[28] 马富军;李新洋*;宗博洋;于晓华;孙绍斌;姚宏**;电-多相臭氧催化技术处理金刚烷胺制药废水[J];中国环境科学;2018年10期
[27] Xie E, Zheng L, Xinyang Li, Wang Y, Dou J, Ding A, et al. (2019) One-step synthesis of magnetic-TiO2-nanocomposites with high iron oxide-composing ratio for photocatalysis of rhodamine 6G. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0221221.
[28] Ting Wei , Hong Yao, Peizhe Sun, Weiwei Cai, Xinyang Li, Liru Fan ,Qingchao Wei, Cai Lai, Jianhua Guo,Mitigation of antibiotic resistance in a pilot-scale system treating wastewater from high-speed railway trains,Chemosphere 245 (2020) 125484
[27] Xinyang Li, G. Liu, F. Ma, S. Sun, S. Zhou, R.E.A. Ardhi, J.K. Lee, H. Yao, Enhanced power generation in a single-chamber dynamic membrane microbial fuel cell using a nonstructural air-breathing activated carbon fiber felt cathode, Energ Convers Manage 172 (2018) 98-104. (SCI IF:5.6) (电化学相关研究)
[26] Xinyang Li, G. Liu, S. Sun, F. Ma, S. Zhou, J.K. Lee, H. Yao, Power generation in dual chamber microbial fuel cells using dynamic membranes as separators, Energ Convers Manage 165 (2018) 488-494. (SCI IF: 5.6) (电化学相关研究)
[25] Xinyang Li, Shaobin Sun, Xu Zhang, Hong Yao*, et al. Combined electro-catazone/electro-peroxone process for rapid and effective Rhodamine B degradation. Sep Purif Technol 2017, 178, 189-192. (SCI IF: 3.3) (电-多相-过臭氧工艺开发)
[24] Xinyang Li, Guicheng Liu, Shi M, Jianzhong Zheng*, et al. A novel electro-catalytic ozonation process for treating Rhodamine B using mesoflower-structured TiO2-coated porous titanium gas diffuser anode. Sep Purif Technol 2016, 165, 154-159. (SCI IF: 3.3) (电-多相臭氧催化工艺开发)
[23] Xinyang Li, Guicheng Liu, Mei Shi, Jianzhong Zheng*, et al, Using TiO2 Mesoflower Interlayer in Tubular Porous Titanium Membranes for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Filtration, Electrochim Acta 218 2016, 318-324. (SCI IF: 4.8) (电催化纳米材料制备及研究)
[22] Xingyang Li, Yue Wu, Y. Qian, Chengwen. Wang*, Enhanced electrochemical oxidation of synthetic dyeing wastewater using SnO2-Sb-doped TiO2-coated granular activated carbon electrodes with high hydroxyl radical yields, Electrochim Acta 220, 2016, 276-284. (SCI IF: 4.8) (电催化纳米材料制备及研究)
[21] Xinyang Li, Wei Zhu, Chengwen Wang*, et al. Recovery of potassium from landfill leachate concentrates using a combination of cation-exchange membrane electrolysis and magnesium potassium phosphate crystallization. Sep Purif Technol 2015, 144, 1-7. (SCI IF: 3.3) (电催化水处理相关研究)
[20]Xinyang Li*, Lizheng Guo, Guicheng Liu, et al. N-doped activated carbons derived from biological sludge generated in petrochemical industries for supercapacitor applications, N-doped activated carbons derived from biological sludge generated in petrochemical industries for supercapacitor applications, J Nanosci and Nanotechno, 2017, accepted. (SCI IF: 1.3) (电化学相关研究)
[19]Xinyang Li, Wei. Zhu, Chengwen Wang, Liwei Zhang, Yi Qian, Fanqing Xue, Yue Wu, The Electrochemical oxidation of biologically treated citric acid wastewater in a continuous-flow three-dimensional electrode reactor (CTDER), Chem Eng J, 2013, (232), 495-502, (SCI IF=5.3) (电催化水处理相关研究)
[18] Xinyang Li, Chengwen Wang, Yi. Qian, Yujue Wang, Liwei Zhang, Simultaneous removal of chemical oxygen demand, turbidity and hardness from biologically treated citric acid wastewater by electrochemical oxidation for reuse, Sep Purif Technol, 2013, (107), 281-288. (SCI IF=3.3) (电催化水处理相关研究)
[17] Xinyang Li, Liwei Zhang, Chengwen Wang, Review of disposal of concentrate streams from nanofiltration (NF) or reverse osmosis (RO) membrane process, Advanced Materials Research, 2012 (518), 3470-3475, EI. (水处理相关研究)
