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教学工作 本科教学: 承担工程热力学、能源与气候变化等课程教学。 研究生教学: 承担高等燃烧学、清洁煤燃烧技术、大气污染控制原理等课程教学。 教育背景 1996-1999:西安交通大学攻读博士学位; 1985-1988:重庆大学攻读硕士学位; 1981-1985:华北电力学院攻读学士学位。 工作经历 2002-今:北京交通大学; 2000-2002:清华大学从事博士后研究; 2004-2005:美国西肯塔基大学访问研究; 1988-1996:西北第二民族学院教师。


先进加工与智能制造 智能测控与故障诊断 智能机械设计与机器人技术 车辆结构可靠性与动力学 微机电系统与能源技术装备 机电系统与装备传热理论与技术 电子设备及储能装置热管理 先进能源利用技术 先进设计与制造(专业学位) 数字化制造技术与装备(专业学位) 车辆结构可靠性与优化(专业学位) 智能机器人技术(专业学位) 新型材料和结构力学行为与应用(专业学位) 机电系统流动传热与能源技术装备(专业学位)

专利 1、授权发明专利:一种三段式气流床煤加氢气化炉及联合运行系统,专利号:201410110834.8,发文序号:2015081700652710。 2、申请中的发明专利:一种垃圾无害化处理系统及利用该系统处理垃圾的方法。 科研项目 国家自然科学基金“面上”:煤粉富氧燃烧时的烟气辐射特性及辐射流动燃烧耦合特性研究,2016-2019,75万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:一期循环水冷却塔节水方案研究,2013-07-01--2014-02-28,48.0万元,主持 北京交通大学:燃烧室试验件污染物排放测试,2013-02-01--2013-04-30,1.0万元,主持 科技部“科技支撑”:基于Mesh网络井下可视化无线救灾通讯技术与装备,2013-01-01--2017-12-31,892.0万元,参加 基本科研业务费:ZEC系统火用分析及煤加氢气化炉的实验与模拟研究,2013-01-09--2014-01-09,5.0万元,参加 基本科研业务费:低品位能量提质利用的可行性研究,2013-01-01--2013-12-31,1.0万元,参加 北京交通大学:1号、2号锅炉低氮燃烧器改造可行性,2012-03-30--2013-03-30,25.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:一期脱硫烟道腐蚀机理及治理对策研究,2012-07-01--2012-12-31,47.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:一期锅炉辐射过热器吊挂管泄漏对策研究,2012-07-10--2012-07-30,44.5万元,主持 北京交通大学:4号锅炉烟气余热利用可行性研究,2011-09-20--2012-04-30,10.0万元,主持 基本科研业务费:ZEC系统及煤粉高温高压加氢气化特性研究,2012-03-16--2013-03-16,3.0万元,参加 国家自然科学基金“面上”:加压富氧条件下煤粉燃烧燃尽特性及CO2 分离流程研究,2012-01-01--2015-12-31,60.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:1号锅炉尾部对流受热面改造的方案设计项目合同,2011-03-01--2011-11-30,15.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:二期3号锅炉受热面改造可行性研究,2010-12-17--2011-03-15,35.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:2号锅炉尾部对流受热面改造方案设计,2010-05-05--2010-12-20,7.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:5号炉主汽温度偏差治理方案研究,2010-08-25--2010-12-20,15.0万元,主持 基本科研业务费:低碳电力技术的基础研究,2009-12-31--2011-12-31,9.0万元,参加 北京交大创新科技中心:1号锅炉尾部对流受热面改造方案设计,2009-10-20--2010-11-20,25.0万元,主持 北京交通大学:北京市轨道交通节能技术综合分析研究,2009-09-01--2010-12-31,40.0万元,参加 科技部“863”:华晨中华单一燃料LNG轿车产品开发,2008-11-10--2010-12-31,50.0万元,参加 北京交大创新科技中心:1号锅炉二次汽欠温治理改造方案研究,2008-10-10--2009-10-30,25.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:6号锅炉受热面改造方案研究,2008-04-01--2008-08-30,35.0万元,主持 北京交通大学:SCR催化剂小样加工,2008-11-18--2009-06-01,2.0万元,主持 国家自然科学基金“面上”:喷硫加氢气化床中煤的气化特性与其汞形态演化机理研究,2009-01-01--2011-12-31,28.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:1号锅炉受热面改造校核计算项目合同,2008-01-01--2008-06-01,30.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:3号锅炉受热面改造校核计算项目合同,2008-01-01--2008-10-30,47.448万元,主持 科技部“863”:煤矿井下灾害一体化检测技术研究与实现-1,2008-01-01--2008-12-31,40.0万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:燃烧器及燃烧组织校核计算,2007-03-01--2007-10-31,8.6552万元,主持 北京交大创新科技中心:对流受热面热力校核计算,2007-03-01--2007-10-31,18.6488万元,主持 科技部“863”:CNG/LNG发动机电控单元开发及匹配研究,2007-04-14--2008-12-31,30.0万元,参加 留学回国人员基金:分流活性炭对燃煤污染物联合脱除的机理研究,2007-01-01--2008-12-31,3.0万元,主持 北京交大科技发展中心:#3锅炉再热器管屏超温数值分析,2004-01-01--2004-05-01,10.0万元,主持 北京交大科技发展中心:#3锅炉再热器管屏超温数值诊断,2003-10-01--2004-03-31,10.0万元,主持 校科技基金:煤制氢关键技术的基础研究,2002-09-30--2003-08-30,7.0万元,主持 氨法脱硫的理论及试验研究,2002-05-12--2003-06-12,2.0万元,主持煤粉富氧燃烧时的烟气辐射特性及辐射流动燃烧耦合特性研究


