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浙江绍兴人,现任东北大学工商管理学院管理科学与工程系副教授。1991-1995年,在东北大学信息科学与工程学院获工学学士学位;1995-1998年在东北大学信息科学与工程学院获工学硕士学位。1998年3月到东北大学工商管理学院从事教学与科研工作;2001年9月考入东北大学工商管理学院管理科学与工程专业,在职攻读博士学位,师从樊治平教授,重点研究知识管理、知识协同和决策理论,2006年9月获管理学博士学位。2012年1月-2013年1月在英国Strathclyde大学复杂科学中心做公派访问学者一年,主要研究复杂网络与知识协同网络。曾完成国家级科研项目3项,省部级科研项目4项及其他科研项目十多项。2011年获国家自然基金项目“混合驱动机制下知识协同目标网络的状态评价及优化控制研究”(项目编号:71171043)。已发表学术论文三十余篇,其中SCI收录2篇,EI收录11篇,ISTP收录8篇。 学习经历 2008.7-2011.12 东北大学信息学院控制科学与工程博士流动站,博士后 2001.9-2006.9 东北大学工商管理学院,博士生,管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位 1995.9-1998.3 东北大学信息学院,研究生,工业自动化仪表专业,获工学硕士学位 1991.9-1995.7 东北大学信息学院,本科,工业自动化仪表专业,获工学学士学位 工作经历 2008.1- 东北大学工商管理学院,副教授 2001.5-2007.12 东北大学工商管理学院,讲师 1998.8- 2001.5 东北大学工商管理学院,助教




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Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平). Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of System Catastrophe in Knowledge Collaboration Complexity Network [J], Journal Of Computers, 2010,5(4): 622-630. (EI检索号:20101212794702) Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平). Evaluation method for collaboration degree in knowledge collaboration team [C], 2010 International Conferenceon Future Information Technology and Management Engineering (FITME), V2: 502-505, Changzhou, China. (EI检索号:20110313595712) 俞竹超. 知识协同理论框架与若干问题研究[D]. 东北大学博士论文, 2006. 俞竹超, 尤天慧, 张尧, 樊治平. 一种指标权重信息不完全的多指标决策方法. 系统工程理论方法应用. 2005, 14(6):506-508 Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平). A Framework of Group Decision-Making in Network Environment [C]. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2006, 6(4):135-139. Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平), Tianhui You (尤天慧). A selection method for partners of knowledge collaboration team [C]. The Proceedings of IE&EM’2006 and AIE&M’2006. China Machine Press. 12-14 Aug. 2006, Shandong University, Weihai, China. China Machine Press. (ISTP检索号: 000243868804117) Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平). Subject-oriented knowledge reconstruction in organizational innovation management [C]. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: A Strategic View of Engineering and Technology Management. IEMC 2005, Vol. 3, 735-739. September 11-14, 2005. St.John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. (EI检索号: 064210180423, ISTP检索号: 000235633100149) Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平), Dan Li. A framework and operation mechanism for knowledge services [C]. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: A Strategic View of Engineering and Technology Management. IEMC 2005, Vol. 3, 907-911. September 11-14, 2005. St.John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. (EI检索号: 064210180458, ISTP检索号: 000235633100184) Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平). Simulation and Study of Catastrophe phenomenon in Knowledge Collaboration Complexity Network [C], 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2008), 21-23 Dec. 2008, Shanghai, China. (EI检索号: 20091411997390) Mitsuru Morita, Masahiro Horiuchi, Chiaki Iwai, Masatsugu Oshima, Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Bo Xu. A Study on Collectivism and Group Decision-Making—An International Comparison of Japan, China, And Russia Using A Gaming Simulation, The Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL2011), Vol. 33, USA, Pensacola, FL, 16-18 March 2011. Mitsuru Morita, Masahiro Horiuchi, Chiaki Iwai, Masatsugu Oshima, Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超). An Experiment On Group Decision-Making Using A Business Game: An International Comparison Of MBA Students In Japan, China, And Russia, The Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL2010), Vol. 32: 141-150, USA, Little Rock, 24-26 March 2010. Ye Ning (宁烨), Zhiping Fan (樊治平), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超). Study on Early Warning Mechanisms of Knowledge Capability Based on BP Neural Network [C]. Proceeding of The First International Conference on Information Science and Engineering --- ICISE2009, Dec.26-28,2009, 南京. (EI检索号:20102212965155) 樊治平, 冯博, 俞竹超. 