2.2005年江西省自然科学一等奖(排名第1), 现代轨道理论若干关键问题研究(Z-109-05-1-01-R01),江西省人民政府
[1] Lei X., Swoboda G. and Zenz G. Application of contact friction interface element to tunnel excavation in faulted rock. Computers and Geotechnics. 1995, 17: 349-370。IDS Number:RE443, IF:1.661(三区)
[2] Swoboda G. and Lei X. Simulation of arch dam foundationinteraction with a new friction interface element. International Journal for Numerical & Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 1994, 17: 601-617。IDS Number:PN044, IF: 1.565 (三区)
[3] Lei Xiaoyan, Qinghua Du, Recent engineering applications in China on coupling boundary elements with finite elements, Applied Mechanics Reviews, 50(11), 731-740 (1997) ,IF: 3.971(一区)
[4] Lei Xiaoyan, Contact friction analysis and stress oscillation suppression with a simple interface element, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 13(1), 33-41, 2000。IDS Number:300LT,IF: 0.766(四区)
[5] Lei X. Contact friction analysis with a simple interface element. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering(Elsevier). 2001, 190(15-17):1955-1965。IDS Number:399NU;IF: 3.017(一区)
[6] Xiaoyan Lei and Nao-Aki Noda, Analyses of dynamic response of vehicle and track coupling system with random irregularity of track vertical profile, Journal of Sound and Vibration(Elsevier), Vol.258, Issue 1, 147-165(2002),IDS Number:618AP。IF: 1.588(二区)
[7] Xiaoyan Lei and Lijun Mao, Dynamic response analyses of vehicle and track coupled system on track transition of conventional high speed railway, Journal of Sound and Vibration(Elsevier), Vol.271, Issues3-5, 1133-1146(2004)。IDS Number:804FP;IF: 1.588(二区)
[8] Xiaoyan Lei, Dynamic analysis of track structure of high speed railway with finite elements, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F(SAGE), Vol 215,301-309 (2001)。IDS Number:523HG,IF:0.436(四区)
[9] Lei Xiaoyan and Qingsong Feng, Analyses of Stability of Continuously Welded Rail Track with Finite Elements, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F(SAGE),Vol 218,225-234 (2004),IDS Number: 874IZ;IF: 0.436(四区)
[10] Lei Xiaoyan and Jerry G. Rose. Track vibration analysis for railways with mixed passenger and freight traffic. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F (SAGE), 222(4): 413-421 (2008) , IDS Number: 379ZJ; IF: 0.436(四区)
[11] Lei Xiaoyan and Jerry G. Rose. Numerical investigation of vibration reduction of ballast track with asphalt trackbed over soft subgrade. Journal of Vibration and Control(SAGE), 14(12), 1885-1902 (2008) ,IDS Number: 377HR;IF:1.966(一区)
[12] X Lei and B Zhang. Influence of track stiffness distribution on vehicle and track interactions in track transition.Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F(SAGE). 2010, 224(1): 592-604,IDS Number:678TJ。IF: 0.436(四区)
[13] Xiaoyan Lei and Bin Zhang. Analysis of Dynamic Behavior for Slab Track of High-Speed Railway Based on Vehicle and Track Elements. Journal of Transportation Engineering(ASCE). 2011, 137(4): 227-240,IDS Number:750VI。IF: 0.620(四区)
[14] Xiaoyan Lei and Bin Zhang. Analyses of dynamic behavior of track transition with finite elements. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2011, 17(11) 1733–1747,IDS Number:833YB, IF:1.966(一区)
[15] Xiaoyan Lei, Qingjie Liu, Qingsong Feng and Andrey P. Khomenko. The Research progress on assessment and reduction of ground-borne vibrations induced by railway traffic. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2010, 4(5) : 60-70.
[16] Xiaoyan Lei and Jian Wang. Dynamic analysis of the train and slab track coupling system with finite elements in a moving frame of reference. Journal of Vibration and Control(SAGE), 2014, 20(9): 1301–1317, IDS Number: AK9BN, IF:1.966(一区)
[17] Wenjun Luo and Xiaoyan Lei. Analysis of Dynamic Behavior for Ballastless Track-Bridge with a Hybrid Method. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2014, 20 (4):487–500 ,IF:0.351(四区).
[18] Xiaoyan Lei and Chongda Jiang. Analysis of Vibration Reduction Effect of Steel Spring Floating Slab Track with Finite Elements. Journal of Vibration and Control(SAGE),2016, 22(6): 1462–1471 (SCI源刊), IF:1.966(一区)
[19] Xiaoyan Lei, Shenhua Wu, and Bin Zhang. Dynamic Analysis of the High Speed Train and Slab Track Nonlinear Coupling System with the Cross Iteration Algorithm. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 2016, Article ID 8356160, 17 pages,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/8356160 (SCI源刊),IF:0.86