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教育背景 2006-2010,管理学博士,南开大学商学院企业管理系 2004-2006,管理学硕士,南开大学商学院企业管理系 2000-2004,管理学学士,南开大学国际商学院市场营销系 工作经历 2016.7-今,北京航空航天大学经济管理学院,副教授 2017.12,Cape BretonUniversity, Canada高级访问学者 2016.10,Cape BretonUniversity, Canada高级访问学者 2015.1-2015.12,McCallum Graduate School of Business, Bentley University,USA,访问学者 2011.4-2016.6,北京航空航天大学经济管理学院,讲师 教学奖励 2020年北航优秀教学成果奖三等奖(排名第一) 2020年北航青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖(文科类全校排第四名) 2020年度北航经济管理学院优秀教学奖 2020年北航经济管理学院青年教师教学比赛二等奖 2016年全国管理案例精英赛(MBA)华北赛区指导学生获得一等奖、三等奖、“最佳新锐奖” 2016年全国管理案例精英赛(MBA)全国赛指导学生获得三等奖 2013年北航优秀教学成果奖二等奖(排名第三) 案例奖励 2011年全国工商管理硕士“百篇优秀管理案例”:科隆公司进入中国市场的模式、路径变化与股权结果调整(排名第五)




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期刊论文 Tang Yao, Qiuying Zheng, Xiucheng Fan. The Impact of Online Social Support on Patients’ Quality of Life and the Moderating Role of Social Exclusion.Journal of Service Research, 2015, 18 (3): 369-383. (ABS 4,SSCIin Business, Ranking8/153;ESI in Economics & Business, Ranking 37/314, Impact Factor:13.396) TangYao,QiQiu,YigangWei(2019). Retaining hotel employees as internal customers: Effect of organizational commitment on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty of employees.International Journal of Hospitality Management,76, 1-8.(ABS 3SSCIWeb of Science高被引论文) QiQiu,YaniWang, ShiQiao, RongLiu, ZiyiBian,TangYao*, & ThaiSonNguyen.(2020). Does air pollution affect consumer online purchasing behavior? The effect of environmental psychology and evidence from China.Journal of Cleaner Production,260(7),120795. (SSCI) Yani Wang, Jun Wang*,Tang Yao*,&Ming Li. (2020).What makes a peer helpfulness evaluation in online review communities? An empirical research based on persuasion effect.Online Information Review, 44(6), 1267-1286. (SCI, IF: 1.928, JCR:Q2) Yani Wang, Jun Wang*,Tang Yao*,MingLi, & XiaoruiWang. (2020). How does social support promote consumers' engagement in the social commerce community? The mediating effect of consumer involvement.Information ProcessingandManagement,57(5), 102272. (SSCI) Wei, Y., Zhu, X., Li, Y.,Yao, T.*, & Tao, Y. (2019). Influential factors of national and regional CO2emission in China based on combined model of DPSIR and PLS-SEM.Journal of Cleaner Production, 698-712.(SSCI) Yani Wang, Jun Wang, &Tang Yao(2018).What makes a helpful online review? Ameta-analysis of review characteristics.Electronic Commerce Research, 1-28.(SSCI) Wei, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, H.,Yao, T.*, & Li, Y. (2018). Promoting inclusive water governance and forecasting the structure of water consumption based on compositional data: A case study of Beijing.Science of the Total Environment,634, 407-416.(SCI) Wei, Yigang, Jie Gu, Huiwen Wang,Tang Yao*,and Zezhou Wu. (2018). Uncovering the culprits of air pollution: Evidence from China's economic sectors and regional heterogeneities.Journal of Cleaner Production,171, 1481-1493.(SSCI) YingLiu,TangYao,YunliBai, Yu Liu.The sustainability of drinking water supply in rural China: Does theprovision of drinking water investment mismatch the demand ofresidents?.Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,96: 34-40.(SCI) Qiuying Zheng,Tang Yao, Xiucheng Fan. Improving customer well-being through two-way online social support.Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 2016, 26 (2): 179-202. (SSCI) 段珅,王大海,姚唐,邱琪. (2018).自我建构对消费者促销方式偏好的影响.管理科学, 31(6), 132-148.(CSSCI) 李晨溪,姚唐*. (2019).气象因素如何影响消费行为?基于情境营销理论的气象营销机制.