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王元生,男,1961年1月出生,研究员, 博士生导师。1982年7月中国科技大学物理系学士;1985年9月中科院固体物理研究所硕士;1989年3月获中国科技大学理学博士后从事后博士后研究。2002年4月加入福建物构所任知识创新课题组长,先后承担了国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发专项、中国科学院重要方向性项目、中科院-英国研究理事会合作项目、福建省科技重大专项等课题;在JACS、ACS Nano、Adv. Func. Mater.、Light:Science & Applications、Laser & Photonics Review、Nano Energy等国际著名SCI刊物发表论文约200篇,他引8000余次,H因子55;2014-2018年连续五年入选Elsevier中国高被引学者榜(材料科学);出版3篇中英文专章;获得中国发明专利授权20项;有3项成果相继被评为2007、2008和2009年中国光学重要成果。现任中国微纳米技术学会理事、中国硅酸盐学会特种玻璃分会理事、全国工业玻璃和特种玻璃标准化技术委员会委员、中国工业陶瓷标准化技术委员会委员等职务。


1. 面向LED/光伏等应用的光功能纳米材料 2. 纳米光电材料的结构调控与物性研究


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2016 [1] Zebin Lin, Hang Lin*, Ju Xu, Feng Huang, Hui Chen, Bo Wang, Yuansheng Wang*, A chromaticity-tunable garnet-based phosphor-in-glass colorconverter applicable in w-LED, Journal of the European Ceramic Society,2016, 36, 1723-1729. [2] Hui Chen, Hang Lin*, Yuansheng Wang*, A novel double-perovskite Gd2ZnTiO6: Mn4+ red phosphor for UV-based w-LEDs: structure and luminescent properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2374-2381.  [3] Qingping Wu, Feng Huang, Mingshi Zhao, Ju Xu, Jiangcong Zhou, Yuansheng Wang*, Ultra-small yellow defective TiO2 nanoparticles for co-catalyst free photocatalytic hydrogen production, Nano Energy, 2016, 24, 63-71. [4] Yan Gao, Feng Huang*, Hang Lin, Jiangcong Zhou, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang*,A Novel Optical Thermometry Strategy Based on Diverse Thermal Response from Two Intervalence Charge Transfer States, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016,26,3139-3145. [5] Bo Wang, Hang Lin*, Feng Huang, Ju Xu, Hui Chen, Zebin Lin, Yuansheng Wang*, Non-Rare-Earth  BaMgAl10-2xO17:xMn4+,xMg2+: A Narrow-Band Red Phosphor for Use as a High-Power Warm w-LED, Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 3515-3524. [6] Mingshi Zhao, Feng Huang*, Hang Lin, Jiangcong Zhou, Ju Xu, Qingping Wu, Yuansheng Wang*,CuGaS2–ZnS p–n nanoheterostructures: a promising visible light photo-catalyst for water-splitting hydrogen production, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 16670-16676. [7] Jiangcong Zhou, Feng Huang*, Hang Lin, Zebin Lin, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang*, Inorganic halide perovskite quantum dot modified YAG-based white LEDs with superior performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 7601-7606. 2015 [1] Hui Chen, Hang Lin*, Ju Xu, Bo Wang, Zebin Lin, Jiangcong Zhou, Yuansheng Wang*, Chromaticity-tunable Phosphor-in-glass for Long-lifetime High-power Warm w-LEDs, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 8080-8089. [2] Jiangcong Zhou, Feng Huang*, Ju Xu, Hui Chen, Yuansheng Wang*, Luminescence Study of a Self-activated and Rare Earth Activated Sr3La(VO4)3 Phosphor Potentially Applicable in W-LEDs, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 3023-3028. [3] Hang Lin, Ju Xu, Qingming Huang, Bo Wang, Hui Chen, Zebin Lin, Yuansheng Wang*, Bandgap Tailoring via Si Doping in Inverse-Garnet Mg3Y2Ge3O12:Ce3+ Persistent Phosphor Potentially Applicable in AC-LED, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 21835-21843. [4] Bo Wang, Hang Lin*, Ju Xu, Hui Chen, Zebin Lin, Feng Huang, Yuansheng Wang*, Design, Preparation, and Characterization of a Novel Red Long-persistent Perovskite Phosphor: Ca3Ti2O7:Pr3+, Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54, 11299-11306. [5] Feng Huang, Yan Gao, Jiangcong Zhou, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang*, Yb3+/Er3+ Co-doped CaMoO4:a Promising Green Upconversion Phosphor for Optical Temperature Sensing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 639, 325-329. [6] Zebin Lin, Hang Lin*, Ju Xu, Feng Huang, Hui Chen, Bo Wang , Yuansheng Wang*, Highly Thermal-stable Warm w-LED Based on Ce:YAG PiG Stacked with a Red Phosphor Layer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 649, 661-665. 