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S.N. Li, H.Q. Zhu*, Z.F. Qin*, G.F. Wang, Y.G. Zhang, Z.W. Wu, Z.K. Li, G. Chen, W.W. Dong, Z.H. Wu, J. Zhang, T.D. Hu, J.G. Wang*, Morphologic effects of nano CeO2-TiO2 on the performance of Au/CeO2-TiO2 catalysts in low-temperature CO oxidation. Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2014, 144C: 498–506. R.Y. Wang, Z.W. Wu, C.M. Chen, Z.F. Qin*, H.Q. Zhu, G.F. Wang, H. Wang, C.M. Wu, W.W. Dong, W.B. Fan, J.G. Wang*, Graphene-supported Au-Pd bimetallic nanoparticles with excellent catalytic performance in selective oxidation of methanol to methyl formate, Chem. Comm., 2013, 49(74): 8250–8252. Z.K. Li, Z.F. Qin*, Y.G. Zhang, Z.W. Wu, H. Wang, S.N. Li, R.P. Shi, M. Dong, W.B. Fan, J.G. Wang*, A control strategy of flow reversal with hot gas withdrawal for heat recovery and its application in mitigation and utilization of ventilation air methane in a reverse flow reactor, Chem. Eng. J., 2013, 228: 243–255. Y.G. Zhang, Z.F. Qin*, G.F. Wang, H.Q. Zhu, M. Dong, S.N. Li, Z.W. Wu, Z.K. Li, Z.H. Wu, J. Zhang, T.D. Hu, W.B. Fan, J.G. Wang*, Catalytic performance of MnOx-NiO composite oxide in lean methane combustion at low temperature. Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2013, 129(1): 172–181. Y.B. Zhao, Z.F. Qin, G.F. Wang, M. Dong, L.C. Huang, Z.W. Wu, W.B. Fan, J.G. Wang*, Catalytic performance of V2O5/ZrO2-Al2O3 for methanol oxidation, Fuel, 2013, 104: 22–27. B. Wang, Z.F. Qin*, G.F. Wang, Z.W. Wu, W.B. Fan, H.Q. Zhu, S.N. Li, Y.G. Zhang, Z.K. Li, J.G. Wang*, Catalytic Combustion of Lean Methane at Low Temperature over Palladium on a CoOx-SiO2 Composite Support, Catal. Lett., 2013, 143(5): 411–417. S.W. Chen, Z.F. Qin*, G.F. Wang, M. Dong, J.G. Wang*, Promoting effect of carbon dioxide on the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene over silica-supported vanadium catalysts, Fuel, 2013, 109C: 43–48. L.C. Huang, G.F. Wang, Z.F. Qin*, M. Dong, M.X. Du, H. Ge, X.K. Li, Y.D. Zhao, J. Zhang, T.D. Hu, J.G. Wang*, In situ XAS study on the mechanism of reactive adsorption desulfurization of oil product over Ni/ZnO, Appl. Catal. B: Environmental, 2011, 106(1–2): 26–38. X.L. Lu, Z.F. Qin, M. Dong, H.Q. Zhu, G.F. Wang, Y.B. Zhao, W.B. Fan, J.G. Wang*, Selective oxidation of methanol to dimethoxymethane over acid-modified V2O5/TiO2 catalysts, Fuel, 2011, 90(4): 1335–1339. Z.W. Wu, H.Q. Zhu, Z.F. Qin, H. Wang, L.C. Huang, J.G. Wang*, Preferential oxidation of CO in H2-rich stream over CuO/Ce1-xTixO2 catalysts, Appl. Catal. B: Environmental, 2010, 98(3–4): 204–212. J.F. Ding, Z.F. Qin, X.K. Li, G.F. Wang, and J.G. Wang*, Catalytic dehydrogenation of isobutane in the presence of carbon dioxide over nickel supported on active carbon, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 2010, 315(2): 221–225. L.C. Huang, G.F. Wang, Z.F. Qin, M.X. Du, Y.D. Zhao, C.Y. Ma, T.D. Hu, J.G. Wang*, A sulfur K-edge XANES study on the transfer of sulfur species in the reactive adsorption desulfurization of diesel oil over Ni/ZnO, Catal. Commun., 2010, 11(7): 592–596. L.C. Huang, Z.F. Qin, G.F. Wang, M.X. Du, H. Ge, X.K. Li, Z.W. Wu, J.G. Wang*, A Detailed Study on the Negative Effect of Residual Sodium on the Performance of Ni/ZnO Adsorbent for Diesel Fuel Desulfurization, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49(10): 4670–4675. X.F. Yang, Z.F. Qin, G.F. Wang, J.G. Wang, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Benzene-Propene-Cumene Mixtures in Different Phases, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113(36): 12299–12305. Z. Tian, Z.F. Qin, G.F. Wang, M. Dong, J.G. Wang*, Alkylation of benzene with propene over HBeta zeolites near supercritical conditions, J. Supercrit. Fluids, 2008, 44(3): 325–330. J.F. Li, Z.F. Qin, H. Xu, M. Dong, J.X. Dong, and J.G. Wang*, Enhancement of n-Propanol Selectivity in Propene Hydration over Zeolites NU-3 and ZSM-5, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2007, 46 (26): 9000–9005. S.W. Chen, Z.F Qin, X.F. Xu, and J.G. Wang*, Structure and properties of the alumina–supported vanadia catalysts for ethylbenzene dehydrogenation in the presence of carbon dioxide, Appl. Catal. A: General, 2006, 302(2): 185–192. Z. Tian, Z.F. Qin, M. Dong, G.F. Wang, and J.G. Wang*, A comparative study on the alkylation of benzene with propene over HBeta zeolites in different phases, Catal. Commun., 2005, 6(6): 385–388. H.Q. Zhu, Z.F. Qin, W.J. Shan, W.J. Shen, and J.G. Wang*, Low temperature oxidation of CO over Pd/CeO2-TiO2 catalysts with different pretreatments, J. Catal., 2005, 233(1): 41–50. H.Q. Zhu, Z.F. Qin, W.J. Shan, W.J. Shen, and J.G. Wang*, Pd/CeO2-TiO2 catalyst for CO oxidation at low temperature: a TPR study with H2 and CO as reducing agents, J. Catal., 2004, 225(2): 267–277.
