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个人简历 。2007年毕业于重庆大学,获工学博士学位,长期从事大功率风力发电装备、船舶海洋结构、先进传动理论、系统动力学及减振降噪方面的研究工作,主持科技部国家科技支撑计划重点项目子课题、国家自然科学基金青年基金,国家自然科学基金面上项目,教育部高等学校博士学科点科研基金,工信部绿色制造系统集成子课题,重庆市科委自然科学基金计划面上项目,重庆市科技型企业创新与应用发展专项及企业课题20余项,获重庆市科学技术科技进步奖二等奖1项,在《RENEWABLE ENERGY》、《IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION》、《OCEAN ENGINEERING》、《RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS》、《太阳能学报》、《振动与冲击》等国际和国内学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,授权国家专利10项。 毕业研究生去向 1.政府部门 2.高校教师 3.制造企业 主要学习研究经历: 2009.09—至 今 重庆大学 副教授 2013.11—2014.11 美国Worcester Polytechnic Institute,机械系 访问学者 2007.02—2009.09 重庆大学 讲师 2008.11—2010.11 重庆大学光电工程学院 博士后 2004-2007年,重庆大学 博士 2001-2004年,哈尔滨工程大学 硕士 1997-2001年,哈尔滨工程大学 学士 获奖情况: 2011年获重庆市科学技术科技进步奖二等奖:风力发电机组系统设计关键技术,排名第三 教学情况: [1]本科生课程“机械设计”、“机械设计基础”、“机械三维构型设计” 、“三维CAD” [2]本科生课程“Machine Design”(全英文) [3]研究生课程“新能源装备概论”


主要研究方向 1. 机械设计计算机辅助工程 2. 大功率风电装备设计与可靠性 3. 复杂机电系统


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

公开发表论文(代表作) [1] Shuangyi Xie, Xin Jin*, Jiao He. Applying multiple tuned mass dampers to control structural loads of bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines with inclusion of soil-structure interaction,Ocean Engineering 205 (2020) 1–15 [2] He Jiao, Jin Xin*, Xie Shuangyi, Cao Le, Wang Yaming, Lin Yifan, Wang Ning. CFD modeling of varying complexity for aerodynamic analysis of H-vertical axis wind turbines, RENEWABLE ENERGY 145(2020), 2658-2670 [3] He Jiao, Jin Xin*, Xie Shuangyi. Multi-body dynamics modeling and TMD optimization based on the improved AFSA for floating wind turbines, RENEWABLE ENERGY 141(2019), 305-321 [4] Xie Shuangyi, Jin Xin*, He Jiao. Structural responses suppression for a barge-type floating wind turbine with a platform-based TMD, IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION 13(2019), 2473-2479 [5] Xie Shuangyi, Jin Xin*, He Jiao. Structural vibration control for the offshore floating wind turbine including drivetrain dynamics analysis, JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 11 (2019) 130–141 [6] Xin Jin*, Shuangyi Xie,Jiao He,Yifan Lin,Yaming Wang,Ning Wang. Optimization of tuned mass damper parameters for floating wind turbines by using the artificial fish swarm algorithm,Ocean Engineering 167 (2018) 130–141 [7] Xin Jin*, Shuangyi Xie, Hua Liu. Control of MW-Scale Wind Turbines for Fatigue Load Reduction and Performance Improvement,JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES 6 (2018) 227–238 [8] Xin Jin* et al. Investigation into parameter influence of upstream deflector on vertical axis wind turbines output power via three-dimensional CFD simulation. Renewable Energy 115 (2018) 41-53 [9] Xin Jin* et al. Research on Wind Turbine Safety Analysis: Failure Analysis, Reliability Analysis, and Risk Assessment. ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 35 (2016) 1848-1861 [10] Xin Jin*, Lang Li, Wenbin Ju, Zhaolong Zhang, Xiangang Yang. Multibody modeling of varying complexity for dynamic analysis of large-scale wind turbines, Renewable Energy, 90 (2016) 336-351 [11] Xin Jin*, Wenbin Ju, Zhaolong Zhang, Lianxin Guo, Xiangang Yang. System safety analysis of large wind turbines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 56 (2016)1293–1307 [12] Xin Jin*, Gaoyuan Zhao, KeJun Gao, Wenbin Ju. Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine: Basic research methods. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42 (2015) 212–225 [13] Xin Jin*, Hua Liu, Wenbin Ju. Wind Turbine Seismic Load Analysis Based on Numerical Calculation. STROJNISKI VESTNIK-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 60(2014) 638-648 [14] Xin Jin*, Zhaolong Zhang, Xiaoqiang Shi, Wenbin Ju. A review on wind power industry and corresponding insurance market in China: Current status and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 38 (2014) 1069–1082 [15] Xin Jin*, Yiming Rong, Xiang Zhong. Wind turbine manufacturing industry in China: Current situation and problems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 33 (2014) 729–735 [16]金鑫,甘洋,杨显刚,巨文斌. Performance optimization research of h-type vertical axis wind turbine with an upstream deflector[J].太阳能学报,2018,39: 1995-2002 [17] 金鑫,巨文斌,任海军,杨显刚. Research Of aerodynamic Analysis Method and Operation Law of H-Type Vertical axis Wind Turbine [J].太阳能学报,2017,38: 2619-2627 [18] 金鑫,甘洋,杨显刚,任海军,唐帅,巨文斌. Dynamics Simulation Analysis of Wind Turbine Gearbox Under Independent Pitch Control [J].太阳能学报,2018,39: 218-225 [19]金鑫,李浪,杜静,李成武,何玉林. Dynamic Simulation Prediction Analysis of Large Wind Turbine based on Neural Network [J].太阳能学报,2017,38: 464-471 [20]金鑫,王亚明,李浪,任海军,何玉林,杨显刚. Dynamics loads optimization analysis of wind turbine based on LQG independent pitch control[J], 中国电机工程学报, 2016,36: 6164-6170 [21]金鑫,熊海洋,夏宗朝,何玉林,杜静.大功率风力发电机在全工况下的独立变桨控制策略研究[J].太阳能学报,2015,01:14-19 [22]金鑫,熊海洋,夏宗朝,何玉林,杜静.大功率风力发电机在独立变桨控制下的振动研究[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2014,12:4206-4211 [23]金鑫,钟翔,何玉林,杜静,李奇敏.漂浮特性对风力发电机振动影响[J].振动与冲击,2013,15:26-31 [24]金鑫,王磊,刘桦.大功率风力发电机地震动力学建模及载荷计算[J].工程力学,2012,05:224-229 [25]金鑫,钟翔,谢双义,罗敏,何玉林,杜静.大型风力发电机转矩 LQR 控制及载荷优化[J].电力系统保护与控制,2013,06:93-98 [26]金鑫,钟翔,何玉林,韩花丽.独立变桨控制对大功率风力发电机振动影响[J].电力系统保护与控制,2013,08:49-53