2014 [1] Anping Yang, Hang Lin*, Daqin Chen, Yunlong Yu, Yuansheng *, Phase-separation induced homogeneous nucleation and growth of Cs3LaCl6 nanoparticles in chalcohalide glass, Mater. Res. Bull., 2014, 49, 193–198 [2] Kai Li, Daqin Chen*, Ju Xu, Rui Zhang, Yunlong Yu, Yuansheng Wang*, Phase transition and multicolor luminescence of Eu2+/Mn2+-activated Ca3(PO4)2 phosphors, Mater. Res. Bull., 2014, 49, 677–681 [3] Rui Zhang, Hang Lin, Yunlong Yu, Daqin Chen*, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang*, A new-generation color converter for high-power white LED: transparent Ce3+:YAG phosphor-in-glass, Laser Photonics Rev., 2014, 8, 158–164. [4] Yunlong Yu, Feng Huang, Daqin Chen, Hang Lin, Rui Zhang,Anping Yang, Kai Li, Yuansheng Wang*, Co2+/Er3+co-doped transparent glass ceramic containing both spinel ZnAl2O4 and orthorhombic YF3 for self-Q-switched laser, Laser Phys. 2014, 24, 025101. [5] Lei Lei, Daqin Chen*, Ju Xu, Rui Zhang, Yuansheng Wang*, Highly intensified upconversion luminescence of Ca2+ doped Yb/Er: NaGdF4 nanocrystals prepared by a solvothermal route, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2014, 9, 728-733. [6] Ju Xu, Daqin Chen*, Yunlong Yu, Wenjuan Zhu, Jiangchong Zhou, Yuansheng Wang*, Cr3+:SrGa12O19: a broadband near-infrared long-persistent phosphor,Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2014, 9, 1020–1025. [7] Lei Lei, Daqin Chen*, Yunlong Yu, Rui Zhang, Hang Lin, Ju Xu, Feng Huang, Yuansheng Wang*, Growth of hexagonal NaGdF4 nanocrystals based on cubic Ln3+: CaF2 precursors and the multi-color upconversion emissions, J. Alloys Compd., 2014, 591, 370-376 [8] Feng Huang, Jiangcong Zhou, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang, Formation of AgGaS2 nano-pyramids from Ag2S nanospheres through intermediate Ag2S-AgGaS2 heterostructures and AgGaS2 sensitized Mn2+ emission, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 2340-2344. [9] Wenjuan Zhu,Daqin Chen, Lei Lei, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang, An active-core/active-shell structure with enhanced quantum-cutting luminescence in Pr–Yb co-doped monodisperse nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 10500-10504. [10] Bo Wang, Hang Lin*, Yunlong Yu, Daqin Chen, Rui Zhang, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang*, Ce3+/Pr3+: YAGG: A Long Persistent Phosphor Activated by Blue-Light, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2014, 97, 2539–2545 [11] Feng Huang, Jiangcong Zhou, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang*, Reversible Self-assembly of MxS (M=Cu, Ag) Nanocrystals Through Ligand Exchange,CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 9478-9481. [12] Lei Lei, Daqin Chen,* Wenjuan Zhu, Ju Xu, Yuansheng Wang*,Impact of High Ytterbium (III) Concentration in the Shell on Upconversion Luminescence of Core–Shell Nanocrystals, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2014, 9, 2765–2770. [13] Jiangcong Zhou, Feng Huang*, Ju Xu, and Yuansheng Wang*, Converting Ag2S-CdS and Ag2S-ZnS into Ag-CdS and Ag-ZnS Nanoheterostructures by Selective Extraction of Sulfur, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2014, 9, 3287-3290. [14]Hang Lin, Bo Wang, Ju Xu, Rui Zhang, Hui Chen, Yunlong Yu, Yuansheng Wang*, Phosphor-in-Glass for High-Powered Remote-Type White AC-LED, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 21264-21269. [15] Bo Wang, Hang Lin*, Ju Xu, Hui Chen, Yuansheng Wang*, CaMg2Al16O27:Mn4+-based Red Phosphor: A Potential Color Converter for High-Powered Warm W-LED, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 22905−22913.