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论文/期刊 已发表的主要英文论文 [1]. Linbo Yan, Guangxi Yue, Boshu He*. Thermodynamic analyses of a biomass-coal co-gasification power generation system, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 205: 133-141. [2]. Jingge Song, Carlos E. Romero, Zheng Yao, Boshu He. Improved artificial bee colony-based optimization of boiler combustion considering NOX emissions, heat rate and fly ash recycling for on-line applications, Fuel (2016), 172: 20-28 [3]. Chaojun Wang, Wenjun Ge, Michael F. Modest, Boshu He. A full-spectrum k-distribution look-up table for radiative transfer in nonhomogeneous gaseous media, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer (2016), 168, 46-56 [4]. Linbo Yan, Guangxi Yue, Boshu He. Application of an efficient exponential wide band model for the natural gas combustion simulation in a 300 kW BERL burner furnace, Applied Thermal Engineering (2016), 94, 209–220. [5]. Linbo Yan, Guangxi Yue, Boshu He. Exergy analysis of a coal/biomass co-hydrogasification based chemical looping power generation system, Energy (2015), 93, 1778–1787. [6]. Linbo Yan, Guangxi Yue, Boshu He. Development of an absorption coefficient calculation method potential for combustion and gasification simulations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015), 91, 1069–1077. [7]. Zhipeng Duan, Boshu He, Yuanyuan Duan. Sphere Drag and Heat Transfer, Scientific Reports 5, 12304; doi: 10.1038/srep12304 (2015). [8]. Zhipeng Duan, Boshu He. Extended Reynolds analogy for slip and transition flow heat transfer in microchannels and nanochannels, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (2014),56:25-30. [9]. Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Xiaohui Pei, Chaojun Wang, Zhipeng Duan, Jingge Song, Xuezheng Li. Design and comparisons of three biomass based hydrogen generation systems with chemical looping process, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2014), 39(31), 17540-17553. [10].Zhipeng Duan, Boshu He. Discussion: Slip-flow in microchannels of non-circular cross sections. J Fluids Eng Trans ASME (2014), 136(5), Article Number 055501 (2 pages). [11].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Tianyi Hao, Xiaohui Pei, Xusheng Li, Chaojun Wang, Zhipeng Duan. Pressurized Thermogravimetric Study on the Hydropyrolysis and Hydrogasification Kinetics of a Bituminous Coal. Energy and Fuels (2014), 28 (5), 2993–3001. [12].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Tianyi Hao, Xiaohui Pei, Xusheng Li, Chaojun Wang, Zhipeng Duan. Thermogravimetric study on the pressurized hydropyrolysis kinetics of a lignite coal, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2014), 39(15), 7826-7833. [13].Linbo Yan; Boshu He; Lele Ma; Xiaohui Pei; Chaojun Wang. Chemical equilibrium model and prediction for coal hydrogasification, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (2014), 12(1), 1-10. [14].Chaojun Wang, Boshu He, Linbo Yan, Xiaohui Pei, Shinan Chen. Thermodynamic analysis of a low-pressure economizer based waste heat recovery system for a coal-fired power plant, Energy (2014), 65: 80-90. [15].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Xiaohui Pei, Chaojun Wang, Huaxin Liang, Zhipeng Duan. Computational-fluid-dynamics-based evaluation and optimization of an entrained-flow gasifier potential for coal hydrogasification, Energy and Fuels (2013), 27(11): 6397-6407. [16].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Xiaohui Pei, Chaojun Wang, Xusheng Li, Zhipeng Duan. Kinetic models for coal hydrogasification and analyses of hydrogasification characteristics in entrained-flow gasifiers, Energy and Fuels (2013), 27(11): 6388-6396. [17].Xiaohui Pei, Boshu He, Linbo Yan, Chaojun Wang, Weining Song, Jingge Song. Process simulation of oxy-fuel combustion for a 300 MW pulverized coal-fired power plant using Aspen Plus, Energy Conversion and Management (2013), 76: 581-587. [18].