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1) J.X. Chen, D. Liu, C. Zhang, J. Li, H. Zhang and C. K. Kim “A TheoreticalRe-examination of the π-Bond Strengths for SiH2=XHnsystems”,(2014 submitted) 2) H Zhang,L.J Hong, J. X. Chen, F, Mei, J. Li andC. K. Kim “AdsorptionDesulfurization on Azoles Modified ZSM5 Zeolite: A Theoretical Study” Asia. J.Chem.,2014,26,129-130 3) 1、W. Zhu, X.Q. Liu, X. D. Hou, J. X. Chen, C. K Kim and K. L. Xu*a “Modelling of catalyticallyoxidative decomposition of carbon tetrachloride on a ZnS nanocluster usingdensity functional theory” Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, 4, 1038-46 4) J.X. Chen, C. K.Kim, H. W. Lee, Y. Xue, C. K. Kim, “Re-examination of the p-Bond Strengths within CH2=XHnsystems: A Theoretical Study” J. Comp. Chem, 2011 May; 32(7):1361-7. 5) J.X. Chen, C. K.Kim, C. K. Kim, “Re-examination of the p-Bond Energies in Doubly-BondedSpecies: A Theoretical Study” Bull. Korean Chem. Soc 2010, 31(1), 174-176
