2017.09至今 北京科技大学,自动化学院控制科学与工程系,讲师
2015.10至2017.08 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 运筹学与控制论 博士后
2010.09-2015.11 中国科学技术大学 控制科学与工程 工学博士
2013.09-2014.08 美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 电子工程系 公派联合培养博士生
2006.09-2010.07 中国科学技术大学 自动化 工学学士
中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 非凸微分包含系统的控制李雅普诺夫函数与输入状态稳定, 主持
[1] Shu Liang, Peng Yi, and Yiguang Hong, Distributed Nash equilibrium seeking for aggregative games with coupled constraints, Automatica, 2017, 85(11), 179-185.
[2] Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng, and Yiguang Hong, Distributed nonsmooth optimization with coupled inequality constraints via modified Lagrangian function, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2017.2752001.
[3] Shu Liang, Shengguo Wang, and Yong Wang, Routh-type table test for zero distribution of polynomials with commensurate fractional and integer degrees, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(1), 83-104.
[4] Shu Liang, Xianllin Zeng, and Yiguang Hong, Lyapunov stability and generalized invariance principle for nonconvex differential inclusions, Control Theory and Technology: 2016(2): 140-150.
[5] Shu Liang, Cheng Peng, Zeng Liao and Yong Wang. Robust analysis and synthesis for a class of fractional order systems with coupling uncertainties. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2015, 13(2): 494-500.
[6] Shu Liang, Yiheng Wei, Jinwen Pan, Qing Gao and Yong Wang. Bounded real lemmas for fractional order systems. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2015, 12(2): 192-198.
[7] Shu Liang, Cheng Peng, Zeng Liao and Yong Wang. State space approximation for general fractional order dynamic systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 2014, 45(10): 2203-2212.
[8] Yong Wang and Shu Liang*. Two-DOF lifted LMI conditions for robust D-stability of polynomial matrix polytopes. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2013, 11(3): 636-642.
[9] 梁舒, 彭程, 王永. 分数阶系统线性矩阵不等式稳定判据的改进与鲁棒镇定: 0 < α < 1 的情况, 控制理论与应用, 2013, 30(4): 531-535.