[16] Xinyang Li, Chengwen Wang*. Phosphate removal from water by zero-valent iron/activated carbon fiber felt galvanic couples, Proceeding of Second International Conference of Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2011, 2367-2370 (EI)
[15]Guicheng Liu#, Xinyang Li#, Joong Kee Lee*, et al. A study on anode diffusion layer for performance enhancement of a direct methanol fuel cell, Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 126, 697-703. (SCI IF: 4.8)(共同一作) (电化学相关研究)
[14] Juan Li, Liang Zhang, Clark Renjun Zheng, Mei Yang, Xinyang Li*, Jianzhong Zheng**, Removal of Cr(VI) by Sewage Sludge Based Activated Carbons Impregnated with Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron, J Nanosci and Nanotechno, 2017, accepted. (SCI IF: 1.3) (共同通讯作者) (水处理相关研究)
[13]Mei Shi, Caiyang Guo, Xinyang Li*, Jianzhong Zheng** et al, Removal of Bromide from water by adsorption on δ-Bi2O3, J Nanosci and Nanotechno, 2017, accepted. (SCI IF: 1.3) (共同通讯作者) (水处理相关研究)
[12]Yujue. Wang*, Xinyang Li, Limin Zhen, Heqing Zhang, Chengwen Wang, Electro-Fenton treatment of concentrates generated in nanofiltration of biologically pretreated landfill leachate, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012, (229), 115-121 (SCI IF: 4.8) (电催化水处理相关研究)
[11] Qian Deng, Xinyang Li, Jiane Zuo*,Alison Lin, Bruce E Logan, Power generation using an activated carbon fiber felt cathode in an upflow microbial fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, 2009 (195), 1130-1135 (SCI IF: 6.3) (微生物燃料电池)
[10] Guicheng Liu, Zhaoyi Yang, Martin Halim, Xinyang Li, Manxiang Wang, Ji Young Kim, Qiwen Mei, Xindong Wang, Joong Kee Lee, A gradient activation method for direct methanol fuel cells, Energy Conversion and Management, 2016 (138), 54~60 (SCI IF: 4.8) (电化学相关研究)
[9] Guicheng Liu, Hongwei Zhou, Xianan Ding, Xinping Li, Dechun Zou, Xinyang Li, Xindong Wang, Joong Kee Lee, Effect of fabrication and operating parameters on electrochemical property of anode and cathode for direct methanol fuel cells, Energy Conversion and Management,2016(122), 366~371 (SCI IF: 4.8) (电化学相关研究)
[8] Clark Renjun Zheng, Shuai Li, Chengsong Ye, Xinyang Li, Chiqian Zhang*, Xin Yu*, Particulate Respirators Functionalized with Silver Nanoparticles Showed Excellent Real-Time Antimicrobial Effects against Pathogens, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016,50(13), 7144~7151. (SCI IF: 5.4) (纳米材料相关研究)
[7]G.C. Liu, Xinyang Li, H. Wang, X.Y. Liu, M. Chen, J.Y. Woo, J.Y. Kim, X.D. Wang, J.K. Lee, Design of 3-electrode system for in situ monitoring direct methanol fuel cells during long-time running test at high temperature, Appl Energ 197 (2017) 163-168.
[6]J.Y. Ma, H. Yao, H.Q. Yu, L.S. Zuo, H.Y. Li, J.G. Ma, Y.R. Xu, J. Pei, Xinyang Li, Hydrazine addition enhances the nitrogen removal capacity in an anaerobic ammonium oxidation system through accelerating ammonium and nitrite degradation and reducing nitrate production, Chemical Engineering Journal 335 (2018) 401-408
[5] 李兆欣,甄丽敏,李新洋,潘学军,王玉珏,BDD电极阳极氧化垃圾渗滤液纳滤浓缩液,环境工程学报,2014,(11),4662-4668,中文核心期刊.
[4] 朱维(#),李新洋,汪诚文,陆茵,Fenton-曝气生物滤池深度处理柠檬酸废水中试,环境工程,2014.12.22,(12):14~17+22, 中文核心期刊.
[3] 朱维(#),李新洋,汪诚文,陆茵,Fenton法深度处理高硬度柠檬酸废水的研究,环境工程,2014.8.30,(S1):103~106, 中文核心期刊.
[2] 金鑫(#),肖伟,赵立冬,李新洋,李宁,武汉市政污泥处理现状及建议,工业安全与环保,2011.3.10,(03):46~47, 中文核心期刊.
[1] 朱维(#),李新洋,汪诚文,王迪,徐蘇士,污泥水热脱水滤液与模拟生活污水在SBR系统中的协同降解研究,给水排水,2014.7.31,(S1):196~201, 中文核心期刊.
轨道交通环境污染控制与管理 (负责第八章撰写)