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姓名:唐倩 出生年月:1969.04 学历学位:博士研究生/博士 重庆市机械工程学会理事、巴渝学者;作为项目负责人和主研人完成了十一五、十二五科技支撑项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目和国家自然科学基金面上项目、工信部智能制造专项项目、教育部重点项目、重庆市科技攻关重点项目20余项及横向项目40余项。相关研究成果获省部级科技进步奖4项;在国内外核心期刊发表论文40多篇,其中SCI/EI收录30余篇;已授权国家专利18项,其中发明专利13项。


主要研究方向 1.机械传动系统设计与制造, 2.工业机器人及柔性自动化生产线, 3.智能制造技术与装备, 4.增材制造


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公开发表论文(代表作) 已在国内外重要学术期刊或国际重要学术会议上发表论文40余篇,其中被SCI、EI、ISTP索引20余篇。已发表的10篇代表性论文如下: [1]Qian Tang, Yuanxun Zhang, Zhenwei Jiang, Di Yan. Design Method for Screw Forming Cutter Based on Tooth Profile Composed of Discrete Points[J]. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2015, 137(8): 085001-085001-8. [2]Qian Tang, Yuanxun Zhang. Screw optimization for performance enhancement of a twin-screw pump[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 228(1): 73-84. [3]Qian tang, Xiaofeng Jin, Qiulei Fan. Parametric Coordination and Simulation Study on Nonstandard Spur Gears[J]. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (JJMIE), 2014, 8(1): 50-55. [4]张元勋, 唐倩, 李忠华, 严迪. 基于流体力学泄漏模型的螺杆泵泄漏机理分析[J]. 农业机械学报, 2014, 45(10): 326-332,339. [5]张元勋, 唐倩, 江振伟, 李忠华. 基于啮合间隙的螺杆齿形优化设计及其成型刀具设计方法研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(9), 48-57. [6]刘宗敏,唐倩,金晓峰,张元勋. 非标齿轮高齿根弯曲强度协同设计方法研究[J]. 机械传动,2014,10:22-25+70. [7]Qian Tang, Yuanxun Zhang, Linqing Pei, Jiong Tang. Optimal Design of Screw and Flow Field Analysis for Twin-screw Pump[C]. ASME, IDETC, 2011, 8, 593-600. [8]Qian Tang, Zongmin Liu, Yuanxun Zhang, Zhenwei Jiang. Dynamics Analysis and Tooth Profile Optimization of Finger-shaped Milling Cutter for Screw Rotors[C]. 2015IFToMM World Congress. 2015.14,10:22-25+70. [9]Qixiang Feng, Qian Tang, Ying Liu, Rossi Setchi. Theoretical Analysis of the Mechanical Response of Lattice Structures Manufactured using Selective Laser Melting[C]. Second International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. 2015. [10]Tang Qian, Liao Xiaoyun, Gao Zhan. Stacking Sequence optimization of laminated composite cylinder shell for maximal buckling load. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 21(4), 2008. [11]Tang Qian, Pei Linqing, Xiao Hansong. Numerical and experimental analysis of quenching process for cam manufacturing,Journal of Central South University of Technology, 03(2010) 8. [12]Tangqian, Xujie, et al. Design and optimization of tooth profile in three-screw pump. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 7(1) , 2008. [13]Tang Qian, Wang Xiaoqin, Pei Linqing, Zhang Yuanxun. Numerical simulation and experimental study on a novel kiln burner,Proceedings of the CSEE,26(2010)12-16. [14]唐倩,徐俊,高瞻,裴林清,吴志勇.柴油机轴瓦巴氏合金浇注工艺优化及试验验证,内燃机学报,01(2009)87-91. [15]唐倩,高瞻,朱才朝,徐杰. 高压往复泵缸体系统接触问题数值模拟,重庆大学学报(自然科学版),01(2009)1-5. [16]唐倩,杜雪松,高瞻,徐杰,张元勋. 冷矫直机矫直工艺参数数值模拟与试验,重庆大学学报,03(2010)36-40.
