1. PING GUO, CHANGSHENG QUAN, HAIZHU CHEN, MEAMVC: A Membrane Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Minimum Vertex Cover Problem, IEEE Access, 2019, 7, 60774 – 60784.
2. Guo, Ping; Quan, Changsheng; Ye, Lian, UPSimulator: A general P system simulator, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019, 170, 20-25.
3. Ping Guo, Jingya Xie, A P System for K-Medoids-Based Clustering, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2018, 9(10), 41-48.
4. Ping Guo, Junqi Xiang, An Attribute Reduction P System Based on Rough Set Theory, CCIS, 2018, 951, 198-212.
5. Ping Guo, Changsheng Quan, Lian Ye, A Simulator for Cell-Like P System, CCIS, 2018, 951, 223-235.
6. Guo Ping; Zhu Jian; Yang Ruilong, A Linear-Time Solution to All-SAT problem Based on P Systems, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2018, 27(2), 367-373.
7. Ping Guo, Mingzhe Zhang, Jing Chen, A Family of Ant Colony P Systems, CCIS, 2017, 791, 175-193.
8. Guo Ping; Wei Lijiao; Liu Ran , A Family of P Systems for Solving Linear Equations, Chinese Journalof Electronics, 2017, 26(4), 667-674.
9. Ping Guo, Junqi Xiang, Jingya Xie, Jinhang Zheng, A P System for Solving All-Solutions of TSP, Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2017, 8(9), 357-364.
10. Guo, Ping; Dai, Yunlei, Chen, Haizhu, A P system for Hamiltonian cycle problem, OPTIK, 2016, 8461-8468.
11. Ping Guo, Lijiao Wei, and Mingqiang Zhou, A Family of P Systems Based on Division Formula Table, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(6), 3909-3917.
12. Ping Guo, Yuwen Zhong, Haizhu Chen, and Mingqiang Zhou, A P system for degree-constrained spanning tree, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(6), 3918-3925.
13. Ping Guo, Jian Zhu, Mingqiang Zhou, A family of uniform P systems for all-satisfiability problem, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(1), 135-142.
14. Ping Guo, YuWen Zhong, Haizhu Chen, Ran Liu, A P system for finding all solutions of the vertex cover problem, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2015, 12(12), 5229-5235.
15. Ping Guo, Liping Su, Haizhu Chen, An arithmetic P system based on formula tables, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2015, 12(11), 4959-4974.
16. Ping Guo, Haizhu Chen, Hong Zhang, An integrated P system for arithmetic operations, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2015, 12(10), 3346-3356.
17. Guo Ping, Ji Jinfang, Chen Haizhu, Liu Ran, Solving All-SAT Problems by P Systems, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2015, 24(4), 744-749.
18. 郭平, 宁立江, 陈海珠, 满足本地化计算的集群资源调度策略, 通信学报, 2014, 35(Z2), 1-8.
19. 郭平, 李涛, 李琪, 一种云计算环境下的负载调度算法, 系统工程理论与实践, 2014, 34 (Suppl), 269-275.
20. Guo Ping, Ji Jinfang, Chen Haizhu, Liu Ran, Evaluating Logical Expressions by Membrane Systems, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2015, 23(2), 278-283.
21. Guo, Ping, Zhang, Hong, Chen, Haizhu, Liu, Ran, Fraction Reduction in Membrane Systems, Scientific World Journal, 2014, DOI: 10.1155/2014/858527.
22. Guo Ping, Chen Haizhu, Zheng Hui, Arithmetic Expression Evaluations with Membranes, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2014, 23(1), 55-60.