust. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH- ATMOSPHERES 112 (D17): Art. No. D17201 SEP 5 2007 39.Li GJ, Chen J, Ji JF, Liu LW, Yang JD, Sheng XF Global cooling forced increase in marine strontium isotopic ratios: Importance of mica weathering and a kinetic approach. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 254 (3-4): 303-312 FEB 28 2007 40.Wang HT, Chen J, Cai YF, Ji JF, Liu LW, Teng HH. Defluoridation of drinking water by Mg/Al hydrotalcite-like compounds and their calcined products. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 35 (1-2): 59-66 JAN 2007 41.Wu YZ, Chen J, Ji JF, Gong P, Liao QL, Tian QJ, Ma HR. A mechanism study of reflectance spectroscopy for investigating heavy metals in soils. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL 71 (3): 918-926 MAY-JUN 2007 42.Rao WB, Chen J, Yang JD, Ji JF, Li GJ, Tan HB. Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of eolian deposits in the ErdosDesert and Chinese Loess Plateau: Implications for their provenances. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 42 (3): 273-282 2008 43.Rao WB, Chen J, Yang JD, Ji JF, Zhang GX, Chen JS. Strontium isotopic and elemental characteristics of calcites in the eolian dust profile of the Chinese Loess Plateau during the past 7 Ma. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 42 (6): 493-506 2008 44.Sheng XF, Chen J*, Ji JF, Chen TH, Li GJ, Teng HH. Morphological characters and multi-element isotopic signatures of carbonates from Chinese loess–paleosol sequences. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 72 (17): 4323-4337 SEP 2008 45.Li GJ, Chen J*, Ji JF, Yang JD, Conway TM. Natural and anthropogenic sources of East Asian dust. GEOLOGY 37 (8): 727-730 AUG 2009 46.Li GJ, Ji JF, Chen J, Kemp DB. Evolution of the Cenozoic carbon cycle: The roles of tectonics and CO2 fertilization. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES 23: GB1009 MAR 2009 47.Rao WB, Chen J, Yang JD, Ji JF, Zhang GX. Sr isotopic and elemental characteristics of calcites in the Chinese deserts: Implications for eolianSr transport and seawater Sr evolution. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 73 (19): 5600-5618 2009 48.Xie L, Wang RC, Chen J, Zhu JC, Zhang WL, Wang DZ, Yu AP. Primary Sn-rich titianite in the Qitianling granite, HunanProvince, southern China: An important type of tin-bearing mineral and its implications for tin exploration. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 54 (5): 798-805 MAR 2009 49.Mao CP, Chen J. Yuan XY, Yang ZF, Balsam W, Ji JF. Seasonal variation in the mineralogy of the suspended particulate matter of the lower ChangjiangRiver at Nanjing, China. CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS 58(5): 691-706 OCT 2010 50.Chen J, Li GJ. Geochemical studies on the source region of Asian dust. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES 54 (9): 1279-1301 SEP 2011 51.Mao CP, Chen J, Yuan XY, Yang ZF, Ji JF. Seasonal variations in the Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of suspended particulate matter in the lower ChangjiangRiver: Provenance and erosion constraints. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 56 (22): 2371-2378 AUG 2011 52.Li GJ*, Pekkte PM, Chen J*. Increasing Nd isotopic ratio of Asian dust indicates progressive uplift of the north Tibetan Plateau since the middle Miocene. GEOLOGY, 39 (3): 199–202 MAR 2011 53.Rao WB, Chen J, Tan HB, Jiang SY, Su J. Sr-Nd isotopic and REE geochemical constraints on the provenance of fine-grained sands in the Ordos deserts, north-central China. GEOMORPHOLOGY 132 (3-4): 123-138 SEP 15 2011 54.Tan HB, Chen J, Rao WB, Zhang WJ, Zhou HF. Geothermal constraints on enrichment of boron and lithium in salt lakes: An example from a river-salt lake system on the northern slope of the eastern Kunlun Mountains, China. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 51: 21-29 JUN 2 2012 55.Li GJ, Chen J, Chen Y. Primary and secondary carbonate in Chinese loess discriminated by trace element composition. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 103: 26-35 FEB 15 2013 56.Chen J, Wang RC, Zhu JC, Lu JJ, Ma DS. Muti-aged granites in the Nanling Range and their W-Sn mineralization. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES 56 (12): 2045-2055 DEC 2013 57.Yao Y, Chen J*, Lu JJ, Wang RC, Zhang RQ. Geology and genesis of the Hehuapingmagnesianskarn-type cassiterite-sulfide deposit, HunanProvince, southern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 58: 163-184 APR 2014


