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北京交通大学.适用于高原条件下的柴油机湍流燃烧模拟系统V1.0 [CP/CD] 著作权登记号:2018SR503803
1. 国防科技项目:***回油控制技术研究与试验验证,2018-1-1—2021-12-31,115万元,主持
2. 国防科技项目:***压力波动抑制技术研究,2018-1-1—2021-12-31,180万元,主持
3. 航天项目:宽范围微流量比例贮供技术仿真验证,2019-1-1—2022-12-31,20万元,主持
4. 基本科研业务费:面向发动机的燃油雾化与湍流燃烧的基础研究,2017-1-1—2019-12-31,80万元,主持
5. 国防973项目:******燃油雾化与燃烧机制研究2015-1-1—2017-12-31,150万元,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 高压超临界环境下的燃油射流雾化/分解机理研究,2015-01-01--2018-12-31,83.0万元,主持
7. 国防科技项目:***燃油系统设计及应用试验验证,2014-1-1—2017-12-31,150万元,主持
8. 国防科技项目:***喷油泵及其设计技术及试验验证,2014-1-1—2017-12-31,150万元,主持
9. 航天项目:GTHR-5NB推力器无水肼催化分解仿真研究,2013-8-8—2014-8-31,15万元,主持
10. 航天项目:微小卫星推进系统数值仿真,2013-9-1--2014-6-30,10万元,主持
11. 国防科技项目:***燃烧过程设计技术及验证,2013-1-1—2015-12-31,120万元,主持
12. 国防科技项目:高原发动机增压系统流动机理与空气流动控制方法研究,2012-01-01--2014-12-31,70.0万元,主持
13. 航天项目:ADN无毒推力器火焰传播及传质传热机理研究,2012-03-10--2014-06-30,28.0万元,主持
14. 红果园:微小超高压冷气推进系统数值分析,2011-09-26--2014-06-30,35.0万元,主持
15. 博士点基金:高功率密度柴油机燃油蒸发与混合机理的基础研究,2012-01-01--2014-12-31,12.0万元,主持
16. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:高功率密度柴油机快速混合燃烧机理的基础研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,38.0万元,主持
17. 航天项目:风云四号卫星推进剂微重力分布及重定位过程的数值仿真,2010-10-15--2011-10-15,15.0万元,主持
18. 基本科研业务费:高功率密度柴油机燃烧系统基础理论与关键技术研究,2011-09-01--2014-09-01,60.0万元,主持
19. 科技部“科技支撑”:高速列车车体气密疲劳强度试验技术及规范研究,2010-01-01--2012-06-30,200.0万元,主持
20. 航天项目:SJ-9B卫星0.2N推力器微流道两相流及出口雾化数值分析,2010-04-20--2010-12-30,16.0万元,主持
21. 国防科技项目:控制与数据采集系统,2010-07-15--2010-10-31,32.0万元,主持
22. 国家自然科学基金“面上”项目:高功率密度柴油机燃油喷射雾化与燃烧机理的基础研究,2008-01-01--2010-12-31,32.0万元,主持
23. 国防科技项目:柴油机燃烧设计,2009-10-23--2012-12-31,280.0万元,主持
24. 红果园:柴油机燃烧系统及燃烧系统改进设计,2007-06-06--2008-05-31,25.0万元,主持
25. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”:内燃机燃烧机理研究\代用燃料发动机及电子控制,2007-03-01--2010-04-30,50.0万元,主持
26. 科技部“科技支撑项目”:清洁汽车产业化关键技术研究与示范-电控单燃料大型公交车用LPG发动机的研究开发与产业化,2005-01-01--2006-12-31,20.0万元,主持
27. 国家自然科学基金:稀薄燃烧天然气发动机燃烧稳定性及排放特性的基础研究,2005-01-01--2007-12-01,24.0万元,主持
28. 航天项目:大落压比化学发动机全包络流场与组分数值仿真分析 ,2019-11-14—2022-12-31,15万元,参加
29. 航天项目:ADN基液体推进剂基础点火特性研究,2019-2-1—2022-6-30,36万元,参加
30. 国家自然科学基金:合成气湍流预混火焰传播特性及其稳定性研究,2018-1-1—2020-12-31,24万元,参加
31. 航天项目:ADN基液体推进剂电点火特性研究,2017-11-30—2019-6-30,13万元,参加
32. 航天项目:ADN基推进剂催化机理研究及燃烧稳定性研究,2015-8-4—2016-12-30,20万元,参加
33. 航天项目:***专项200N推力器催化分解仿真研究,2015-11-27—2017-9-30,14万元,参加
34. 航天项目:ADN基液体推进剂的雾化特性实验研究,2015-12-11—2017-6-30,14万元,参加
35. 航天项目:全尺度ADN无毒推力器仿真计算研究,2014-6-13—2018-12-31,17万元,参加
36. 航天项目:MEMS固体微推力器燃烧特性分析研究,2014-8-15—2015-12-31,15万元,参加
37. 航天项目:推进系统部件流动仿真及试验相似性研究,2014-12-15—2018-7-30,30万元,参加
38. 航天项目:全尺度无毒发动机仿真计算研究,2013-4-2—2014-6-30,17万元,参加
39. 航天项目:双组元推力器喷注器雾化性能数值仿真分析,2013-7-11—2016-6-30,14万元,参加
40. 科技部“863计划”项目:高速铁路声屏障气动载荷特性和减载式声屏障减载机理研究,2012-05-23--2014-06-30,289.91万元,参加
41. 航天项目:ADN推力器内的热分解及火焰传播研究,2012-09-12--2013-09-12,15.0万元,参加
42. 基本科研业务费:高速含空泡燃油射流的失稳和分裂机理研究,2011-07-01--2013-07-01,7.0万元,参加
43. 科技部“科技支撑”:高速列车横风效应研究,2009-01-01--2012-12-31,100.0万元,参加
44. 国防科技项目:新结构换热特器研究,2007-01-01--2010-12-30,30.0万元,参加
45. 科技部“863计划”项目:大功率车用柴油机开发,2007-04-01--2010-04-30,106.0万元,参加
46. 科技部“863”:电控喷射单一燃料重型商用车用燃气发动机开发,2007-01-30--2008-09-30,15.0万元,参加
47. 科技部“863计划”项目:电动汽车控制算法与基础技术研究,2006-11-01--2008-12-31,70.0万元,参加
1. Hong-Meng Li,Guo-Xiu Li *,Lei Li,Zhao-Pu Yao. Experimental study on thermal ignition and combustion of droplet of ammonium dinitramide based liquid propellant in different oxidizing gas atmospheres[J]. Acta astronautica,2020,169.
2. Lei Li,Guo-Xiu Li *,Hong-Meng Li,Zhao-Pu Yao. Effect of voltage and droplet size on electrical ignition characteristics of ADN-based liquid propellant droplet[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology,2019,93
