Tao Fu, Yue Wang, Sculpting of exoplanetary systems driven by a misaligned disk and stellar oblateness: origin of perpendicular orbits in HD 3167, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 973: L43 (2024).[期刊] https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ad77d6
Yuchen He, Yue Wang, Lin Tian, Dynamical modeling and characteristic analysis of orbits around a comet, Advances in Space Research, 73(10), 5318–5334 (2024).[期刊] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2024.02.059
Zicen Xiong, Yue Wang, Constant-thrust orbital transfer about binary asteroids using bilinear tangent guidance, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 60(4), 3897–3914 (2024).[期刊] https://doi.org/10.1109/TAES.2024.3369005
Xuhui Luo, Yue Wang, Yao Zhang, Jing Liu, Long-term orbital lifetime prediction of highly eccentric orbits: A statistical approach, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (Accepted).[期刊]
Yue Wang, Tao Fu, An orbit-flip mechanism by eccentric Lidov–Kozai effect with stellar oblateness, The Astronomical Journal, 165: 201 (2023).[期刊]
Tao Fu, Yue Wang, Weiduo Hu, Semi-analytical orbital model around an oblate body with an inclined eccentric perturber, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Volume 10, Article ID 1125386 (2023).[期刊]
陆鹏飞,王悦,齐征,刘建辉,行星借力地木转移轨道优化与星历模型下中途修正设计,北京航空航天大学学报 (已录用).[期刊]
崔书豪,王悦,张瑞康,双小行星系统不规则引力场中的共振轨道动力学研究,深空探测学报,Vol. 9,No. 4,382–390 (2022).[期刊]
张靖奕,王悦,焦洪臣,王涛,超低轨卫星气动力辅助轨道控制研究,宇航总体技术,Vol. 6,No. 4,1–9 (2022).[期刊]
王雅平,王悦,吴晓杰,甘庆波,杨志涛,张耀,双小行星系统表面动力学环境研究,北京航空航天大学学报 (已录用).[期刊]
Ruikang Zhang, Yue Wang, Continuous-thrust station-keeping of cis-lunar orbits using optimal sliding mode control with practical constraints, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 2022, Article ID 5518728 (2022).[期刊]
Ruikang Zhang, Yue Wang, Yu Shi, Chen Zhang, Hao Zhang, Performance analysis of impulsive station-keeping strategies for cis-lunar orbits with the ephemeris model, Acta Astronautica, 198, 152–160 (2022).[期刊]
Yue Wang, Ruikang Zhang, Out-of-plane equilibrium points and invariant manifolds about an asteroid with gravitational orbit-attitude coupling perturbation, Astrodynamics, 6(3), 269–283 (2022).[期刊]
吴太泷,王悦,小天体环的轨道动力学,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol. 48,No. 7,1287–1296 (2022).[期刊]
王悦,伏韬,张瑞康,双小行星探测轨道动力学研究进展,力学学报,Vol. 54,No. 5,1155–1185 (2022).[期刊]
Xiaojie Wu, Yue Wang, Ming Xu, Trajectory optimization and maintenance for ascending from the surface of Phobos, Advances in Space Research, 68(8), 3191–3204 (2021).[期刊]
Tao Fu, Yue Wang, Orbital stability around the primary of a binary asteroid system, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 44(9), 1607–1620 (2021).[期刊]
Ruikang Zhang, Yue Wang, Chen Zhang, Hao Zhang, The transfers from lunar DROs to Earth orbits via optimization in the four body problem, Astrophysics and Space Science, 366: 49 (2021).[期刊]
Yue Wang, Ruikang Zhang, Chen Zhang, Hao Zhang, Transfers between NRHOs and DROs in the Earth-Moon system, Acta Astronautica, 186, 60–73 (2021).[期刊]
吴晓杰,王悦,徐世杰,考虑星历的火卫一邻近区域限制性多体问题建模与分析,动力学与控制学报,Vol. 19,No. 2,1–7 (2021).[期刊]
Ruikang Zhang, Yue Wang, Hao Zhang, Chen Zhang, Transfers from distant retrograde orbits to low lunar orbits, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (Topical Collection: Toward the Moon and Beyond), 132: 41 (2020).[期刊]
Ruikang Zhang, Yue Wang, Yu Shi, Shijie Xu, Libration points and periodic orbit families near a binary asteroid system with different shapes of the secondary, Acta Astronautica, 177, 15–29 (2020).[期刊]
Yue Wang, Xiaojie Wu, Analysis of Phobos' dynamical environment considering effects of ephemerides and physical libration, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(1), 416–434 (2020).[期刊]
Yue Wang, Xuhui Luo, Xiaojie Wu, Long-term evolution and lifetime analysis of geostationary transfer orbits with solar radiation pressure, Acta Astronautica, 175, 405–420 (2020).[期刊]
Yue Wang, Tao Fu, Semi-analytical orbital dynamics around the primary of a binary asteroid system, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(3), 3307–3322 (2020).[期刊]
