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教育背景 1993年9月进入西北纺织工学院读本科,1997年7月获得环境工程专业工学学士学位; 1997年9月进入西安建筑科技大学读硕士,2000年7月获得环境工程专业工学硕学学位; 2000年9月进入中国科学院生态环境研究中心读博士,2003年7月获得环境工程专业理学博士学位; 2014年1月荷兰格罗宁根大学生物医学专业博士学位。 工作经历 2003.7 至今 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院 讲师、副教授、教授 2009.9-2010.8 访问学者赴荷兰格罗宁根大学医学院访问 2012.9-2013.7 访问学者赴荷兰格罗宁根大学医学院访问


市政工程 环境工程 环境工程(专业学位)

专利 1. 一种火电厂湿法烟气脱硫吸收塔内浆液浓缩倍率的测试方法 2. 一种火电厂湿法烟气脱硫系统净烟气凝雾方法和装置 3. 一种用于村镇畜禽养殖场降雨地表径流的处理系统 4. 一种新型序批式反应器污水处理方法 5. 利用两段式生物反应器实现污泥减量化的工艺 科研项目 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 建筑小便池尿液用于化粪池废水脱氮、提碳和有害气体控制的过程与机理研究, 2020-2023 北京交通大学: 生物膜过滤技术处理微污染河湖水工艺优化与设备研发, 2018-2020 北京交通大学: 黑臭水体工程案例水质监测分析, 2018-2019 铁路总公司(原铁道部): 铁路旅客列车集便污水优化处理及污物资源化应用研究, 2017-2020 基本科研业务费: 景观水体多重耐药性大肠杆菌分布特性及耐药基因研究, 2017-2018 国家重大专项(民口)-参加: 区域供水能耗数据收集与节水节能运行分析, 2014-2017 国家重大专项(民口)-参加: 建筑二次供水水质保障技术应用研究和示范, 2014-2018 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 多重耐药性大肠杆菌的水体污染行为及细菌粘附迁移机制研究, 2016-2019


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

论文/期刊 40. Li, PY, Chen, LP, Ding, YS, Tian, XJ, Guan, DT, Zhang, ZG, Li, JY, Phosphorus recovery from urine using cooling water system effluent as a precipitant, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 2019, 244, 391-398. 39. Wen, ZJ, Wang, AM, Zhang, YY, Ren, SY, Tian, XJ, Li, JY. Mineralization of cefoperazone in acid medium by the microwave discharge electrodeless lamp irradiated photoelectro-Fenton using a RuO2/Ti or boron-doped diamond anode, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2019, 374, 186-194 38. Li, PY, Oyang, XH, Zhao, YL , Tu, TQ, Tian, XJ, Li, L, Zhao, Y, Li, JY, Xiao, ZY, Occurrence of perfluorinated compounds in agricultural environment, vegetables, and fruits in regions influenced by a fluorine-chemical industrial park in China, CHEMOSPHERE, 2019, 225, 659-667. 37. Tian, XJ, Gao, ZC, Feng, HD, Zhang, ZG, Li, JY, Wang, AM, Efficient nutrient recovery/removal from real source-separated urine by coupling vacuum thermal stripping with activated sludge processes, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 220, 965-973 36. Wang, AM, Zhang, YY, Zhong, HH, Chen, Y, Tian, XJ, Li, DS , Li, JY, 2018, Efficient mineralization of antibiotic ciprofloxacin in acid aqueous medium by a novel photoelectro-Fenton process using a microwave discharge electrodeless lamp irradiation, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 342, 364-374 35. Chen, Y, Wang, AM, Zhang, YY, Bao, RG, Tian, XJ, Li, JY, 2017, Electro-Fenton degradation of antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP): Formation of Fe3+-CIP chelate and its effect on catalytic behavior of Fe2+/Fe3+ and CIP mineralization, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 256, 185-195 34. Zhang, ZG, Wang, J, Liu, D, Li, JY, Wang, XL, Song, BY , Yue, B, Zhao, KH, Song, Y, 2017, Hydrolysis of polyaluminum chloride prior to coagulation: Effects on coagulation behavior and implications for improving coagulation performance, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 57, 162-169. 