3. Yan-huan Jiang,Guo-Xiu Li *,Hong-meng Li,Guo-peng Zhang,Jia-cheng Lv. Experimental Study on the Self-Similar Propagation of H2/CO/Air Turbulent Premixed Flame[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(12):12736-12741.
4. Guo-Peng Zhang,Guo-Xiu Li *,Hong-Meng Li,Yan-Huan Jiang,Jia-Cheng Lv. Experimental investigation on the self-acceleration of 10%H 2 /90%CO/air turbulent expanding premixed flame[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019,44(44).
5. Guan H S , Li G X * , Zhang N Y . Experimental investigation of atomization characteristics of swirling spray by ADN gelled propellant[J]. Acta astronautica, 2018, 144(MAR.):119-125.
6. Yan-Huan J , Guoxiu L* , Hong-Meng L , et al. Experimental and Numerical Study on the Combustion Characteristics of Propane / Air Laminar Premixed Flame at Elevated Pressure[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2018:acs.energyfuels.8b01468-.
7. Gao Z, Li G*, Zhang T, et al. Numerical simulation for the decomposition of DT-3 in a monopropellant thruster[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 74: 132-144.
8. Jiang Y H , Li G X* , Li H M , et al. Effect of flame inherent instabilities on the flame geometric structure characteristics based on wavelet transform[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018:S0360319918309327.
9. Li H M , Li G X* , Jiang Y H , et al. Flame Stability and Propagation Characteristics for Combustion in Air for an Equimolar Mixture of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide in Turbulent Conditions[J]. Energy, 2018:S0360544218309216.
10. Yan-Huan J , Guo-Xiu L* , Hong-Meng L , et al. Study on the influence of flame inherent instabilities on crack propagation of expanding premixed flame[J]. Fuel, 2018, 233:504-512.
11. Jiang Y H, Li G X*, Li F S, et al. Experimental investigation of correlation between cellular structure of the flame front and pressure[J]. Fuel, 2017, 199: 65-75.
12. Ding J W , Li G X* , Yu Y S . The instability and droplet size distribution of liquid-liquid coaxial swirling spray: An experimental investigation[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 82:166-173.
13. Sun Z Y, Li G X*. Turbulence influence on explosion characteristics of stoichiometric and rich hydrogen/air mixtures in a spherical closed vessel[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 149: 526-535.
14. Guan H S , Li G X* , Zhang N Y . Experimental investigation of atomization characteristics of swirling spray by ADN gelled propellant[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 144:119-125.
15. Yuan, Ye, Li G X*, et al. Experimental study on the dynamical features of a partially premixed methane jet flame in coflow[J]. Energy, 2016, 111:593-598.
16. Li H M , Li G X* , Sun Z Y , et al. Investigation on dilution effect on laminar burning velocity of syngas premixed flames[J]. Energy, 2016, 112:146-152.
17. Jia T M , Li G X* , Yu Y S , et al. Propagation characteristics of induced shock waves generated by diesel spray under ultra-high injection pressure[J]. Fuel, 2016, 180:521-528.
18. Jia T M , Li G X* , Yu Y S , et al. Effects of ultra-high injection pressure on penetration characteristics of diesel spray and a two-mode leading edge shock wave[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016, 79:126-133.
19. Ding J W , Li G X* , Yu Y S . Numerical investigation on liquid sheets interaction characteristics of liquid-liquid coaxial swirling jets in bipropellant thruster[J]. International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow, 2016.
