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博士,研究员,博士生导师。所属新能源技术所副所长,曾获得教育部自然科学二等奖、中国光学学会自然科学二等奖等荣誉奖项。2012年8月以“团队人才”加入中科院宁波材料所,组建了一个100余人的科研团队,所从事的研究内容包括新型太阳能电池、第三代半导体材料与器件等。回国后在Joule, Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials,等杂志上发表200余篇论文,发表专著2篇,翻译著作1部,申请专利220余项,授权100余项, 2个项目实现转移转化,其中一个项目获得中科院创投基金投资。课题组先后承担国家重点研发计划(6项)、国家自然科学基金(13项,1项重点)、中科院重大装备项目、以及其它国家、浙江省、宁波市、企业科研项目等70余项。


高效硅基太阳能电池技术和工艺开发 高效柔性薄膜太阳电池技术和工艺开发 新型太阳能电池技术


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Z. Yang, X. Li, S. Wu, P. Gao, and J. Ye*, texture and truncated-nanopyramid reflector, Optics Letters, 40 (6), 1077-1080, 2015. P. Gao, J. He, S. Zhou, X. Yang, S. Li, J. Sheng, D. Wang, T. Yu, J. Ye,*, Y. Cui*, Large-Area Nanosphere Self-Assemblies by a Micro-Propulsive Injection Method for High Throughput Periodic Surface Nanotexturing, Nano Letters, 15(7), 4591-4598, 2015. J. He, P. Gao, J. Sheng, X. Yang, S. Zhou, Z. Ying and J. Ye*, High performance organic/20μm crystalline-silicon heterojunction solar cells, Materials Research Express, 2(6), 065902-065908, 2015. J. He, P. Gao, M. Liao, X. Yang, Z. Ying, S. Zhou, Y. Cui, J. Ye,*, Realization of 13.6% Efficiency on 20 μm-thick c-Si/PEDOT:PSS Hybrid Heterojunction Solar Cells via Advanced Nanotexturing and Surface Recombination Suppression, ACS Nano, 9(6), 6522-6531, 2015. X. Yang, S. Zhou, D. Wang, J. He, J. Zhou, X. Li, P. Gao, J. Ye*, Light Trapping Enhancement in a Thin Film with 2D Conformal Periodic Hexagonal Arrays, Nanoscale Research Letters, 10(1), 284-293, 2015. J. Sheng, K. Fan, D. Wang, C. Han, J. Fang, P. Gao and J. Ye*, Improvement of the surface passviation of SiOx layer for high efficient Si/PEDOT:PSS heterojunction solar cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(18), 16027-16034, 2014. C. Han, J. Yang, C. Yan, Y. Li, F. Liu, L. Jiang, J. Ye* and Y. Liu*,The electrochemical self-assembly of hierarchical dendritic Bi2Se3 nanostructures,CrystEngComm, 16(13), 2823-2834, 2014. P. Gao, H. Wang, Z. Sun, W. Han, J. Li, and J. Ye*, Efficient light trapping in low aspect-ratio honeycomb nanobowl surface texturing for crystalline silicon solar cell applications, Applied Physics Letters 103(25), 253105-253108 , 2013. F. Tang, X.Wu, S. Ge, J. Ye, H. Zhu, M. Hagiwara, J. Schoenung*, Dry sliding friction and wear properties of B4C particulate-reinforced AL-5083 matrix composites, WEAR, 264(7), 555-561, 2008. H. Zhang, J. Ye, S. Joshi, J. Schoenung, E. Chin, K. Ramesh*, Rate dependent behavior of hierarchical Al matrix composites, Scripta Materialia, 59(10), 1139-1142, 2008. H. Zhang, J. Ye, S. Joshi, J. Schoenung, E. Chin, G. Gaonas. K. Ramesh*, Superlightweightnanoengineered aluminum for strength under impact, Advanced Engineer Materials, 9(5), 355-359, 2007. B. Han, J. Ye, F. Tang, J. Schoenung, E. Lavernia*, Processing and behavior of nanostructured metallic alloys andcomposites by crymilling, Journal of Materials Science, 42(5), 1660-1672, 2007. J. Ye, B. Han, J, Schoenung*, Mechanical behavior of an Al-matrix composite reinforced with nanocrystalline Al-coated B4C particulates, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 86(11), 721-732, 2006. H. Zhang, M. Chen, K. Ramesh, J. Ye, J. Schoenung, E. Chin*, Tensile behavior and dynamic failure of aluminum 6092/B4C composites, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, 433(1), 70-82, 2006. J. Ye, B. Han, J. Schoenung*, Technical cost modeling for the mechanical milling at cryogenic temperature(cryomilling), Advanced Engineering Materials, 6(8), 656-664, 2006. J. He, J, Ye, E. Lavernia, D. Matejczyk, C. Bampton, J. Schoenung*, Quantitative analysis of grain size in bimodal powders by X-ray diffraction an transmission electron microscopy, Journal of Materials Science, 39(23), 6957-6964, 2004.