心理科学进展, 2019,27(2): 191-200.(CSSCI) 王艳芝,姚唐*,卢宏亮. (2018).结伴购物情境下消费者冲动购买行为发生机理.心理科学进展, 2018,26(11): 1915-1927.(CSSCI) 张美萱,吴瑞林,张涵,田奕真,杨鹿野,姚唐.“电子钱包”让人花钱更多?——手机支付的心理账户效应.心理科学, 2018,41(4):904-909.(CSSCI)(获得《心理科学》期刊年度优秀论文奖) 姚唐,邱琪,穆琳,郑秋莹,肖为群.社会支持视角下顾客在线互助心理和行为机制.心理科学进展, 2017, 25(6):912–922.(CSSCI) 郑秋莹,姚唐*,曹花蕊,范秀成.是单纯享乐还是自我实现?顾客参与生产性消费的体验价值,心理科学进展,2017,25(2):191-200.(CSSCI) 姚唐,肖为群,邱琪,郑秋莹.中国服务企业市场导向对企业绩效的影响.中国科技论坛, 2015, (9): 69-74. (CSSCI) 邱琪,郑秋莹,姚唐*.顾客间互动影响服务品牌象征价值的心理机制.心理科学进展, 2015, 23 (6): 937-945. (CSSCI) 武光,欧阳桃花,姚唐.战略性新兴产业情境下的企业商业模式动态转换:基于太阳能光伏企业案例.管理评论, 2015, 27 (11): 217-230. (CSSCI) 王大海,姚唐,姚飞.买还是不买——矛盾态度视角下的生态产品购买意向研究.南开管理评论, 2015, 18 (2): 136-146. (CSSCI) 姚唐,邱琪,郑秋莹,曹花蕊,李惠璠.食品危机中调节焦点对衍生多样化寻求影响研究.软科学, 2014, 28 (8): 32-35. (CSSCI) 曹花蕊,杜伟强,姚唐,范秀成.顾客参与内容创造的个体心理和群体创造机制.心理科学进展, 2014, 22 (5): 746-759. (CSSCI) 郑秋莹,姚唐,范秀成,穆琳,曹花蕊.基于Meta分析的“顾客满意-顾客忠诚”关系影响因素研究.管理评论, 2014, 26 (2): 111-120. (CSSCI) 姚唐,郑秋莹,李惠璠,邱琪,曹花蕊,吴瑞林. Web 2.0环境中顾客参与的实现型快乐感形成机制.心理科学进展,2013, 21 (8): 1347-1356.(CSSCI)(人大复印资料全文转载) 王大海,姚唐,白琼.信用卡积分计划中顾客忠诚的影响因素.现代财经, 2013, (3): 106-118. (CSSCI) 李惠璠,罗海成,姚唐.企业形象在顾客忠诚策略中的作用——来自零售银行业的证据.管理评论, 2012, 24 (6): 88-97. (CSSCI) 姚唐,郑秋莹,邱琪,范秀成.网络旅游消费者参与心理与行为的实证研究.旅游学刊,2014, 29 (2): 66-74. (CSSCI)(人大复印资料全文转载) 姚唐,秦海林,席文,欧阳桃花.跨国服务企业对华知识转移模式研究.管理学报, 2014, 11 (1): 107-115. (CSSCI) 范秀成,郑秋莹,姚唐,穆琳.顾客满意带来什么忠诚.管理世界,2009, (2): 83-91. (CSSCI) 姚唐,黄文波,范秀成.基于组织承诺机制的服务业员工忠诚度研究.管理世界,2008 (5): 102-123. (CSSCI) 李桂华,姚唐.信息透明度对B2B交易场作用的博弈分析.南开管理评论,2004,8 (5): 88-92. (CSSCI)(获得天津大学-南大开学学术节优秀论文奖) 姚唐,黄文波,范秀成.内部营销视角下饭店员工忠诚度研究.旅游学刊,2008,23 (5): 62-67. (CSSCI) 李桂华,姚唐,王淑翠.影响企业购买行为因素的概念化模型及其分析.现代财经,2007, 27 (10): 58-61. (CSSCI) 方楚,郑秋莹,姚唐,穆琳,范秀成.顾客价值驱动的企业绩效模型:元分析验证.现代管理科学,2011,(8):8-10. (CSSCI) 会议论文 李惠璠,罗海成,姚唐.企业形象在顾客忠诚策略中的作用——来自零售银行业的证据. 2010JMS中国营销科学学术年会.(获得2010JMS大会优秀论文奖) 姚唐,郑秋莹.网络顾客参与心理及行为的自我决定机制研究,2010年营销科学年会,对外经贸大学. 范秀成,郑秋莹,姚唐,穆琳. 顾客满意带来什么忠诚. 2008JMS中国营销科学学术年会,2008.优秀论文. 李桂华,姚唐.中国企业购买行为影响因素实证研究.中国高校市场营销学会2008年会,2008. QiuQi,Chen Li-Ping,Yao Tang,Zheng QiuYing,Yang Zhen. The effect of Country of Brand image on symbolic value: Brand prestige as a mediator. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering-Annual Conference Proceedings, October 17, 2014. (EI) Yao Tang, Zheng Qiuying, Mu Lin, Qiu Qi. Psychological Mechanism of Consumer Participation Behavior in Hedonic Website 2013 International Conference on Psychology, Management and Social Science, 2013/1/23-2013/1/24, 2013/1/23 (ISTP) Yao Tang, Qiu Qi, Zheng Qiuying, Mu Lin. Meta-view of Consequence of Customer Satisfaction. 2013 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management - Proceedings of ICSSSM 2013, 2013/7/17-2013/7/19, 2013/7/17 (EI) Mu Lin, Yao Tang, Cao Huarui, Zheng Qiuying. What Bring About Consumers Share on the Internet?2013 International Conference on Psychology, Management and Social Science, 2013/1/23-2013/1/24, 2013/1/24. (ISTP) Zheng Qiuying, Yao Tang, Mu Lin. Why Customers Like Technology Interface Creative Leisure Activity?. Proceedings of 2012 Exchange Conference - International Marketing Science and Information Technology, 2012/6/2-2012/6/3, 2012/6/2. (ISTP) Lin Mu, Tang Yao, Huarui Cao, Qiuying Zheng. Research on the mechanism of Internet consumer generated media, International Conference on Management & Service Science 2011. (Indexed by EI & ISTP) Tang Yao, Qiuying Zheng, Lin Mu, Xiucheng Fan. Are satisfied customers always loyal? - A meta-analytic review & assessment of moderators of customer satisfaction-loyalty relationship, International Conference on Management & Service Science 2011. (EI & ISTP) Tang Yao, Xiucheng Fan, Qiuying Zheng, Lin Mu.A Meta-analysis of Value-driven Service Customer Satisfaction.The 4th International Conference on Management & Service ScienceMASS 2010. (EI & ISTP) Lin Mu, Tang Yao, Qiuying Zheng.Does Satisfaction Really Influence Loyalty? ----Based On Meta-Analysis.The 4th International Conference on Management & Service ScienceMASS 2010. (EI & ISTP) Zheng qiuying, Yao tang, Mu lin, Fan xiucheng. Are satisfied customers always loyal? - A meta-analytic review & assessment of moderators of customer satisfaction-loyalty relationship. International Conference on Management & Service Science, MASS 2011. Yao tang, Mu lin, Zheng qiuying. Empirical analysis of influence facotors in Chinese B2B purchase decision orientation. Nankai University-ChonBuk Naitonal Univesity the 4th Intertional Conference of Marketing. 2008, 114-133. YaoTang, Zheng qiuying, Mu lin. Transparency of information on the field of B2B transations game theory. Nankai University-ChonBuk Naitonal Univesity the 4th Intertional Conference of Marketing. 2008, 369-378. Li guihua, Yao tang. An emprical research on influential factors in Chinese enterprise purchase behavior. Nankai University-ChonBuk Naitonal Univesity the 2nd Intertional Conference of Marketing. 2006, 1-15. Zheng, Qiuying,Yao, Tang,Mu, Lin,Cao, Huarui. Paradigm shift of customer satisfaction studies in service research: A meta-analytical review of the antecedents of service satisfaction. Source: Proceedings-2012 International Joint Conference on Service Sciences, Service Innovation in Emerging Economy: Cross-Disciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspective, IJCSS 2012, 134-137, 2012. Mu, Lin,Yao, Tang,Cao, Hua Rui,Zheng, Qiuying. Research on the psychology mechanism of consumer internet sharing behavior. Proceedings - 2012 International Joint Conference on Service Sciences, Service Innovation in Emerging Economy: Cross-Disciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspective, IJCSS 2012, 143-146, 2012. Zheng, Qiu-Ying,Yao, Tang,Qiu, Qi,Cao, Hua-Rui.Research on the mechanism of self-determination for online customer participation psychology and behavior. Source: International Conference on Management Science and Engineering - Annual Conference Proceedings, 53-58, 2012 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2012 - 19th Annual Conference Proceeding. Qiu, Qi,Yao, Tang,Zheng, Qiu-Ying,Cao, Hua-Rui. Consumers' perception of the internationalism effect on symbolic value: Brand prestige as a mediator. Source: International Conference on Management Science and Engineering - Annual Conference Proceedings, 721-726, 2012 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2012 - 19th Annual Conference Proceeding Mu Lin, Cao Huarui, Yao Tang.Why Consumers Like Sharing on the Internet?Proceedings of 2012 Exchange Conference - International Marketing Science and Information Technology, 2012/6/2-2012/6/3, 2012/6/2. (ISTP) Mu Lin, Yao Tang, Cao Huarui, Zheng Qiuying. What Bring About Consumers Share on the Internet?2013 International Conference on Psychology, Management and Social Science, 2013/1/23-2013/1/24, 2013/1/24. (ISTP)


担任国家自然科学基金委管理学部通讯评审,Association for Consumer Research(ACR美国消费者研究协会)审稿人、Journal of ServiceResearch(ABS4)、Journal of Service Theory and Practice、Information ProcessingandManagement、Journal ofContemporaryMarketingScience、Journal of Cleaner Production、管理科学学报、南开管理评论、管理学报、营销科学学报、心理科学进展、心理科学等国内外重要学术期刊和会议审稿人 复旦大学服务营销和服务管理研究中心客座研究员 中国高校市场研究会会员