知识协同的发展及研究展望[J], 科学学与科学技术管理, 2007, (11): 85-91. 李丹, 俞竹超, 樊治平. 知识网络的构建过程分析[J]. 科学学研究, 2002, 20(6): 620-623. (CSSCI收录) 袁雅静, 俞竹超, 樊治平. 基于知识管理的ERP扩展与实施分析. 工业工程与管理[J]. 2002, 7(6): 42-45, 615. 尤天慧, 樊治平, 俞竹超. 一种具有序区间偏好信息的群决策方法, 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 28(2): 286-288. 尤天慧, 樊治平, 俞竹超. 一种基于证据理论的组织内知识共享风险评估方法, 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2006,27 (11): 1287-1290. Tianhui You (尤天慧), Lu Li(李璐), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Study of establishment and method of seller credit evaluation index system for C2C E-commerce [C], 2010 The 4th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS2010), 39-42, Aug. 2010, Wuhan , China. (EI检索号:EI20104813438760) Tianhui You (尤天慧), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Feifei Li (李菲菲), Jun Xing. A framework of knowledge service platform on library [J]. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS). 2006, 6(6): 101-105. Tianhui You (尤天慧), Feifei Li (李菲菲), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超). A method for evaluating the knowledge transfer ability in organization [C]. Proceedings of First International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Guilin, August 5-8, China. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2006, LNAI 4092: 576–585. (SCI检索号: 000240085200049, ISTP检索号: 000240085200049). Yanping Jiang (姜艳萍) , Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Zhiping Fan (樊治平). The evaluation of the customer service quality in a supply chain based on the LOWA aggregation operator [C]. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: A Strategic View of Engineering and Technology Management. IEMC 2005, Vol. 2, 415-418. September 11-14, 2005. St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. (EI检索号: 064210180355, ISTP检索号: 000235633100085) Tianhui You (尤天慧), Xinyu Liu (刘新宇), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超). Evaluation and control strategy of knowledge sharing risk in organization [C]. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: A Strategic View of Engineering and Technology Management. IEMC 2005, Vol. 2, 584-588. September 11-14, 2005. St.John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. (EI检索号: 064210180394, ISTP检索号: 000235633100119) Wei Ou (欧伟), Zhiping Fan (樊治平), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超). Research on knowledge sharing problems in new product development [C]. The Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. China Machine Press. Vol. 1, 185-189. 6-8 Nov. 2005, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. China Machine Press. (ISTP检索号: 000234931400037) Tianhui You (尤天慧), Yongze Tan (汤永哲), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超). A framework of new product developing-oriented knowledge pushing system [C]. The Proceedings of IE&EM’2006 and AIE&M’2006. China Machine Press. 12-14 Aug. 2006, Shandong University, Weihai, China. China Machine Press. (ISTP检索号: 000235633100184) Tianhui You (尤天慧), Qingxi Wang (王庆喜), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超), Feifei Li. Analysis and control strategies of knowledge transfer cost in organization [C]. The Proceedings of IE&EM’2006 and AIE&M’2006. China Machine Press. 12-14 Aug. 2006, Shandong University, Weihai, China. China Machine Press. Tianhui You (尤天慧), Feifei Li (李菲菲), Zhuchao Yu (俞竹超). A synthetic evaluation method for knowledge transfer capability in organization [C]. The 36th CIE Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. October 8-11, 2006. Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. 尤天慧, 牛巧丽, 俞竹超. 组织内知识共享的风险分析及控制策略[J]. 东北大学学报(社会科学版), 2005, 7(3): 187-189. 孙新波,俞竹超.知识员工生产率提高的障碍及对策——以A软件集团为例[J]. 科学管理研究, 2008,26 (5): 63-66.(CSSCI) 赵淼, 樊治平, 王建宇, 俞竹超. 基于供应商管理过程的供应商知识管理研究[J]. 现代管理科学, 2005, (12): 86-88. 冯勇, 樊治平, 俞竹超. 一种复合知识推送系统框架[C]. 信息系统协会中国分会第一届学术年会(CNAIS 2005)论文集――中国信息系统研究与应用前沿, 北京: 清华大学出版社. 11月4-6日, 中国, 北京. 2005, 465-468.