33. Yao, S, Chen, LP , Guan, DT, Zhang, ZG, Tian, XJ, Wang, AM, Wang, GT , Yao, Q ,Peng, D, Li, JY, 2017, On-site nutrient recovery and removal from source-separated urine by phosphorus precipitation and short-cut nitrification-denitrification, CHEMOSPHERE, 175, 210-218 32. Chen, LP, Yang, XX, Tian, XJ, Yao, S , Li, JY, Wang, AM, Yao, Q, Peng, DC , 2017, Partial nitritation of stored source-separated urine by granular activated sludge in a sequencing batch reactor, AMB EXPRESS 7, 1-10. 31. Zhang, YY , Wang, AM , Tian, XJ , Wen, ZJ, Lv, HJ, Li, DS, Li, JY, 2016, Efficient mineralization of the antibiotic trimethoprim by solar assisted photoelectro-Fenton process driven by a photovoltaic cell, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 318, 319-328. 30. Gong, YX, Li, JY,Zhang, YY, Zhang, M, Tian, XJ, Wang, AM, 2016, Partial degradation of levofloxacin for biodegradability improvement by electro-Fenton process using an activated carbon fiber felt cathode, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 304, 320-328. 29. Tian, XJ , Wang, GT , Guan, DT, Li, JY, Wang, AM, Li, J , Yu, Z, Chen, Y , Zhang, ZG, 2016, Reverse osmosis brine for phosphorus recovery from source separated urine, CHEMOSPHERE, 165, 202-210. 28. Li, JY, Zhao, L, Qin, LL, Tian, XJ, Wang, AM, Zhou, YM, Meng, L, Chen, Y, 2016, Removal of refractory organics in nanofiltration concentrates of municipal solid waste leachate treatment plants by combined Fenton oxidative-coagulation with photo - Fenton processes, CHEMOSPHERE, 146, 442-449. 27. Li, JY, Qin, LL, Zhao, L, Wang, AM, Chen, Y, Meng, L,Zhang, ZG, Tian, XJ, Zhou, YM, 2015, Removal of refractory organics from biologically treated landfill leachate by microwave discharge electrodeless lamp assisted Fenton process, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY, 643708. 26. Harapanahalli A. K., Chen Y., Li J.Y., Busscher H. J., van der Mei H. C., 2015, Influence of adhesion force on icaA and cidA gene expression and production of matrix components in Staphylococcus aureus biofilms, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81, 3369-3378 25. Li J.Y., Zhao X.K., Tian X.J., Li J., Sjollema J., Wang A.M., 2015, Retention in treated wastewater affects survival and deposition of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in sand columns, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81(6), 2199-2205 24. Li J.Y., Busscher H. J., Swartjes J. J. T. M., Chen Y., Akshay K. Norde W., van der Mei H. C., Sjollema J., 2014, Residence-time dependent cell wall deformation of different Staphylococcus aureus strains on gold measured using surface-enhanced-fluorescence, Soft Matter, 10(38): 7638-7646. 