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教育经历 1997.9-2001.7 北京航空航天大学 机械工程与自动化 大学本科毕业 学士学位 2002.9-2009.7 北京航空航天大学 航空宇航系统工程 博士研究生毕业 博士学位 工作经历 2009.8-至今 可靠性与系统工程学院 北京航空航天大学 2016.3-2017.3 系统工程与工程管理系 香港城市大学 荣誉及奖励 北航研究生新生奖学金(博士)指导教师2022,2022-09-01 北航研究生十佳(博士)指导教师2021,2021-09-01 国家奖学金(博士)指导教师2020 省部级科技进步一等奖2020,2020-12-31 北京市高校英才2015 国家奖学金(硕士)2015 校级优秀硕士论文指导教师2013 省部级科技进步三等奖2011,2011-12-31 我爱我师-优秀教师2010 北航蓝天新秀2009 省部级科技进步一等奖2011,2011-12-31


可靠性系统工程 可靠性综合集成 可靠性数字工程 智能方法在可靠性中的应用 集群系统智慧运维与优化 信息物理系统可靠性/安全性建模与仿真 多智能体理论


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An Intelligent Preventive Maintenance Method Based on Reinforcement Learning for Battery Energy Storage Systems.[期刊]:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS Group maintenance optimization of subsea Xmas trees with stochastic dependency.[期刊]:Reliability Engineering and System Safety Restoration of smart grids: Current status, challenges, and opportunities.[期刊]:Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Multiphysical modeling for life analysis of lithium-ion battery pack in electric vehicles.[期刊]:Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Mobile Robot ADRC with an Automatic Parameter Tuning Mechanism via Modified Pigeon-inspired Optimization:IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics A Reliability Evaluation Method for Radial Multi-microgrid Systems Considering Distribution Network Transmission Capacity:Computers & Industrial Engineering Agent-based restoration approach for reliability with load balancing on smart grid:Applied Energy Resilience design method based on meta-structure: A case study of offshore wind farm:Reliability Engineering & System Safety An Agent-Based Reliability and Performance Modeling Approach for Multistate Complex Human-Machine Systems With Dynamic Behavior:IEEE ACCESS,2019 A Heuristic Hybrid Optimization Approach for Spare Parts and Maintenance Workers Under Partial Pooling:IEEE Access An agent-based approach for resources’ joint planning in a multi-echelon inventory system considering lateral transshipment:Computers & Industrial Engineering, A Novel Adaptive Pigeon-inspired Optimization Algorithm based on Evolutionary Game Theory:SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences A hybrid heuristic optimization of maintenance routing and scheduling for offshore wind farms:Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries Time-variant reliability modeling based on hybrid non-probability method:Archive of Applied Mechanics An Archimedean Copula Function-Based Prediction Method for High-Power White LED Considering Multi-Performance:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Remaining useful life prediction of aviation circular electrical connectors using vibration-induced physical model and particle filtering method:Microelectronics Reliability Fleet-Level Selective Maintenance Problem under a Phased Mission Scheme with Short Breaks: A Heuristic Sequential Game Approach:Computers & Industrial Engineering A GO-FLOW and Dynamic Bayesian Network Combination Approach for Reliability Evaluation With Uncertainty: A Case Study on a Nuclear Power Plant:IEEE ACCESS Multi-State Reliability Assessment Method Based on the MDD-GO Model:IEEE Access A Gamma Process-Based Prognostics Method for CCT Shift of High-Power White LEDs:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES An Alternative Lifetime Model for White Light Emitting Diodes under Thermal–Electrical Stresses:Materials A Time-Variant Reliability Model for Copper Bending Pipe under Seawater-Active Corrosion Based on the Stochastic Degradation Process:Materials Heuristic hybrid game approach for fleet condition-based maintenance planning:Reliability Engineering & System Safety Cooperative game approach based on agent learning for fleet maintenance oriented to mission reliability:Computers & Industrial Engineering A novel concept and assessment method for trustworthiness of prognostics:Advances in Mechanical Engineering A multi-agent based intelligent configuration method for aircraft fleet maintenance personnel:Chinese Journal of Aeronautics An Optimization Method for Condition Based Maintenance of Aircraft Fleet Considering Prognostics Uncertainty:The Scientific World Journal Accelerated storage degradation test and life extension assessment method for hermetically sealed electromagnetic relay:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL


2022.8-至今 中国自动化学会数据驱动控制、学习与优化专业委员会,委员 2021.4-至今 中国核学会数字化与系统工程分会,理事 2019.2-至今 中国仿真学会复杂系统建模与仿真专业委员会,委员 2021.11-至今 中国电子协会,高级会员 2016.1-至今 IEEE Society,Senior Member 2018.2-至今 中国系统工程协会,会员 2019.9-至今 中国航空学会会员,会员 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronic, Reviewer IEEE Transactions on reliability, Reviewer IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid,Reviewer Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Reviewer Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,Reviewer 航空学报,审稿人 兵器装备工程学报,审稿人