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Xiaohui Pei, Xusheng Li, Chaojun Wang. Energy and Exergy Analyses of a Zero Emission Coal System, Energy (2013), 55: 1094-1103. [19].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Xiaohui Pei, Xusheng Li, Chaojun Wang, Huaxin Liang. Kinetic model and prediction for coal hydrogasification, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2013), 38(11): 4513-4523. [20].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Lele Ma, Xiaohui Pei, Chaojun Wang, Mingyang Li and Jingge Song. Numerical study with ChemKin for hydrogasification mechanism of pulverized coal and Hg speciation transformation inside a hydrogasifier. Strojarstvo: Journal for Theory and Application in Mechanical Engineering (2013), 55(1): 73-85. [21].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Fang Yao, Rui Yang, Xiaohui Pei, Chaojun Wang, and Jingge Song. Numerical Simulation of a 600 MW Utility Boiler with Different Tangential Arrangements of Burners. Energy & Fuels (2012), 26(9): 5491-5502. [22].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Xiaohui Pei, Chaojun Wang, Min Yang, and Jingge Song. Research on Retrofit Schemes for Reheat Steam Underheating and Excessive Desuperheater Spray for a 600 MW Tangentially Coal-Fired Boiler. Energy & Fuels (2012), 26(9): 5804-5820. [23].Linbo Yan, Boshu He, Lele Ma, Xiaohui Pei, Chaojun Wang, Xusheng Li. Integrated characteristics and performance of zero emission coal system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2012), 37(12): 9669-9676. [24].Chaojun WANG; Boshu HE; Shaoyang SUN; Ying WU; Na YAN; Linbo YAN; Xiaohui PEI. Application of a low pressure economizer for waste heat recovery from the exhaust flue gas in a 600 MW power plant, Energy (2012), 48:196-202. [25].Boshu HE; Linbo YAN; Liqiang ZHAO; Lele MA; Xiaohui PEI; Chaojun WANG; Mingyang LI. Numerical study with ChemKin for hydrogasification mechanism of pulverized coal and Hg speciation transformation inside a hydrogasifier. UNESCO Surported VIth DUBROVNIK CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM, (SDWS2011.0520) September 25 - 29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia. [26].Boshu HE; Chaojun WANG; Shaoyang SUN; Ying WU; Na YAN; Linbo YAN; Xiaohui PEI. Feasibility, economy and implementation of waste heat recovering from the exhausted flue gas with low-pressure economizer for a 600MW power plant. UNESCO Surported VIth DUBROVNIK CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM, (SDWS2011.0544) September 25 - 29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia. [27].He Boshu, Li Mingyang, Wang Xin, Zhu Ling, Wang Lili, Xue Jiwei, Chen Zhenxing,Chemical kinetics-based analysis for utilities of ZEC power generation system,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(2008): 4673–4680. [28].Boshu He, Yan Cao, Carlos E. Romero, Harun Bilirgen, Nenad Sarunac, Hans Agarwal,Wei-Ping Pan. Comparison and validation of OHM and SCEM measurements for a full-scale coal-fired power plant, Chemical Engineering Communications(2007), 194: 12, 1596–1607. [29].HE Boshu, ZHU Laiyu, WANG Jianmin, LIU Shumin, LIU Baolin, CUI Yanting, WANG Lili, WEI Guoqiang, Computational fluid dynamics based retrofits to reheater panel overheating of No. 3 boiler of Dagang Power Plant, Computers and Fluids, 36 (2007) 435–444. [30].HE Boshu, CHEN Meiqian, LIU