20. Xu Y J , Li G X* , Sun Z Y . Development of biodiesel industry in China: Upon the terms of production and consumption[J]. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 54:318-330.
21. Chen J, Li G*, Zhang T, et al. Experimental investigation of the catalytic decomposition and combustion characteristics of a non-toxic ammonium dinitramide (ADN)-based monopropellant thruster[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 129: 367-373.
22. Zhang T , Li G X* , Chen J , et al. Effect of wall heat transfer characteristic on the micro solid thruster based on the AP/HTPB aerospace propellant[J]. Vacuum, 2016, 134:9-19.
23. Zhang T , Li G *, Yu Y , et al. Effects of Catalytic Bed Thermal Characteristics on Liquid Monopropellant Decomposition and Combustion Characteristics within an Eco-Friendly Thruster Based on Ammonium Dinitramide[J]. Combustion Science and Technology, 2016, 188(6):14.
24. Li H M, Li G X*, Sun Z Y, et al. Effect of dilution on laminar burning characteristics of H2/CO/CO2/air premixed flames with various hydrogen fractions[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016, 74: 160-168.
25. Wang L , Li G X* , Xu C L , et al. Effect of characteristic parameters on the magnetic properties of solenoid valve for high-pressure common rail diesel engine[J]. Energy Conversion & Management, 2016, 127:656-666.
26. Wang C , Li G X* , Sun Z Y , et al. Effects of structure parameters on flow and cavitation characteristics within control valve of fuel injector for modern diesel engine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 124:104-115.
27. Sun Z Y , Li G X* , Wang L , et al. Effects of structure parameters on the static electromagnetic characteristics of solenoid valve for an electronic unit pump[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 113:119-130.
28. Sun Z Y , Li G X* . Propagation characteristics of laminar spherical flames within homogeneous hydrogen-air mixtures[J]. Energy, 2016, 116:116-127.
29. Yuan Y , Li G X* , Sun Z Y , et al. Numerical study of the effects of the channel and nozzle wall on the transition behavior of a methane tribrachial flame in a confined flow[J]. Fuel, 2015, 160:366-374.
30. Sun Z Y , Li G X* , Chen C , et al. Numerical investigation on effects of nozzle’s geometric parameters on the flow and the cavitation characteristics within injector’s nozzle for a high-pressure common-rail DI diesel engine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 89:843-861.
31. Sun Z Y , Li G X* , Yu Y S , et al. Numerical investigation on transient flow and cavitation characteristic within nozzle during the oil drainage process for a high-pressure common-rail DI diesel engine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 98:507-517.
32. Sun Z Y , Li G X* . On reliability and flexibility of sustainable energy application route for vehicles in China[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 51:830-846.
33. Yu Y S , Li G X* , Zhang T , et al. Effects of catalyst-bed’s structure parameters on decomposition and combustion characteristics of an ammonium dinitramide (ADN)-based thruster[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106:566-575.
34. Zhang T , Li G* , Yu Y , et al. Numerical simulation of ammonium dinitramide (ADN)-based non-toxic aerospace propellant decomposition and combustion in a monopropellant thruster[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 87:965-974.
35. 汪旭东, 李国岫*, 陈君, et al. 压电比例阀调节的氙气微推进系统流量特性仿真研究[J]. 推进技术, 40(12).
36. 李雷,李国岫*, 李洪萌, et al. 不同电极材料下ADN基液体推进剂电点火特性的实验研究[J]. 推进技术, 2020(1).
37. 李雷, 李国岫*, 李洪萌, et al. 湍流条件下高当量比合成气着火实验研究[J]. 燃烧科学与技术, 2019(1):31-36.
38. 王尧, 李国岫*, 虞育松, et al. 喷射压力对同轴旋转射流喷雾锥角影响的实验研究[J]. 推进技术, 2017(04):188-193+202.
39. 徐阳杰, 虞育松, 李国岫*. 超临界环境下的雾化过程中表面张力变化对射流稳定性的影响[J]. 燃烧科学与技术, 2017(2).
40. 姜延欢, 李国岫*, 孙作宇, et al. 湍流强度对CH_4/H_2预混火焰结构特性的影响[J]. 燃烧科学与技术, 2017(06):31-36.
41. 贾涛鸣, 虞育松, 李国岫*. 超高压燃油喷雾特性及诱导激波传播特性的试验研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2016, V37(10):2243-2248.
42. 吕晓辰, 李国岫*, 孙作宇, et al. 高压油管结构对电控单体泵燃油系统性能的影响[J]. 兵工学报, 2016, 37(10):1778-1787.
43. 虞育松, 李国岫*, 赵鹏. 喷孔内流对射流初始扰动影响的大涡模拟研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2016, 31(01):161-164.
44. 丁佳伟, 李国岫*, 虞育松. 结构参数对双组元推力器喷注器雾化性能影响规律的数值模拟研究[J]. 载人航天, 2015, 21(6):635-641.
45. 徐阳杰, 李国岫*, 虞育松, et al. 喷孔直径对柴油射流雾化影响的实验研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2015, 36(4):907-911.