吴晓杰,王悦,徐世杰,火卫一周期准卫星轨道及入轨分析,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol. 46,No. 6,1133–1141 (2020)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Non-equatorial equilibrium points around an asteroid with gravitational orbit-attitude coupling perturbation, Astrodynamics, 4(1), 1–16 (2020)
Yue Wang, Comment on "Analytic Free-Molecular Aerodynamics for Rapid Propagation of Resident Space Objects", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 57(1), 206–206 (2020).[期刊]
Yu Shi, Yue Wang, Arun K. Misra, Shijie Xu, Station-keeping for periodic orbits near strongly perturbed binary asteroid systems, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 43(2), 319–326 (2020).[期刊]
B. A. Archinal, C. H. Acton, A. Conrad, T. Duxbury, D. Hestroffer, J. L. Hilton, L. Jorda, R. L. Kirk, S. A. Klioner, J-L. Margot, K. Meech, J. Oberst, F. Paganelli, J. Ping, P. K. Seidelmann, A. Stark, D. J. Tholen, Y. Wang, I. P. Williams, Correction to: Report of the IAU working group on cartographic coordinates and rotational elements: 2015, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 131, 61 (2019).[期刊]
Xuhui Luo, Yue Wang, Luni-solar resonances and effect on long-term evolution of inclined geostationary transfer orbits, Acta Astronautica, 165, 158–166 (2019)
番绍炳,王悦,石玉,徐世杰,环绕火卫一的稳定准卫星轨道搜索与分析,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,Vol. 49,No. 8,084506 (2019).[期刊]
Yu Shi, Hao Peng, Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Optimal trajectory design for global exploration of an asteroid via bi-impulsive transfers, International Journal of Space Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, 205–222 (2019).[期刊]
Yu Shi, Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Global search for periodic orbits in the irregular gravity field of a binary asteroid system, Acta Astronautica, 163, 11–23 (2019)
Yu Shi, Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Relative equilibria and stability of a dumbbell spacecraft about an asteroid, Acta Astronautica, 152, 208–217 (2018).[期刊]
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Hamiltonian structure and relative equilibria of an axisymmetric rigid body in a second degree and order gravity field: cylindrical and generalized hyperbolic equilibria, Nonlinear Dynamics, 94(3), 1569–1583 (2018)
江玲,王悦,徐世杰,行星三体引力摄动对卫星探测器大气制动的影响,北京航空航天大学学报,Vol. 44,No. 4,759–764 (2018)
Yu Shi, Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Equilibrium points and associated periodic orbits in the gravity of binary asteroid systems: (66391) 1999 KW4 as an example, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 130, 32 (2018)
Rui Zhong, Yue Wang, Dynamics and control of a probe tethered to an asteroid, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 41(7), 1585–1590 (2018)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Stabilization of coupled orbit-attitude dynamics about an asteroid utilizing Hamiltonian structure, Astrodynamics, 2(1), 53–67 (2018)
Yue Wang, Pini Gurfil, Deorbiting timing for spacecraft in geostationary transfer orbits exploiting luni-solar perturbations, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 55(1), 248–254 (2018)
Yue Wang, Rui Zhong, Shijie Xu, Orbital perturbation due to orbit-attitude coupling near asteroids, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 90(1), 104–113 (2018)
Yu Shi, Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Mutual gravitational potential, force, and torque of a homogeneous polyhedron and an extended body: an application to binary asteroids, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 129(3), 307–320 (2017)
Ling Jiang, Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Integrated 6-DOF orbit-attitude dynamical modeling and control using geometric mechanics, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 2017, Article ID 4034328, (2017)
Yue Wang, Pini Gurfil, The role of solar apsidal resonance in the evolution of geostationary transfer orbits, Advances in Space Research, 59(8), 2101–2116 (2017)