Shumin, FAN Lijuan, XU Jinyuan, PAN Wei-ping, Measured vorticity distributions in a model of tangentially fired furnace, Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci, 29(2005), 537-554. [31].Boshu He, Meiqian Chen, Laiyu Zhu, Jianmin Wang, Shumin Liu, Lijuan Fan, Qiumei Yu, Numerical Solutions to the Reheater Panel Overheating of a Practical Power Plant, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2004 (ICCMSE 2004), Attica, Greece, November 19-23, 2004, 200-203. ISSN:1573-4196 [32].Zhigen Zhao, Boshu He, Wei -ping Pan, Multiple Regression Analysis of Coal's Calorific Value Using Data of Proximate Analysis, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2004 (ICCMSE 2004), Attica, Greece, November 19-23, 2004, 620-623. ISSN:1573-4196 [33].HE Boshu, CHEN Meiqian, YU Qiumei, LIU Shumin, FAN Lijuan, SUN Shouguang, XU Jinyuan, PAN Wei-Ping, Numerical study of the optimum counter-flow mode of air jets in a large utility furnace, Computers and fluids, 33 (2004) 1201–1223. [34].HE Boshu, ZHENG Xianyu, WEN Yan, TONG Huiling, CHEN Meiqian, CHEN Changhe, The temperature impacts on the SO2 removal efficiency by ammonia gas scrubbing, Energy Conversion and Management, 44(2003), 2175-2188. [35].HE Boshu, Diao Yongfa, XU Jingyuan, CHEN Changhe, Vorticity Measurements using a 6-Sensor Hot-Wire Probe in a Tangentially Fired Furnace, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 8(2003), 215-223. [36].Yong-Fa Diao, Xian-Yu Zheng, Bo-Shu He, Chang-He Chen and Xu-Chang Xu, Experimental study on capturing CO2 greenhouse gas by ammonia scrubbing, Energy Conversion and Management, 45(2004), 2283-2296. [37].HE Boshu,CHEN Changhe,The energy ecological efficiency of coal-fired plant in China,Energy Conversion and Management, 43(2002), 2553-2567. [38].HE Boshu, Diao Yongfa, XU Jingyuan, CHEN Changhe,Vorticity measurements in complex 3-D flow in tangentially-fired furnaces,Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 13(2002), 173-181. [39].Zheng Xianyu, Diao Yongfa, He Boshu, Chen Changhe, Xu Xuchang, Feng Wen, Carbon dioxide recovery from flue gases by ammonia scrubbing, Presented at GHGT-6, Kyoto, 2002; Source: GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES, VOLS I AND II, PROCEEDINGS. Editors: Gale J; Kaya Y. p.193-197(2003). [40].HE Boshu,ZHENG Xianyu,WANG Shujuan,CHEN Changhe,On the energy ecological efficiency of power generating systems,1st U.S.- China Symposium on CO2 Emission Control Science & Technology,Hangzhou, China,August 22-24, 2001. [41].Diao, Yongfa,Chen, Changhe; Jin, Weiwei; He, Boshu; Xu, Jinyuan, Mathematical model on flow around multi-platen in the tangentially fired furnace,Source: Proceedings of the 2003 - 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2003, p 99-103. [42].Zheng, Xianyu; Diao, Yongfa; Feng, Wen; Chen, Changhe; Xu, Xuchang; He, Boshu,Recovery of carbon dioxide by ammonia scrubbing in power plants,Energy and the Environment - Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and the Environment,Shanghai, China,V2,1244-1247,2003. [43].HE Boshu, LI Yanpeng, and XU Jinyuan, On the Fuel-Burning Systems of Large Utility Boilers, Proc. 1st GSISC, 1997, 105~108 [44].LI Yanpeng, HE Boshu, Problems in Developing Large-Capacity and High-Parameter Boilers, Proc. 1st GSISC, 1997, 114~117 专著/译著 吕太,何伯述,郑建祥,樊保国,沈祥智,武卫东.热能与动力工程概论[M]。国内:机械工业出版社,2013-01 杨昭,杨勇平,张旭,史琳,安青松,赵亮,赵军,朱家玲,陈冠益,何伯述.能源环境技术[M]。国内:机械工业出版社,2012-07 何伯述,卢太金,宋泾舸,陈琪.热能与动力机械基础[M]。国内:清华大学出版社,北京交通大学出版社,2010-04
