1、 娄洁, 李丽梅, 刘贵有, 王月德, 董伟, 周堃, 李银科, 胡秋芬, 叶艳青*. 傣药香面叶茎皮中1个新8-O-4′-木脂素及其细胞毒活性[J]. 中草药, 2015, 46(7): 955-957.
2、 LI-LIMEI; GUI-YOU LIU; JIE LOU; HUAN WANG; JUAN-XIA YANG; QIU-FEN HU; YANQING YE*. A New Alkaloid from the Stems of Cassia siamea and Its Anti-Tobacco Mosaic Virus Activity[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry ,2015,27 (6): 2349-2350.
3、 JUAN-XIA YANG; GUI-YOU LIU; JIE LOU; HUAN WANG; LI-MEI LI; QIU-FEN HU; YAN-QING YE*. A New Cytotoxic Prenylated Chalcone from Desmodium renifolium[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry ,2015,27 (7): 2733-2734.
4、 杨娟霞, 董伟, 韩林磊, 夏从芳, 高云涛, 叶艳青*. 响应面法优化微波法提取甘青青兰总黄酮工艺[J]. 食品工业科技, 2015, 36(1) : 216-219.
5、 Yan-qing Ye; Cong-Fang Xia; Juan-Xia Yang; Ying Qin; Ming Zhou; Xue-Mei Gao; Gang Dua; Hai-Ying Yang; Xue-Mei Li; Qiu-Fen Hua. Isocoumarins from the fermentation products of an endophytic fungus of Aspergillus versicolor [J]. Phytochemistry Letters,2014,10: 215–218.
6、 Yan-Qing Ye; Cong-Fang Xia; Juan-Xia Yang; Yu-Chun Yang; Xue-MeiGao; Gang Du; Hai-Ying Yang; Yin-Ke Li; Qiu-Fen Hu. ISOCOUMARINS FROM THE BARK OF LINDERA CAUDATA [J]. HETEROCYCLES, Vol. 89, No. 10, 2014, pp. 2369 - 2374.
7、 Yan-qing Ye; Cong-Fang Xia; Juan-Xia Yang; Yu-Chun Yang; Ying Qin; Xue-Mei Gao; Gang Du; Xue-Mei Li; Qiu-Fen Hu. Butyrolactones Derivatives from the Fermentation Products of an Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus versicolor [J]. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2014,35(10): 3059-3062.
8、 Yan-Qing Ye; Cong-Fang Xia; Juan-Xia Yang; Yu-Chun Yang; Xue-MeiGao; Gang Du; Hai-Ying Yang; Xue-Mei Li; Qiu-Fen Hu. PHENYL DERIVATED BUTYROLACTONES FROM THE FERMENTATION PRODUCTS OF AN ENDOPHYTIC FUNGUS ASPERGILLUS TERREUS [J]. HETEROCYCLES, Vol. 89, No. 9, 2014, pp. 2177 - 2183.
9、 Yan-Qing Ye; Cong-Fang Xia; Yin-Ke Li; Xian-Xue Wu; Gang Du; Xue-Mei Gao; Qiu-Fen Hu. ANTHRAQUINONES FROM Cassia siamea AND THEIR CYTOTOXICITY[J]. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2014,50(5)819-822.
10、 Yan-Qing Ye; Cong-Fang Xia; Yin-Ke Li; Xian-Xue Wu; Gang Du; Qiu-Fen Hu; Xue-Mei Gao. A New Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignan from the Stems of Schisandra neglecta and it Cytotoxicities [J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014,26 (7):1948-1950.
11、 Yan-Qing Ye; Cong-Fang Xia; Xiangli Li; Yunhua Qin; Gang Du; Qiu-Fen Hu; Xue-Mei Gao. A New xanthone from Garcinia oligantha and Its Cytotoxicity [J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry ,2014,26(7):1957-1959.
12、 CONGFANG XIA; YUCHUN YANG; YANLIN MENG; YING QIN; QIUFEN HU; YANQING YE*. A New Chromone from Stems of Cassia fistula and Its Anti-Tobacco Mosaic Virus Activities[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry ,2014,26 (14): 4515-4516.
13、 JUAN-XIA YANG; HUAN WANG; JIE LOU; LIMEI LI; GUI-YOU LIU; XUEMEI GAO; QIUFEN HU; YANQING YE*. A New Cytotoxic Diphenylethylene from Arundina graminifolia[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry , 2014,26 (14): 4517-4518.
14、 JUAN-XIA YANG; HUAN WANG; GUI-YOU LIU; JIE LOU; LIMEI LI; QIUFEN HU; YANQING YE*. A New Anthraquinone from the Fruit of Cassia fistula and Its Cytotoxicity[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry , 2014,26 (14): 4519-4520.
15、 GUI-YOU LIU; JUAN-XIA YANG; HUAN WANG; JIE LOU; LIMEI LI; XUEMEI GAO; QIUFEN HU; YANQING YE*. A New Phenolic Amide from Stems of Cassia fistula and Their Anti-Tobacco Mosaic Virus Activities[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry ,2014,26 (18): 6301-6302.
16、 夏从芳; 张龙旺; 白玮; 罗雯; 叶艳青*, 微波灰化-ICP-MS法测定傣药肾叶山蚂蝗中的金属元素[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2013,41(11):342-344.
17、 白红丽; 钟佳; 白玮; 叶艳青*, 大叶羊蹄甲微量元素的初级形态分析[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2013,41(1):305-307.
18、 YAN-QING YE; XIN-ZHOU YANG; XEU-SEN LI; FU-QUAN YAO; QIU-FEN HU. Study on Solid-Phase Extraction and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GF-AAS) for the Determination of Platinum, Palladium and Gold [J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry ,2012,24 (11):4967-4970.
19、 YANQING YE; QUNFANG ZHANG; WEI LIU; YONGKUAN CHEN; GUANG-YU YANG; QIUFEN HU. A New Isoflavonoid from the Stems of Nicotiana tabacum and its Anti-tobacco Mosaic Virus Activity [J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2012,24(11):5393-5394.
20、 罗雯; 马金晶; 张龙旺; ,陈聪; 叶艳青*. 微波消解-ICP-MS测定傣药嘎喱啰树皮中的11种无机元素[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2012,32(9):2562-2565