Rui Zhong, Yue Wang, Research on the tether assisted observation of an asteroid, Acta Astronautica, 123, 310–319 (2016)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Stability of nonclassical relative equilibria of a rigid body in a J2 gravity field, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 29(6), 04016040, (2016)
Yue Wang, Pini Gurfil, Dynamical modeling and lifetime analysis of geostationary transfer orbits, Acta Astronautica, 128, 262–276 (2016)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Orbital dynamics and equilibrium points around an asteroid with gravitational orbit-attitude coupling perturbation, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 125(3), 265–285 (2016)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Body-fixed orbit-attitude hovering control over an asteroid using non-canonical Hamiltonian structure, Acta Astronautica, 117, 450–468 (2015)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Stabilizing the coupled orbit-attitude dynamics of a rigid body in a J2 gravity field using Hamiltonian structure, Acta Astronautica, 113, 180–203 (2015)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Relative equilibria of full dynamics of a rigid body with gravitational orbit-attitude coupling in a uniformly rotating second degree and order gravity field, Astrophysics and Space Science, 354(2), 339–353 (2014)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Analysis of the attitude dynamics of a spacecraft on a stationary orbit around an asteroid via Poincaré section, Aerospace Science and Technology, 39, 538–545 (2014)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, On the nonlinear stability of relative equilibria of the full spacecraft dynamics around an asteroid, Nonlinear Dynamics, 78(1), 1–13 (2014)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Mengping Zhu, Stability of relative equilibria of the full spacecraft dynamics around an asteroid with orbit-attitude coupling, Advances in Space Research, 53(7), 1092–1107 (2014)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Equilibrium attitude and nonlinear attitude stability of a spacecraft on a stationary orbit around an asteroid, Advances in Space Research, 52(8), 1497–1510 (2013)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Liang Tang, On the existence of the relative equilibria of a rigid body in the J2 problem, Astrophysics and Space Science, 353(2), 425–440 (2014)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Stability of the classical type of relative equilibria of a rigid body in the J2 problem, Astrophysics and Space Science, 346(2), 443–461 (2013)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Attitude stability of a spacecraft on a stationary orbit around an asteroid subjected to gravity gradient torque, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 115(4), 333–352 (2013)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Equilibrium attitude and stability of a spacecraft on a stationary orbit around an asteroid, Acta Astronautica, 84, 99–108 (2013)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Gravity gradient torque of spacecraft orbiting asteroids, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 85(1), 72–81, (2013)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Symmetry, reduction and relative equilibria of a rigid body in the J2 problem, Advances in Space Research, 51(7), 1096–1109 (2013)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Hamiltonian structures of dynamics of a gyrostat in a gravitational field, Nonlinear Dynamics, 70(1), 231–247 (2012)
Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, Gravitational orbit-rotation coupling of a rigid satellite around a spheroid planet, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 27(1), 140–150 (2014)
Ming Xu, Yue Wang, Shijie Xu, On the existence of J2 invariant relative orbits from the dynamical system point of view, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 112, 427–444 (2012)
王悦,贾英宏,徐世杰,冗余空间机械臂粗捕获段无碰撞轨迹规划算法,中国空间科学技术,Vol. 32, No. 3, 49–56 (2012)