23. Li J. Y., Bacterial mass transport and adhesion using macroscopic fluorescence imaging, ISBN:9789036764780 22. Li J. Y., Busscher H. J., van der Mei H. C., Sjollema J., 2013, Evaluation of bacterial deposition on non-transparent materials using fluorescence imaging, Biofouling, 29, 11-19. 21. Li J. Y., Busscher H. J., van der Mei H. C., Norde W., Krom B. P., Sjollema J., 2011, Analysis of the contribution of sedimentation to bacterial mass transport in a parallel plate flow chamber –Part II: Use of fluorescence imaging, Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 87, 427-432. 20. Li J. Y., Busscher H. J., Norde W., Sjollema J., 2011, Analysis of the contribution of sedimentation to bacterial mass transport in a parallel plate flow chamber, Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 84, 76-81. 19. Li J., Xu Z., Li J. Y. , Jiao D., 2010, Characteristics of the microbiologically influenced corrosion of 304 stainless steel in reclaimed water from a power plant, Acta Phys. Chim, 26(10), 2638-2646. 18. Li J., Li J. Y., Yuan W. S., and Du Y. L., 2010, Biocorrosion characteristics of the copper alloys BFe30-1-1 and HSn70-1AB by SRB using atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 64(5), 363-370. 17. Sun F. Y., Yang C. Y., Li J. Y., Yang Y. J., 2006, Influence of different substrates on the formation and characteristics of aerobic granules in sequencing batch reactors, J. Environ. Sci., 18(5), 864-871. 16. Li J. Y., Chen Y., Li J., Zhang D. H., Wang S. G., Wang L. J., Jiang D., Sun F. Y., Zhang Q., 2006, Morphological and structural characteristics of aerobic granulation, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 81, 823 – 830 15. Li J. Y., 2005, Effects of Fe(III) on floc characteristics of activated sludge, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 80, 313-319. 14. Li J. Y., Luan Z. K., Zhu B. X., Gong X. Y., Peng D. C., 2002, Effects of colloidal organic matter on nitrification and composition of extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 77, 1333-1339. 13. 李久义、吴念鹏、刘滢、李进, 2007, 高浓度氨氮废水同步硝化反硝化性能研究,环境工程学报,1(1), 35-40. 12. 邹雪、孙飞云、杨成永、李久义,利用好氧硝化颗粒污泥SBR处理分离尿液的研究,环境科学,2007, 28,1987-1992 11. 孙飞云,杨成永,李久义,SBR中不同基质对好氧颗粒污泥的性状影响研究,北京交通大学学报:自然科学版,2007,31,106-110,114 10. 刘建国, 张栋华, 王曙光, 岳钦艳, 李久义, 高宝玉, 2006, 好氧颗粒污泥的性质及形成机理的探讨, 山东大学学报,36(3), 116-119。 9. 张栋华、岳钦艳、王曙光、姜栋、孙飞云、李久义,2006,序批式反应器中好氧颗粒污泥特性研究,中国给水排水,22(1), 80-83. 8. 赵华章,朱志慧,李久义,裴元生,栾兆坤,2005,以TEOS为硅源的聚硅氯化铝的絮凝性能及残留铝研究,31(4), 46-48. 7. 姜栋, 王连俊, 李久义, 2005, 膜生物反应器在废水处理中的应用及前景展望, 山西建筑, 31(21), 7-8. 6. 陈福泰, 左华, 李久义, 范正虹, 栾兆坤, 2004, 新型气浮装置ES-DAF中气泡粒径分布的表征, 环境科学, 25(1), 111-113. 5. 王红宇, 李久义, 栾兆坤, 刘维屏, 2004, 聚合氯化铁絮凝处理低温低浊水的研究, 环境污染治理技术与设备, 5(12), 25-27. 4. 李久义,栾兆坤,朱宝霞,陈福泰,贾智萍,2003, 胶体态有机物对生物膜硝化过程的影响,环境科学, 24(5),70-74。 2. 李久义,吴晓清,陈福泰,朱宝霞,郭健,栾兆坤,2003,Fe(III)对活性污泥絮体结构和生物絮凝作用的影响,环境科学学报,23(5), 582-587。 2. 李久义,左华,栾兆坤,朱宝霞,贾智萍,2002,不同基质条件对生物膜细胞外聚合物组成和含量的影响,环境化学, 21(6), 546-551。 1. 朱宝霞,李久义,栾兆坤,2001,城市污水混凝强化一级处理的机理探讨,给水排水, 21(7),10-15。 专著/译著 1. Li J. Y., Bacterial mass transport and adhesion using macroscopic fluorescence imaging, ISBN:9789036764780
