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个人简历 刘怀举,男,1986年10月出生,2013年获University of Warwick, UK工学博士学位,重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室专任教师。长期从事传动智能设计、抗疲劳设计制造、复合材料齿轮与强化等方面的研究,获教育部科技进步二等奖1项。主持国家自然科学基金面上及青年项目、装备预研教育部联合基金、重庆市前沿与应用基础研究计划、国家博士后科学基金特别资助及面上项目、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金、重庆博士后特别资助、直升机传动技术国防重点实验室开放基金、国家重点实验室自主课题及企业科研项目近30项,参加国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技支撑计划等项目,在齿轮热弹流润滑接触、接触疲劳机理与强化、塑料齿轮等方面取得了原创性成果,在Appl Surf Sci、Int J Fatigue、Int J Mech Sci、Trib Int、J Tribology、Trib Trans、J Heat Trans、J Vib Cont、Mech Mach Theory等期刊发表论文60余篇,其中SCI论文40余篇,申请/授权专利及软件著作权10项,指导博士生/硕士生/留学生20余人,讲授运动学与动力学、固体力学、专业外语等研究生/本科生中英文课程5门。长期欢迎硕士生、博士生报考,欢迎博士后合作。 毕业研究生去向 [毕业硕士研究生2人赴英国帝国理工学院、法国INSA-Lyon攻读博士学位;4人入职宁德时代、比亚迪、长安福特、一汽大众] 主要研究经历、荣誉称号、获奖情况、社会兼职等 2016年9月-至今 重庆大学机械工程学院副教授,机械传动国家重点实验室固定研究人员 2013年8月-2016年8月 重庆大学机械工程学院讲师 2010年8月-2013年7月 英国华威大学,工程学院,博士研究生 2007年9月-2010年7月 重庆大学,机械工程学院,硕士研究生 2003年9月-2007年7月 山东交通学院汽车工程系,车辆工程本科


主要研究方向 机械传动智能设计、抗疲劳设计制造、复合材料齿轮与强化


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

公开发表论文(代表作) [] Wei Wang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Evaluation of contact fatigue risk of a wind turbine carburized gear considering gradients of mechanical properties, Friction, 2019, [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 3.1] [] Haifeng He, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Study on the gear fatigue behavior considering the effect of residual stress based on the continuum damage approach, Eng Fail Anal, 2019, 104: 531-544. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 2.75] [] Qinjie Lin, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, Robert Parker, Investigation on the effect of shot peening coverage on the surface integrity, Appl Surf Sci, 2019, 489: 66-72. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.93] [] Boyu Zhang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Numerical simulation of competing mechanism between pitting and micro-pitting of a wind turbine gear considering surface roughness, Eng Fail Anal, 2019, 104: 1-12. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 2.75] [] Boyu Zhang, Huaiju Liu*, Houyi Bai, et al., Ratchetting–multiaxial fatigue damage analysis in gear rolling contact considering tooth surface roughness, Wear, 2019, 428–429: 137-146. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 3.35] [] Zehua Lu, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Identification of failure modes of a PEEK-steel gear pair under lubrication, Int J Fatigue, 2019, 125: 342-348. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.21] [] Wei Wang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Micromechanical analysis of gear fatigue-ratcheting damage considering the phase state and inclusion, Tribol Int, 2019, 136: 182-195. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.1] [] Haifeng He, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, Analysis on fatigue crack initiation of a wind turbine gear considering load sequence effect, Int J Damage Mech, 2019 [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 2.59] [] Huaiju Liu*, Heli Liu, Caichao Zhu, Ye Zhou, A review on micropitting studies of steel gears, Coatings, 2019, 9(1): 42. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.1] [] Heli Liu, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Study on contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear pair considering surface roughness, Friction, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s40544-019-0277-3. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 3.1] [] Wei Wang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Evaluation of contact fatigue life of a wind turbine carburized gear considering gradients of mechanical properties. Int J Damage Mech, 2019, 28: 1170-1190. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 2.59] [] Wei Wang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Effects of microstructure on rolling contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear based on crystal plasticity modeling. Int J Fatigue, 2019, 120: 73-86. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.21] [] Wei Wang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, Effect of the residual stress on contact fatigue of a wind turbine carburized gear with multiaxial fatigue criteria. Int J Mech Sci, 2019. 151: 263-273. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.47] [] Huaiju Liu*, Heli Liu, Caichao Zhu, et al., Tribological behaviour of coated spur gear pairs with tooth surface roughness. Friction, 2019, 7(2): 117–128. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 3.1] [] Ye Zhou, Caichao Zhu, Benjamin Gould, Nicholaos G. Demas, Huaiju Liu, Aaron C. Greco, The effect of contact severity on micropitting: Simulation and experiments, Tribol Int, 2019, 138: 463-472. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.1] [] Peitang Wei, Hao Zhou, Huaiju Liu, et al., Modeling of contact fatigue damage behavior of a wind turbine carburized gear considering its mechanical properties and microstructure gradients, Int J Mech Sci, 2019, 156: 283-296. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.47] [] Haifeng He, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Study of rolling contact fatigue behavior of a wind turbine gear based on damage-coupled elastic-plastic model, Int J Mech Sci, 2018, 141: 512-519. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.47] [] Heli Liu, Huaiju Liu*, Philippe Bocher, et al., Effects of the case hardening properties on the contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear pair, Int J Mech Sci, 2018, 141: 520-527. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 4.47] [] Wei Wang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, Philippe Bocher, et al., Evaluation of rolling contact fatigue of a carburized wind turbine gear considering the residual stress and hardness gradient, J Tribol, 2018, 140: 061401. [JCR Q2 CiteScore: 1.76] [] Heli Liu, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Evaluation of contact fatigue life of a wind turbine gear pair considering residual stress, J Tribology, 2018, 140: 041102. [JCR Q2 CiteScore: 1.76] [] Yuanyuan Zhang, Huaiju Liu*, Caichao Zhu, et al., Influence of lubrication starvation and surface waviness on the oil film stiffness of EHL line contact. J Vib Control, 2018, 24(5): 924–936. [JCR Q1 CiteScore: 2.66]


