1993.9 -- 1996.5 华中理工大学 动力工程及工程热物理 博士研究生毕业 博士学位
1991.9 -- 1993.6 华中理工大学 动力工程及工程热物理 研究生教育 1991年入学攻读硕士学位,于1993年直攻博士
1987.9 -- 1991.6 华中理工大学 动力工程及工程热物理 大学本科毕业 学士学位
2019.4 -- 至今 北京航空航天大学 宇航学院 教授 在职
1998.7 -- 2019.4 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 副研究员、研究员 已结束
1996.6 -- 1998.6 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 博士后 已出站
2014.1 -- 2019.12 中国工程热物理学会理事
2006.1 -- 至今 中国空间科学学会微重力科学与应用专委会委员
2004.1 -- 至今 中国航空动力学会燃烧与传热专委会委员
2005.1 -- 2021.5 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学专委会委员
2012.1 -- 至今 第九届(2012)、第十届(2014)、第十一届(2016)、第十二届(2018)亚洲微重力会议科学委员会委员
2007.1 -- 2019.5 中国科学院工程热物理研究所学位评定委员会委员
Hanhan Zhuang, Wenjun Kong*. Smoke Emission and Distribution Characteristics of Overloaded Wire Insulations under Microgravity..[期刊]:Microgravity Science and Technology,34(5):81
Weikuo Zhang ,Wenjun Kong *, Chunjie Sui , et al. Effect of Hydrogen-Rich Fuels on Turbulent Combustion of Advanced Gas Turbine. Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 31(2): 561-570..[期刊]
孔文俊,张艳森,汤效平,张伟阔. 大容量储能锂电池电芯产热特性研究.[期刊]:发电技术,2022,43(5):801-809
黄福军,孔文俊. 掺氢对自由活塞发动机性能及排放的影响研究.[期刊].中国:工程热物理学报,42(11):3016 - 3022
Ning Du , Wenjun Kong*. Experimental and Numerical Studies of a Microscale Internal Combustion Swing Engine (MICSE). Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, 30(5): 1705 - 1717.[期刊].中国,2021,30(5):1705 - 1717
Hongliang Yuan, Wenjun Kong*, Jun Xia*. Steered molecular dynamics and stability analysis on PAH dimerisation and condensation on fullerene and soot surfaces.[期刊].英国:Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2021,23:19590–19601
Fujun Huang, Wenjun Kong*. Effects of hydrogen addition on combustion characteristics of a free-piston linear engine with glow-assisted ignition.[期刊].英国:International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021,46(44):23040 – 23052
Fujun Huang, Wenjun Kong*. Experimental investigation of operating characteristics and thermal balance of a miniature free-piston linear engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 178: 115608.[期刊]
Fujun Huang, Wenjun Kong*. Effect of hydrogen addition on the operating characteristics of a free piston linear engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(30): 15402-15413.[期刊]
Ning Du, Wenjun Kong*, Wenhu Han, Yiguang Ju. Flame Propagation in Millimeter-Scale Tubes for Lean Ethylene–Oxygen Mixtures. AIAA Journal, 2020, 58(3), 1337-1347.[期刊].美国:AIAA J.
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Fujun Huang, Wenjun Kong*. Experimental study on the operating characteristics of a reciprocating freepiston linear engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 161: 114131.[期刊]:Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 161: 114131,2019,161:114131
Zaigang Liu, Jean-L. Consalvi, Wenjun Kong*. An Exponential Integrator with Schur–Krylov Approximation to accelerate combustion chemistry computation. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 203: 180–189:Combustion and Flame,,2019,203::180-189
Hongliang Yuan, Wenjun Kong*, Fengshan Liu. Study on soot nucleation and growth from PAHs and some reactive species at flame temperatures by ReaxFF molecular dynamics, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019,195: 748–757.[期刊]:Chemical Engineering Science,2019,195:748-757
Shao Xue, Wenjun Kong*. Smoke emission and temperature characteristics of the long-term overloaded wire in space. Journal of Fire Sciences,2019, 37(2): 99–116:Journal of Fire Sciences,2019,37(2):99–116
Juan Sepulveda, Aric Rousso, Henry Ha, Timothy Chen, Vivian Cheng, Wenjun Kong and Yiguang Ju. Kinetic Enhancement of Microchannel Detonation Transition by Ozone Addition to Acetylene Mixtures. AIAA J. 2019, 57(2): 476–481:AIAA J.,2019,57(2):476–481
Wenhu Han, Wenjun Kong, Chung K. Law. Propagation and failure mechanism of cylindrical detonation in free space. Combustion and Flame, 192: 295-313, 2018:Combustion and Flame,2018,192:295-313
Zaigang Liu, Wenhu Han, Wenjun Kong* and Yiguang Ju. LES modelling of turbulent non-premixed jet flames with correlated dynamic adaptive chemistry. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2018, 22(4): 694–713:Combustion Theory and Modelling,2018,22(4):694-713
Jean-Louis Consalvi,Wenjun Kong,Fatiha Nmira.Jean-Louis Consalvi, Fatiha Nmira, Wenjun Kong. On the modeling of the filtered radiative transfer equation in large eddy simulations of lab-scale sooting turbulent diffusion flames. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2018, 221: 51–60.[期刊]:Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,2018,221:51-60
Liu Zaigang, Kong Wenjun*, Consalvi Jean-Louis, Han Wenhu. H2/CO/air premixed and partially premixed flame structure at different pressures based on reaction limit analysis. Science Bulletin, 2018, 63(19): 1260-1266..[期刊]:Science Bulletin,2018,63(19):1260-1266
Wen-Hu Han, Jin Huang, Ning Du, Zai-Gang Liu, Wen-Jun Kong, Cheng Wang. Effect of Cellular Instability on the Initiation of Cylindrical Detonations. Chinese Physics Letters. 34 (2017): 054701.[期刊]:Chinese Physics Letters,2017,34:054701
Wenhu Han, Wenjun Kong*, Yang Gao, CK Law. The role of global curvature on the structure and propagation of weakly unstable cylindrical detonations. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 813: 458-481:J. Fluid Mechanics,2017,813:458-481